CBS Reports Statue of Liberty is a Muslim Woman, people wonder if they are reading the Onion by mistake.

122  2017-02-05 by JaseyLoans


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Yeah look at what she's wearing.

What a slut, not even covered properly.

This is 70s Iran

Shia aren't Muslims


Shia are heretics, they worship gravestones and mutilate themselves in public, they are basically LARPing as Muslims for some perverted reason

Because we all know that [insert faith/religion/cult here] is the only true [faith/religion/cult]!

No, Sunni Islam is the only true religion

Hahahaha. Clearly, because we should naturally trust the word of a murderous paedophile who has discussions with imaginary friends.

No, much better to trust the word of some British faggot professor with a polo sweater who says God doesn't exist over a noble warlord who founded a world-conquering ethos that unites all races into a powerful brotherhood

I'm not British. And a polo sweater? Jumping Jesus Christ, that's more blasphemous than a hentai starring Mohammed. Delete your account.

user reports:
1: sex negativity

Amazingly some of us form our own beliefs without attaching to a figurehead. Weird, right? We're not all as emotionally abused as you, I guess.

How is that on a shitposting sub we still have buttblasted atheists

I'm butt blasted because you're le sheeple? That's retarded but OK

Get fucked, SUFISM RISING!

The true words of the prophet shall be accepted by all nations brother inshallah

But still islams?

LARPing as Muslims

OK, that made me laugh.

Shia" aren't Muslims. They're Leboufs!

you aren't real muslim. Allahu akbar.


Does this mean we have to throw acid on the Statue of Liberty? Because we'd have to get a lot of acid. Like at least 3 barrels of the stuff.

yeah that toga, neoclassical design, greek headband and christian tablet could look vaguely muslim if you didn't pass 3rd grade

What's fird gwade

fake news: you've had sex


Stop trying to make Islam happen. It's not going to happen.

these people are no different than the weird old ladies who constantly try to talk to you about jesus

Except more 'splodey

Death to those who say Islam is violent.

لم أسامة لا تظلمون

كيف يمكنك أن ترفض عنزة

Seriously, we didn't just got through the last 20 of decoupling religion from the public sphere to have them blow their way right back in.

The pendulum always swings back.

The news equivalent of agendaposting

>Inanimate object given religious beliefs

Inanimate? Haven't you seen that Ghostbusters movie?

Doubt it. The remake was crap.

II, not the remake

Ah. My fault.

Good movie though.

CNN should eat this right up to push their ideals. So will the Alt Right bc of the obvious absurdity of it.

Alhaimduillah we wuz liberty and sheit

I don't think we can stone something that big to death

I'm sure the Taliban would figure out a way eventually. They've got it down to an art.

forgetting about trebuchets

Thanks for coming out tonight

Aren't you supposed to never post again?

Srsly, why can't the left learn any lessons whatsoever? They're giving the country away

This comment really brings me back to talking to my 50 year old, dim as a post, societal leech of an uncle, who lacks any understanding of sociology or the economy.

You should kill yourself

>implying sociology is an actual branch of science respected by anyone but other sociologists

It's undeniably useful independent of whether or not you consider it science.

True science isn't about labelling shit like we're eleven.

Except for the fact that most of it doesn't rely on empirical evidence, is always politicized, contradicts with science that actually DOES have empirical evidence, and some of it is completely fabricated for the sake of pushing an agenda.

The last point you made can be said about virtually any scientific discipline. I can see you're not interested in serious discussion. Have fun senior year.

I see you hopped on my last point because it's the only one you have a (mediocre) refutation for. About as much as I'd expect for an advocate of sociology :^). Have fun in Liberal Arts class.

I graduated last year with a STEM degree, but I appreciate basic science of any kind (unlike you.) I jumped on your last point because it was the only one worth discussing. I don't waste my time with platitudes.

Excellent emoticon, mediocre banter.

You're not even making a coherent point beyond 'I appreciate science of any kind.' If anyone's guilty of making platitudes, it's you.

It's undeniably useful independent of whether or not you consider it science.

The literal first sentence I typed to you was a coherent point, that we went on to discuss.

Hey, great try though. I can see you put a lot of work in, and I don't want to invalidate that.

I am glad we are continuing this argument a day later.

My bad, sometimes I don't check reddit for a while because I am doing other things. I didn't realize you being retarded became invalid over time.

Ffs, I get that the Democrats are mostly right, but they're not trying to fix their approach at all.

I agree with you, though I don't consider myself strictly a "democrat"

I just don't use reddit with any serious intentions, so I tell dim witted people to off themselves.

Democrats are only good at major issues like war and the economy. When those aren't problems, they get distracted with filling out their affirmative action bingo cards.

Once U3 hits 10% and the invasion of Iran turns sour, the left will get their act together and become capable and well-meaning again, repeating the cycle.

The economy's a problem for a lot of people. They've decided a pampered billionaire is a better option than the Democrats, and for them, it might somehow be

Notice how no one mentions that Republicans are only 5 governors away from being to amend the constitution? You can't explain that away with gerrymandering.


This is bizzarely reminiscent of what happens in Michel Houellebecq's novel Submission.

newsflash, CUCKS: the statue of liberty has always been muslim deal with it christfags

So some kind of Alternative Statue of Liberty.


Back in my day the story was that the (((French))) originally designed Lady Liberty to be a black woman. Damn kids and your muslims.

The statue’s designer, Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi, was also French, but he found inspiration in a very different place: Egypt. In 1855, he visited Nubian monuments at Abu Simbel, which feature tombs guarded by gigantic colossus figures. Bartholdi became fascinated by the ancient architecture, developing what the National Park Service calls a “passion for large-scale public monuments and colossal structures.” Eventually, he channeled that passion into a proposal for the inauguration of the Suez Canal.

Bartholdi envisioned a colossal monument featuring a robe-clad woman representing Egypt to stand at Port Said, the city at the northern terminus of the canal in Egypt. To prep for this undertaking, Barry Moreno, author of multiple books about the statue, writes that Bartholdi studied art like the Colossus, honing the concept for a figure called Libertas who would stand at the canal. “Taking the form of a veiled peasant woman,” writes Moreno, “the statue was to stand 86 feet high, and its pedestal was to rise to a height of 48 feet.” Early models of the statue were called “Egypt Carrying the Light to Asia.”

TIL Egyptian Gods are Muslim

The famous Muslim Colossus

veiled peasant woman

Sounds muslim to me.

The veil existed before Islam, it's actually useful in the desert


Visited it in 1855, clearly the monuments were ancient.

Ah yes, the Famous Veiled women Cleopatra, another world-famous Muslim.

> peasant woman

> Cleopatra

u wot m8?

Why is that bust of Cleopatra white

In case this a serious question:

Ancient statues often survive showing the bare surface of the material of which they are made. For example, many people associate Greek classical art with white marble sculpture, but there is evidence that many statues were painted in bright colours.[3] Most of the colour was weathered off over time; small remnants were removed during cleaning; in some cases small traces remained which could be identified.

And Cleopatra was Macedonian, so probably "white" in our currents stantards.

Off yourself cumskin

rude, my skin is just a bit paler in winter

And Cleopatra was Macedonian

You are thinking of a different Cleopatra. It wasn't exactly an uncommon name throughout history.

When you try to sound clever

good lord, america is imploding

@CBSNews #FakeNews anything to get people to accept Muslim refugees? Total propaganda

Of course someone tied refugees into there.

He's not totally wrong.

This sudden discovery comes out right after he Muslim ban and the same time as the German magazine cover of trump beheading then statue.

Really makes you think...

well just as long as she's not French anymore, that's cool.

Oh. My bad.

Good movie.

"Statue of Liberty was originally intended to be a Muslim woman"

*originally intended

people are arguing over a statue that doesn't exist. If that's not drama I dunno what is. Twitter has made 2/3 the population raving retards.