I was required to read The Sound and the Fury in high school, and I can honestly say it was one of the most grueling, unpleasant experiences in my life.
One of the other kids tied my shoelaces together once. That was a pretty gruelling couple of days.
A character from The Sound and the Fury is retarded.
And that person is right, the book is garbage. I actually like Faulkner's short stories way more. He's way too up his own ass about being from the south.
I was required to read The Sound and the Fury in high school, and I can honestly say it was one of the most grueling, unpleasant experiences in my life.
So ableist. I can't even think straight after reading your hurtful comment. I can't do simple math and my hygiene and social skills have suffered because of the violence you just committed. I have an enlarged tongue and I wear an Incredible Hulk t-shirt every day now, you monster.
Imagine 'reading' through 300 pages if random words with no relation to each other. The physical engagement of reading would occur, but no information, no reward would be had. That would be a long, difficult, and I would argue grueling task.
Oh, so this is what people are talking about when they say "I don't like reading books" ?
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-02-05
Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a ____________13 2017-02-05
One of the other kids tied my shoelaces together once. That was a pretty gruelling couple of days.
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-02-05
And then I was called a "tard" and was literally (((triggered))) for weeks!
n/a atakeonhooper 2017-02-05
A character from The Sound and the Fury is retarded.
And that person is right, the book is garbage. I actually like Faulkner's short stories way more. He's way too up his own ass about being from the south.
n/a subpoutine 2017-02-05
lol your mom probably isn't even a fish, dork.
n/a atakeonhooper 2017-02-05
you remember in middle school when people would say dork means a whale's penis
do you think that was ever true
n/a subpoutine 2017-02-05
Uh, no? I'm, like, in école secondaire and literally no one says that.
n/a atakeonhooper 2017-02-05
fag school?
n/a bleasehalb 2017-02-05
That book is actually god tier pls remove yourself from life.
n/a hotblondeboob 2017-02-05
I wish my life was as easy as his.
n/a Nerdlinger 2017-02-05
n/a slickknave 2017-02-05
Reading this was grueling!
n/a Strephyl 2017-02-05
stop shouting that hurts my ears
n/a YearsandMonths 2017-02-05
These are the same people that think pronouns are violence, so reading being grueling makes a lot of sense in comparison.
n/a cuteman 2017-02-05
Trump is anti science but there's definitely 50+ genders.
n/a subpoutine 2017-02-05
/u/Torger083 no readed good for person who say he read much.
n/a xjapxn 2017-02-05
Another agenda post, another sodium-rich flair courtesy /u/HAHApointsatyou
n/a HAHApointsatyou 2017-02-05
lol I didn't even flair this post, you retarded retard.
n/a TonyFuckingDanza 2017-02-05
So ableist. I can't even think straight after reading your hurtful comment. I can't do simple math and my hygiene and social skills have suffered because of the violence you just committed. I have an enlarged tongue and I wear an Incredible Hulk t-shirt every day now, you monster.
n/a HAHApointsatyou 2017-02-05
kys you genetic flunkie. (:
n/a xjapxn 2017-02-05
Point stands you walking talking salt lick
n/a HAHApointsatyou 2017-02-05
Except it doesn't. lol
n/a Tooshortmyass 2017-02-05
You're still salty and ass blasted, that part stands.
n/a HAHApointsatyou 2017-02-05
lol ok champ XD
n/a CirqueDuFuder 2017-02-05
I'm so confused by this running bit.
n/a HAHApointsatyou 2017-02-05
Me too actually. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
n/a slickknave 2017-02-05
Didn't really mean it as an agenda post but the spirit is there.
n/a moudougou 2017-02-05
Oh, so this is what people are talking about when they say "I don't like reading books" ?