Drama in 2x over Audi advert. Is the wage gap real?

42  2017-02-06 by Standard12


Now with added Cancer!


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u/thedeepandlovelydark, lots of people's experiences are partially or entirely bullshit made up of misconceptions, bias and outright self deception.

Maybe if you're a cishet white dudebro then your experiences are bullshit, but us women and minorities have this sixth sense where all our experiences completely and accurately reflect reality and so cannot be doubted.

Women were a mistake tbh

Can't even get away with paying them less without some do gooder car manufacturer fucking it up.

Adam should had demanded his rib back

its about coke

Oh man, I remember the mini-drama over this ad from a few days ago. I'm sure it was mentioned, but I had no idea they were airing during the Super Bowl.

Its crazy how the trolls were all over this thread before anyone else.

Apparently people who point out that it's a false statement are trolls. Not supporting the narrative's alternate facts makes you a troll.

Don't you realize that reality is a narrative? /s

I follow gender drama more than any other type and, as I mentioned in the other thread, I don't think feminists are being dogmatic. I genuinely think that they don't understand the difference between this:

A woman working full time, year-round earns $10,800 less per year than a man, based on median annual earnings.

and this:

Women make 21% less than men do for the same job

Oh man, I remember the mini-drama over this ad from a few days ago. I'm sure it was mentioned, but I had no idea they were airing during the Super Bowl.

Its crazy how the trolls were all over this thread before anyone else.

Apparently people who point out that it's a false statement are trolls. Not supporting the narrative's lies makes you a troll.

Don't you realize that reality is a narrative? /s

I follow gender drama more than any other type and, as I mentioned in the other thread, I don't think feminists are being dogmatic. I genuinely think that they don't understand the difference between this:

A woman working full time, year-round earns $10,800 less per year than a man, based on median annual earnings.

and this:

Women make 21% less than men do for the same job

AlternateFactsBot: What's my purpose?

Uncle Rick: You for some reason copy-paste entire comments simply because it contains the word "lies".

AlternateFactsBot: D'oh...

It actually looks for "alternate facts" and replaces it with "lies." What a little memester!!!!

It actually looks for "lies" and replaces it with "lies." What a little memester!!!!

I love your alternate facts and voting (((you))) down

I love your lies and voting (((you))) down


My name is Myra Berman; I was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer and have been recently told by my doctor that I have limited days to live due to the escalation of my cancer.

I was married to Hansen Berman who passed away recently in an automobile crash, when my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $35,000,000 which were derived from his vast estates and investment in capital market both in the UK and USA.

I would want you to utilise the funds by creating a charity foundation called the BERMAN FOUNDATION to assist children and women from poor origin to fight cancer.

Pls Contact our family lawyer with this specified email address below:

Barrister Pete Griffin Email: [email protected]

Tell him that I have WILLED $35,000,000 to you by quoting my personal reference number Law/chamber/solicitor/rt/Matt/WILL/78bwf5200B

Remain blessed. Yours truly, Myra Berman


My name is Myra Berman; I was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer and have been recently told by my doctor that I have limited days to live due to the escalation of my cancer.

I was married to Hansen Berman who passed away recently in an automobile crash, when my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $35,000,000 which were derived from his vast estates and investment in capital market both in the UK and USA.

I would want you to utilise the funds by creating a charity foundation called the BERMAN FOUNDATION to assist children and women from poor origin to fight cancer.

Pls Contact our family lawyer with this specified email address below:

Barrister Pete Griffin Email: [email protected]

Tell him that I have WILLED $35,000,000 to you by quoting my personal reference number Law/chamber/solicitor/rt/Matt/WILL/78bwf5200B

Remain blessed. Yours truly, Myra Berman



My name is Myra Berman; I was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer and have been recently told by my doctor that I have limited days to live due to the escalation of my cancer.

I was married to Hansen Berman who passed away recently in an automobile crash, when my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $35,000,000 which were derived from his vast estates and investment in capital market both in the UK and USA.

I would want you to utilise the funds by creating a charity foundation called the BERMAN FOUNDATION to assist children and women from poor origin to fight cancer.

Pls Contact our family lawyer with this specified email address below:

Barrister Pete Griffin Email: [email protected]

Tell him that I have WILLED $35,000,000 to you by quoting my personal reference number Law/chamber/solicitor/rt/Matt/WILL/78bwf5200B

Remain blessed. Yours truly, Myra Berman

Got 'im


My name is Myra Berman; I was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer and have been recently told by my doctor that I have limited days to live due to the escalation of my cancer.

I was married to Hansen Berman who passed away recently in an automobile crash, when my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $35,000,000 which were derived from his vast estates and investment in capital market both in the UK and USA.

I would want you to utilise the funds by creating a charity foundation called the BERMAN FOUNDATION to assist children and women from poor origin to fight cancer.

Pls Contact our family lawyer with this specified email address below:

Barrister Pete Griffin Email: [email protected]

Tell him that I have WILLED $35,000,000 to you by quoting my personal reference number Law/chamber/solicitor/rt/Matt/WILL/78bwf5200B

Remain blessed. Yours truly, Myra Berman



My name is Myra Berman; I was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer and have been recently told by my doctor that I have limited days to live due to the escalation of my cancer.

I was married to Hansen Berman who passed away recently in an automobile crash, when my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $35,000,000 which were derived from his vast estates and investment in capital market both in the UK and USA.

I would want you to utilise the funds by creating a charity foundation called the BERMAN FOUNDATION to assist children and women from poor origin to fight cancer.

Pls Contact our family lawyer with this specified email address below:

Barrister Pete Griffin Email: [email protected]

Tell him that I have WILLED $35,000,000 to you by quoting my personal reference number Law/chamber/solicitor/rt/Matt/WILL/78bwf5200B

Remain blessed. Yours truly, Myra Berman


My name is Myra Berman; I was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer and have been recently told by my doctor that I have limited days to live due to the escalation of my cancer.

I was married to Hansen Berman who passed away recently in an automobile crash, when my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $35,000,000 which were derived from his vast estates and investment in capital market both in the UK and USA.

I would want you to utilise the funds by creating a charity foundation called the BERMAN FOUNDATION to assist children and women from poor origin to fight cancer.

Pls Contact our family lawyer with this specified email address below:

Barrister Pete Griffin Email: [email protected]

Tell him that I have WILLED $35,000,000 to you by quoting my personal reference number Law/chamber/solicitor/rt/Matt/WILL/78bwf5200B

Remain blessed. Yours truly, Myra Berman



My name is Myra Berman; I was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer and have been recently told by my doctor that I have limited days to live due to the escalation of my cancer.

I was married to Hansen Berman who passed away recently in an automobile crash, when my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $35,000,000 which were derived from his vast estates and investment in capital market both in the UK and USA.

I would want you to utilise the funds by creating a charity foundation called the BERMAN FOUNDATION to assist children and women from poor origin to fight cancer.

Pls Contact our family lawyer with this specified email address below:

Barrister Pete Griffin Email: [email protected]

Tell him that I have WILLED $35,000,000 to you by quoting my personal reference number Law/chamber/solicitor/rt/Matt/WILL/78bwf5200B

Remain blessed. Yours truly, Myra Berman


My name is Myra Berman; I was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer and have been recently told by my doctor that I have limited days to live due to the escalation of my cancer.

I was married to Hansen Berman who passed away recently in an automobile crash, when my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $35,000,000 which were derived from his vast estates and investment in capital market both in the UK and USA.

I would want you to utilise the funds by creating a charity foundation called the BERMAN FOUNDATION to assist children and women from poor origin to fight cancer.

Pls Contact our family lawyer with this specified email address below:

Barrister Pete Griffin Email: [email protected]

Tell him that I have WILLED $35,000,000 to you by quoting my personal reference number Law/chamber/solicitor/rt/Matt/WILL/78bwf5200B

Remain blessed. Yours truly, Myra Berman



My name is Myra Berman; I was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer and have been recently told by my doctor that I have limited days to live due to the escalation of my cancer.

I was married to Hansen Berman who passed away recently in an automobile crash, when my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $35,000,000 which were derived from his vast estates and investment in capital market both in the UK and USA.

I would want you to utilise the funds by creating a charity foundation called the BERMAN FOUNDATION to assist children and women from poor origin to fight cancer.

Pls Contact our family lawyer with this specified email address below:

Barrister Pete Griffin Email: [email protected]

Tell him that I have WILLED $35,000,000 to you by quoting my personal reference number Law/chamber/solicitor/rt/Matt/WILL/78bwf5200B

Remain blessed. Yours truly, Myra Berman


My name is Myra Berman; I was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer and have been recently told by my doctor that I have limited days to live due to the escalation of my cancer.

I was married to Hansen Berman who passed away recently in an automobile crash, when my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $35,000,000 which were derived from his vast estates and investment in capital market both in the UK and USA.

I would want you to utilise the funds by creating a charity foundation called the BERMAN FOUNDATION to assist children and women from poor origin to fight cancer.

Pls Contact our family lawyer with this specified email address below:

Barrister Pete Griffin Email: [email protected]

Tell him that I have WILLED $35,000,000 to you by quoting my personal reference number Law/chamber/solicitor/rt/Matt/WILL/78bwf5200B

Remain blessed. Yours truly, Myra Berman



My name is Myra Berman; I was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer and have been recently told by my doctor that I have limited days to live due to the escalation of my cancer.

I was married to Hansen Berman who passed away recently in an automobile crash, when my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $35,000,000 which were derived from his vast estates and investment in capital market both in the UK and USA.

I would want you to utilise the funds by creating a charity foundation called the BERMAN FOUNDATION to assist children and women from poor origin to fight cancer.

Pls Contact our family lawyer with this specified email address below:

Barrister Pete Griffin Email: [email protected]

Tell him that I have WILLED $35,000,000 to you by quoting my personal reference number Law/chamber/solicitor/rt/Matt/WILL/78bwf5200B

Remain blessed. Yours truly, Myra Berman

This bot is incredibly shitty.

Maybe the ones that earn less are too stupid for the most basic of logic? The dumbest people are typically the loudest as well.

has someone posted the audi tweet yesterday where they acknowledged they paid women less than men because men did more valuable work?

gee i wonder if that same logic could be applied to the country as a whole

Wait... I think that it has been... Maybe, just maybe, it's being ignored... By Audi.

I sort of made me want to support Audi. Maybe when I win the lottery.

Is that all it takes?


PM me for my PayPal

Capitalism is woke now

we did it reddit

This is a great distraction for making people forget that they cheated on emissions tests.