if you get addicted to pain killers you might be able to lose enough weight that it becomes net benefit to your health, just a thought, you also get to get high!
I would honestly suggest low-level amphetamines if you're going to do this. They are less dangerous. While addictive, adderall is a shitload easier to ween yourself off of then even hydrocodone. And they'll make you better at life (at least in the short turn) rather than making you not give a shit about it the way painkillers have a tendency to do.
Yah adderal is the way to do it. You get shit done, you're not as hungry, it doesn't turn you into a junkie unless you're a moron and pop the shit like pez
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-02-04
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n/a tot22 2017-02-04
Hey u/crystal_killer, why not try putting some of that effort into actually losing weight? I lost 70 pounds last year, it's actually super easy.
n/a sinnerdinner 2017-02-04
if you get addicted to pain killers you might be able to lose enough weight that it becomes net benefit to your health, just a thought, you also get to get high!
n/a FuckURedditor 2017-02-04
I would honestly suggest low-level amphetamines if you're going to do this. They are less dangerous. While addictive, adderall is a shitload easier to ween yourself off of then even hydrocodone. And they'll make you better at life (at least in the short turn) rather than making you not give a shit about it the way painkillers have a tendency to do.
n/a JumbledFun 2017-02-04
Yah adderal is the way to do it. You get shit done, you're not as hungry, it doesn't turn you into a junkie unless you're a moron and pop the shit like pez
n/a ieatpussy69 2017-02-04
If I mix the two will I get double weight loss?
n/a chanilastname 2017-02-04
Try it and let us know
n/a FuckURedditor 2017-02-04
I weigh 160 lbs and love fries. Come at me, bitches.
n/a shaneoffline 2017-02-04
post elbows
n/a cantsaythat 2017-02-04
Yeah, but you're only 5 feet tall.
n/a ieatpussy69 2017-02-04
Everyone likes fries, the difference is some get the small and others get the super size
n/a chanilastname 2017-02-04
Who tf gets a small?
n/a ieatpussy69 2017-02-04
It's a thin privilege
n/a JimmiDog 2017-02-04
I love fries too but when I get a serving I eat about 1/3 and throw the rest out because I have self control.