Admins do a thing to feature certain subreddits; anticipated accusations of bias are anticipated.

34  2017-02-06 by zahlman


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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Well if you're going to split your legs apart for the social justice brigade, you may expect to be called on it.

I'm disappointed. We're usually neck deep in drama in threads like this by now.

Low energy, sad, etc.

Isn't that post only visible to mods? The real drama will come next week

no, it's visible to everyone.

Ah, you're right. Still, I think the drama will come next week once it's made on r/announcements

So stupid, just ban T_D or don't.

Banning them risks a drama OD followed by withdrawal, as opposed to the steady supply we have now.

I kinda ... like the slow smothering?

it used to be a much funnier sub during the primary

then they started taking themselves all seriously

So stupid, just ban T_D or don't.

But then Trump will withhold Reddit's funding and then what? (Subs that are popular but aren't going to be in "Popular"

Tbh all this list does is confirm that Admins are dirty south park neutrals who don't have any interest in sports, videogames or Women

Why would r/overwatch be filtered out.

Maybe they opted out?

I guess I'm not sure why they would though.

When a post hits r/all, it quite often gets hit with extra drama, people commenting who have no idea what the sub is about, etc., etc., etc. Some Admins don't like that kind of disturbance in their sub or just plain can't, or don't want to, deal with all the extra workload.

Read the admin response? They sorted by which subreddits were hand-filtered by the largest number of users; this suggests that a lot of people got sick of seeing PotG gifts for a game they didn't play pop up on /r/all.

A lot of people probably filter it. I mean, most "big" video game subs are filtered I imagine.

Yea, It's still dumb because of who is on the "popular" list.

Wii is but Switch isn't, Apple isn't but AppleTV is, DetroitLions are popular, etc.

This feels a lot like how people go to great lengths to describe a black person without every saying "he is black". They should just ban the donald and get it over with and let us have our month of drama.

It's more than just T_D, it's a clear, direct shift to the absolute lowest common denominator: literally the only most popular and simultaneously inoffensive drivel is what is considered "popular". Expect spam from /r/pics, /r/funny, /r/videos, and /r/aww, and absolutely nothing organic and/or novel like, say, when BPT or wholesomememes started. Reddit -> 9gag.

This, this is obviously a move for the admins to assume complete control over what potential new users and advertisers see when they first look at reddit so that it's all completely uncontroversial and inoffensive to mainstream tastes. Look at that "popular" list- a ton of the subs aren't even popular; we have a higher subscriber count and a LOT more activity than quite a few of them. It's just shit that the average person might be able to look at and go 'oh cool' or 'haha i relate to this'- completely bland and nonconfrontational, and there's no chance for discovery. Sad!

Low energy!

r/politics isn't exactly Inoffensive

Politics is indeed surprising since I would bet good money it's among the top 15 most filtered. Conservative is expected, it's popular enough to be on the list but not popular enough to be heavily filtered.

Kudos to the admins for actually doing work. But as the persistently negative person that I am I wish they would do some actual work on the search function.

Then they could replace the front page with a search box (like google). And totally avoid the issue of undesirable content reaching the front.

As a mod of /r/johngoodmanexists I approve


Another denier!


Are they really gonna tell me that /r/politics isn't heavily filtered?

Lol right, I guess it must be ok because it pushes the anti Trump narrative.

Why would it be? It's the best place for serious political news.

The real drama is going to be when reddit finally gets rid of defaults and the power mods start to go reeee

Am I misunderstanding the change? Isn't that exactly what they're doing? I think after this there will be no defaults, just an /r/all like popular page with the porn and some other stuff filtered out.

Oh wow is that ":)" so maddening.

It's a decent change to be honest. I'm sure it makes reddit a lot more palatable for new users and people will be more likely to stick around. The default front page has always been a cesspool and the potential to get turned off of reddit was high unless you were lucky enough to find it on a day when there was actually something amusing on the defaults. Like most people I made a reddit account solely to unsubscribe from shitty default subs. /r/all has always been a much better version of reddit than the defaults but the fact that it's 50% porn is a pretty big turnoff for a lot of people.

Remember when porn subreddits weren't supposed to be a thing according to Reddit's TOS?

Actually no. If that was a thing it was far before my time.