Infographic: Drama Users IRL

194  2017-02-05 by lvl99SkrubRekker


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. This Post -,,*

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me too thanks


You even remembered to include our mental disabilities!


being fat brony fags

Why haven't we made a decision about our cheeto fingers, tho?

Holding hands is worse than premarital sex

Drama users go downstairs at Thanksgiving, briefly mumble, ‘Hi,’ everyone asks him how community college is going, he mumbles something about a 2.0 average, goes back upstairs with a loaf of bread and some peanut butter, and gets back to gaming and masturbating.

How about us not living in areas that does not celebrate genocide of the native populations?

How about us not living in areas that does not celebrate genocide of the native populations?

You accidentally double-negative btw.

sue me

me too thanks

me too thanks

This definitely doesn't apply to me. My fat rolls aren't modeled on here.


Is this how everybody else looks? I always imagined r/drama users to be skinny, anxiety-filled drug addicts.

o shit. I thought i was special.

I think we're a mix of skinny drug addicts, fat alcoholics, and people awaiting for our next relapse who work out.

In conclusion, we're all thoroughly unloveable.

Don't "I don't mind" and "go for it" already imply permission? Two of these options are redundant.

"Go For It" is more enthusiastic consent, I guess.

LemonScore had never experienced enthusiastic consent, I guess.

Only yes means yes. Except when yes means no instead

me too thanks

almost a year

get your normalfag shit outa here

who /wizard's apprentice/ here?

What age is that at? I'm sure I'll hit it eventually.

Wizard apprentice is teenage years.

That was a while ago :( Wizard is 35, right? Is there anything in between those?

Wizard is 30.

That's depressingly soon.

If you don't want to embrace your destiny, there's always craigslist.

Here. I've gone about a year now constantly thinking about suicide. Lol

me too thanks

My therapist restrained me once so that counts

almost a year

stop bragging

This normie was touched a year ago, try being a kissless non-hand holding non female eye contact virgin you Chad

My traps are way bigger than that.

Are you sure they're not dickgirls?

Traps are a peasant muscle, only good for lifting boxes with knuckle dragger length arms and dragging garbage cans like a wagecuck.

Superior lifters build biceps that aren't good for anything except demonstrating your dedication to lifting.

i'm pretty sure i belong in the group where all four should be 100% red thank you very much

being touched

absolute degeneracy

in almost a year

oh you have much to learn

Haha this is so me irl I just might kill myself.

Relevant diagram for u/kazcovic.

are these all the places you want to touch me, babe?

If I said yes wouldn't that make me straight??? I thought you had something against straight females??

You like clam better than sausage? I pegged you as a solid hotdog gobbler.

Very funny.

Terrible comparisons, though. I hate all 3 of those foods. Yet another detail about me you were oblivious to.

I forgot that subtlety and euphemisms is not your thing,I need to be literal. I was referring to penis and vagina.

I know what you were referring to, just that they were terrible comparisons because I didn't like any of those foods. I was making a joke. It's impolite to not laugh at my jokes.

I was being literal ironically.

You're murican right? How could you not like hot dogs, I thought all muricans love hot dogs.

Theres no need to be racist fam.

Do you like fried chicken and watermelon?

Not that either. I'm a picky eater. The list of food I'll eat is shorter than what I won't eat. This is really important info for when you take me out to dinner.

Don't tell me that you are a vegan

Why are you so judgy???

Well I gotta know if I can wear my leather jacket when I take you out to a vegan (sigh) dinner. I'm also guessing you spit instead of swallow because you are vegan

I'm not vegan. You're just an assumptuous jerk.

I'm just an extremely picky eater. I'm not a jerk about it, at least, like Vegans. If someone makes me food I'll try my best to get it down and act like it's delicious. It's nobody else's fault I have a sensitive sense of taste.

do not swallow semen because of their lifestyle?? I wish I had a vegan friend to resolve this mystery.

Well you gave the impression that you were vegan. Am I meant to assume you are lying.

Well at least you are not an asshole. Most picky eaters are assholes.

You didn't answer if you spit or swallow and why would you want a vegan friend

For someone that loves everyone you definitely don't act very loving towards people.

I feel like spitting out semen is a lot more disgusting than actually swallowing it. At least swallowing cleans up the mess. Spitting it out gets saliva and semen everywhere. Swallowing is a lot more practical.

I am very nice in person. The internet brings out my evil side.

OMG reading the second paragraph gave me a little bit of a boner, there was definite blood flow.

How??? I said that in the least sexual way possible???

There is just something about imagining saliva and semen everywhere on a female. There cannot be too much blood flow though, I am at work and it might be embarrassing

Think about your grandma.

Dw I have mastered the angles. I don't blame you, I blame females for being attractive

IDC what you think of females.

You do, we had a long discussion about it, or was that someone else idk. I'm pretty sure it was you

People are allowed to change their minds.

Why did you change your mind?

Because there are less stupid things I can worry about that I never get around to worrying about but probably actually should.

The fact that a group of unattractive dudes hate your gender does not worry you?

Hmmm. I guess it never really did and never will. Really all I wanted to do was poke holes in your argument for the sake of arguing. Tbqh I don't care about most of the things on reddit I argue about.

So I didn't change my mind, per se. I guess as a straight girl I just don't have the appeal to talk about sexy women.

Yeah, I also like arguing for no reason at all. I guess that is why our convos just keep going and going.

Well our discussions I'm pretty sure I talked about Chad more than sexy women. I can't believe I haven't asked, Are you attracted to Chad?

No I'm not attracted to Chad.

There's a reason more than arguing I kept going. But I'm going to go to bed. Well talk later. Maybe.

Fuck being a smartass again.

Well the other reason I kept going was that it was fun. Well okay, I should probably sleep too.

Why can't we touch your hands

Are you questioning OP's boundaries??? That's a little rapey don't you think?

My dad always used to slap and squeeze my ass when i was young, is this normal?

Just asking, haha

Yeah it's normal, your dad still slaps and squeezes my ass when he gets a chance. It's just his way of saying "I appreciate you."

Uh... have you ever tried touching an autistic person?

They hand out hug stickers at mensa so nobody who doesn't want to be touched gets touched.

A common test for milder forms of autism back before it was considered too cruel was to take the child's hand, enclose it in both of yours, and try to look them in the eyes. Kids with super dooper autism can't/won't look you in the eyes no matter what, but milder cases where the kids have been taught to do it can pass under the radar. The hand contact with a stranger makes them that uncomfortable though that they can't focus on both at once.

An accurate /r/drama touch chart would involve that much red you'd think it was the bible belt. There's a reason there's no /r/drama meetup.

Wait... is that true?

