Tears fly in r/Imfourteenandthisisoffensive when a nude picture of our lord and emperor gets posted

30  2017-02-05 by Faked_Beans


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Yeah, it's already old, but it's /r/imgoingtohellforthis, so who cares

Does anyone really have any idea how you would go about making /r/ImGoingToHellForThis not shit? Maybe approved submitters? It's pretty much on tier with /r/funny in its shitty content, even without the dumb politicking.

Only allow jokes about white people

Only allow jokes about white people

The internet's gone entirely to shit since they started letting the ethnics in.

Oh, come on.

I think women have a lot of responsibility as well.

A strong case can be made that moral panics are tied very strongly to women's participation in Democracy. Prohibition, banning prostitution, the drug war; there would have been very little political support for any of those things without women voters.

it's not that women are evil, it's that they need to be held accountable for their shit behavior and terrible decision making the same way they demand men be held accountable for ours. If they want to talk about 'toxic masculinity', let's talk about the literally millions of lives destroyed by school-marmism--people arrested for 'crimes' that hurt no one, deaths and other crimes caused as bad actors try to conquer black markets, and millions of dollars and countless hours of activist energy spent undoing problems that never should have been caused in the first place, and why? Because **'Won't someone please think of the children/women/socety' being used as cover for a bunch of cunty control freaks who never got over the power trip of parenthood.

Sometimes these movements are lead by men, but not often, and even when they are, it's usually one puppet blowhard with a thousand silver-haired (or these days, purple) old biddies pulling the strong behind him.

it's not that women are evil

ugh, you know what really infuriates me? why you sjw are always trying to find some phony excuses to women

It was shit from day 1, and will be shit until the heat death of the universe. The premise is shit, it will always be shit.

Not subscribing works pretty well for me.

Dude, it's a joke that encourages edgy comedy. You're never not going to see a swarm of teenagers trying to out-edge one another.

Does anyone really have any idea how you would go about making /r/ImGoingToHellForThis not shit?

Yes. The first step is banning whiny bitches like yourself.

classic alt right jokes

Implying alt right is a thing

"Trump don't give a fuck about what you post on the net"


How nice of you OP to link my comment. I am not even American and these "Chutiyas" got so butthurt by my comment. Both sides.

One even said you have to accept him as your president. Kek.

The best thing was me writing 8 years. That seemed to have hurt the leftists. Hahahha

That seemed to have hurt the leftists. Hahahha

Yeahhh hahahahhha butthurt leftists lol

Its almost as if you didn't even read my comment properly.

That seemed to have hurt the leftists. Hahahha

Did I read that part correctly?

One even said you have to accept him as your president. Kek.

but it was perfectly fine for fat rednecks to scream that Obama wasn't "their president", make monkey memes about him, and claim that he was born in Kenya.

Do you believe north or south Indians are superior?


Neither, only people from west India ie Gujarat, Maharashtra and Goa are superior

TIL /r/ImGoingToGoshDiddlingHeckForThis has standards on what qualifies as cancer.

Lol what a fatty

This is why Trump won.

exactly, fat Americans wanted to vote one of their own in.

identity politics smh

>another picture of a naked old fat guy

I wonder how many of them fap to this.


As a Trump supporter, I think it's awesome the way he's standing there in a super-hero pose, looking like, 'Yeah bitch, spray me down!'.

If a man feels confident when that picture is taken, then he is definitely a leader of men.

I feel bad telling you this after you've probably already masturbated but this is fake.