Fandom, consent, and Tumblr's Josh Macedo scandal

28  2017-02-05 by snallygaster


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Josh Macedo


Tumblr's Josh Macedo

Are we seriously supposed to know and care about the latest tumblr fad? What is this guy, the Len of social media?

The article tells you who it is and why to care dummy

I see nothing in that article that makes me care if you lives or dies. But that could just be normie outlook

You could say 'how am i supposed to know and care about x' for anyone/thing posted here, yet here we all are


i remember this vividly and now im being forced to remember my highschool tumblr blog so thanks for that :C

The standard feminist """"man"""", too weak/effeminate to woo women on their own honest terms, so they use subversive tactics, gaslighting, etc. You see this a lot in the PNW.

Snally knows the shit the rest of us are too lazy to find.

I am a man of simple pleasures. I drink coffee, I like post-modern literature, wearing suits, attractive people and beers after work and more than anything in this world I want to adopt a guinea pig and name it SPEED METAL

A product of a dying society.

This is what you get for becoming popular primarily from Tumblr. Besides, haven't they learned that there's no such thing as a good man? They're all potential sexual harrassers or assaulters waiting to happen.

yeah nigga get back in your friend zone, says the hambeast

Mooooooo says the cow.

Quack says the duck.

Woof says the dog.

Men can't be victims because they're members of the ruling patriarchy says the 250lb LADY with the neon red pixie cut.

Well at least he's not living like a sultan with a harem of pregnant teen girls who will shave their head if he thinks they wronged him and a wife with her own harem.

This is interesting, is there an actual trend of e-celebrity male feminists being habitual line steppers, looking to have sex with groupies, assholes, rapists and generally not living up to what they preach in some way or another, or is it that every time it happens it gets lots of publicity on lady-centric media outlets like this one.

Also what happens to this guy now does he just go dark and back into normieworld.

This is interesting, is there an actual trend of e-celebrity male feminists being habitual line steppers, looking to have sex with groupies, assholes, rapists and generally not living up to what they preach in some way or another, or is it that every time it happens it gets lots of publicity on lady-centric media outlets like this one.

I'd say it's the former, if there's something that's ripe for exploitation then there are bound to be lots of people taking advantage of it.

Men were a mistake.

i love the drama that you find snally


The first mistake was believing that guy is any younger than 35.

Or maybe he is, and just looks like shit, I dunno.

He looks like one of those people who looks older than he is but will look exactly the same for the next 3 decades imo.