YouTuber Zaptie exposed as a child predator.

3  2017-02-07 by toplurkerr


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


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really fucking boring. try again

I was sorta interested at first because the woman had an English accent. But then she started droning on and on about a bunch of shit I don't care about so I clicked on a Recommended Video and watched A-Ha Take on Me instead.

Same here, only I got a bunch of videos about predators and xenomorphs

child predator

He's 19. They're 16. That is completely normal.

Normal doesn't mean acceptable.

16 is what, a high school freshman? A senior dating a freshman would have been a bit weird I think.

No idea, I finished school at 16, but add 10 years to both. No one would question a 29 y/o and a 26 y/o because it's only 3 years difference.

16 is usually sophomores and juniors.

stop spamming your shitty youtube drama channel jesus fuck