Someone loses their shit because their communist fantasy isn't real

4  2017-02-05 by aonome


Now with added Cancer!


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This comment is really where the meltdown starts.

Well… to be fair, the dude you responded to had a relatively meaningful discussion with that other dude re: credit bubble in UK and you came in like an elephant in china store with, even by Reddit insult standards, pathetic provocation.

Then trying to sell your bullshit as drama.

That's pretty… lame.

Are you new here?

Oh, please… enlighten…

This is a troll sub, where people troll people on other subs. So you're telling them they acted like an asshole is probably not going to be something that people here give a shit about.

Oh, I get that… it's just this dude thinks he did something worthy of this sub.

This is a troll sub, where people troll people on other subs.

No it's not you fucking tourist. jfc this is what you retards actually think No wonder I have to remove so many of your stupid posts.

This high school level "trolling" is not drama. gtfo

Some dude had a meltdown, it's a good submission. You're agendamodding

If you think this is a good submission you just have absolute shit taste in drama.

Go back to cringepics or TiA or IGTHFT or wherever else shares your useless edgy le epic teenage trole sense of humor.

You're the worst drama mod

You're the worse drama user. Maybe we should kiss?

I'm actually really good, my submission was stickied once

lol we sticky dumb shit all the time. Actually, I think I was the one that stickied it. lol


Listen man, I hate removing posts. All the drama mods do. Because mod work is gross. And we almost never had to until recently because people in this community understood what drama looked like.

Lately though it's all "haha look at this person who disagrees with me" or "lulz look how I supertrolled this normie" or "librul tears amirite" or "hey here's a thread with zero drama but a whole lot of some weird ass political ideology I want to spread".

We just want actual drama please. Or funny shitposts. Not stupid, brief, low effort manufactured slapfights that you can find in literally every single reddit thread ever.

And now I'm cranky and exhausted because you made me write a bunch of words. ;_;

This stuff always used to get a good reception here but OK

Not always. Just in like the last 6mo or so. Maybe the last year, idk, I was on sabbatical. We used to utterly destroy the OPs of shit drama. We probably would've made you actually irl cry a couple of years ago lol.

And it really is nothing personal. Shit has just gotten a little out of hand lately so we're trying to correct it a bit. Hope that makes sense.

From now on I'll only post Snally-tier drama to be safe

We all aspire to reach snally tier. (:

UK Politics

Booooring, they don't even have funny orange rich people over there

UK politics is a shitshow right now and has been for a year.

I'm aware of Commie Corbyn but he's the only remotely funny person in UK politics

May is a snooping Cruella De Vil, Farage is out of the picture and Farron is a literally who