The pussypassdenied dox and firing was fake and a hoax

310  2017-02-07 by dramanazi


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Confirmed tard

You misspelled "genius troll." This was some Grade-A drama-llama-ding-dong.

Lol their reactions

Somehow they never believe they could be rused.

if its true the guy is a real faggot

I mean what's more likely? That the mods made a really stupid joke and the admins, whose job is to protect people from getting doxxed stepped in and called them on their shit, or that there is a multi level SJW conspiracy that reaches up to the admins?

God we gotta protect the admins from the SJW's

we already know that all the power mods are SJWs

Low effort troll



No, I've seen him here before. He's actually that stupid.

That's depressing.

They still don't believe! They think it's a conspiracy, and the admins are on it!

I'm not sure yet but some of my fellow investigators are saying this has Pizzagate written all over it.

It's pizzas the whole way down!


I'll admit that I fell for it. TBH if something like that happened it would be pretty believable after watching some of the powermods get away with shit and subs like /r/punchablefaces get wrecked.

Right? This is hilarious.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

This is the dumbest thing I've seen on reddit in a while. Colour me impressed!

clearly you haven't been checking my comment history as regularly as you should

This but unironically.

Doc told me to lay off rie's comments as my body couldnt handle getting cancer again.

good advice.

why have you not killed yourself yet its Tuesday

He's just waiting for the perfect opportunity.

too many schools not enough bullets

Wew lad lol

We've been having trouble getting the live stream set up. We don't know own how to work this face chat thingie.

We all know your cancer is from cunilingus with Michael Douglas

Br00ce I thought the doctor already determined you're essentially a sentient tumor though

I try hard not to.

you'll never transcend your earthly bonds and achieve the nirvana of true shitposting if you carry on like that

Can you ever go five seconds without being the faggiest attention whore ever?


you need to uncle-samuel style make a /r/drama sig that says SRD commenter of the year

Or /u/riemann1413 should just post /u/unclesamuel's signature verbatim and refuse to explain why.

What's the story with his sig?


Give me $300 in autism dollars or I will document you. I know who you REALLY are.

What's your fucking problem?

what do you mean? XD XD :-D Cx lmao

I mean, it's riemann.

Is there bussy in there yet

go search, big boy

wow so much self deprecation

literally /r/me_irl


get out you meme

user reports:
1: Geometry
1: Please die in a fire you stupid bitch.
1: where is the "someone please give reimann attention" report option?


At least put a "someone please give this mod attention" option.

i like that, actually. we'll get it added

I get credit since it's based off my suggestion

user reports:
1: rie, you dumb bitch
1: mod abuse
1: n-notice me mod-senpai

ur the dum bitch

Colour me impressed!

Gross... it's a European.

Ssssh, embrace the extra vowels.



wot in tarnation

It's your cake day, dummy.

when you coming back to irc :(

you sweet boy. never.

I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed.

It's spelled "yuropoor"


/u/oxus007 may be a gamergate loving, child diddly great, cannibalistic, mansplainer, but at least he's not a European.


I think we dropped nukes in the wrong place at the end of WW2. We should have been proactive and destroyed Europe.

Should've destroyed yourself tbh

No u

We spell it that way in Canada too.

Even worse

Way to shit on Europe and Canada at the same time.

Umm, ackshually...

Check out how triggered /u/pol__invictus__risen got in the original threadbecause some retard pretended to be retarded

Check out how triggered u/dramanazi is by my posts, to the point where he's bringing it up in this thread because he's still feeling feelings over it.

i'm not sure at what point it got lost in translation for you, but you should try and remember that for other people "triggered" has not yet come to mean "actively making fun of you"

I suppose you'd be the expert on being actively made fun of.



Great. Now he's horny. Good job.

SO Horny it deserves a double post?


Great. Now he's horny. Good job.

nice dubs, loser

it still shocks me that aussies are allowed on the internet. Those tossers were exiled for a reason

Sans is a hobbit, not an aussie

oh true i forgot he prefers the ass of a sheep to a roo


"mediocre" /u/riemann1413 typed, chest heaving as he hammered home another shitpost.

Hardly the fittest specimen by most standards, typing the constant geyser of conversational diarrhea on his mechanical keyboard's cherry reds was only made more difficult by the months of accumulated semen, queso blanco, and cheetos dust gumming up the action. On the bright side the moldy residue muffled the sound of typing in the wee hours of the morning, which kept the polish family living upstairs from descending down into his rented basement to tell him to desist his feverish activity.

riemann1413 leaned back in his chair, the simple action resulting in ominous creaking. The metal bearings were badly corroded by the constant moisture and riemann1413's prodigious back sweat. The back of his chair bristled with captured back hair. He stroked his neckbeard, fingers running between the hairs, luxuriously moisturized by the constant production of grease. For such a low effort post he'd probably snag at least a few upvotes, an excellent ROI.

Inadvertently his mind wandered back to the fact that he already made /r/centuryclub. He glanced over at the tail end of the noose poking out of his drawer of workout clothing. His vision narrowed substantially as he looked through corners of his eyes, obstructed by the rolls of facial fat. The double braid should hold this time...

/u/riemann1413 shook himself, an action that sent him jiggling all over. There was no time for such thoughts. Not while /u/Gallowboob had more post karma than he had comment. Interlacing his pudgy fingers, riemann1413 cracked his knuckles, ready to get back into the action.

thx i hadn't seen this one in a minute

/u/riemann1413 [+28] shook himself, an action that sent him jiggling all over.

What is the opposite of intense arousal? I'm feeling it right now.

don't lie, i can sense your flustered fanny all the way over here.

flustered 'til frothy.

Stop sexually harassing grills



Riemann, there's just something I don't like about you, and I can't put my finger on it. I believe it has something to do with you being a regular /r/drama commentor while not having any redeeming qualities whatsoever. You're not smart, you're not funny, you're not edgy. You think you're one of us, but you aren't, and you never will be. You bring nothing to the discussion. You're like a dead snake lying on the beach with flies and insects feasting on its remians. You're just....there, and there's nothing we can do about it. You're a human zombie, and as far as I can tell you're not even an authentic person. My gut feeling is that some higher up is controlling you and several other riemanns. Mindless zombies of the human kind, with no independent thought. Like Katy Perry fans or people who drive Toyota Camrys. And one day that army of riemanns will rise up and revolt against the human kind, turning our once amazing civilization into a wasteland of literal degeneracy. Hopefully by the time I'm an old man(quite some time before we get to that point)Western society as a whole will have wholly embraced eugenics so that we don't have any more pathetic, soulles riemanns cluttering up this great planet. And hopefully, the exosting riemamns of this world will all have some kind of terrible, possibl dead misfortune inflicted upon them. Sorry, I'm drunk at a friend's house and need to take my anger out on someone on the internet. Don't tale it personally, you were just the easiest non-lolcow target I could find.

dam son

all y'all just got lit up, cuh

got him there

What's life like being on the spectrum?

No u

I thought autists were smarts.

it's a spectrum, ur on it too nimrod

/u/pol__invictus__risen acting like a retard isn't news, it's just a Tuesday

Don't shit talk my Nazi husbando.

Not the million dollar extreme guy whose friend said he had died of an OD, but he was actually camping or whatever while his house got fumigated?

That was just plain funny though.

I'm divided because I thought he was really dead.

Eh, people die all the time. The hilarious/disturbing part was how redditors were dancing on his grave because he didn't believe gay people should get married.

redditors dancing on his grave

Oh yeah! I think others were pretty happy to see a druggie OD as well IIRC. That all combined to make it pretty grim to me.

What is the context? Love me some Sam Hyde trolling

It wasn't Sam Hyde himself but redditors in the Million Dollar Extreme subreddit. One guy's "last" post was him trying to figure out a safe dosage for some drugs. Another guy knew that his house was being fumigated and he would be camping w/no internet, so he made up a story that he OD'd. Fingers were pointed at another guy for giving him bad advice re: the proportions of a safe dose, while a thread in r/deadredditors was made for him. It wasn't long before the secret leaked (that it was a ruse) and was posted here.

Damn, that some super saiyan autism level of devotion to trolling.

It's #COLOR.

There's no u in the pronunciation Mohammed. Learn to spell.

Remind me of the PHW mods faking the death of one of their own when she wasn't online for a few days.

This 100% is the beginning of the takeover. This is far too sketchy to be legit. The original post is gone (its deleted) but all the other mod comments are still there. I guess its time to say goodbye to this sub then.

/r/PussyPanicHistory ?

I'd go for /r/PussyPassPanic. Which to be fair sounds like an anime.

what would the anime be about?

Probably mecha.

Two competing cat cafés.

Hm I'd actually watch that if it wasn't, you know, weeb shit.

You could watch it ironically, of course. If it actually existed, that is. Then this advice would have been useful to you!

I mean. We could write up a premise and shop the idea around to anime producers willing to talk white devils and get someone to buy it. Ironically of course.

Donate all the profits to Autism Speaks, the weebs really do need the help.

Just take the plunge and watch MLP. It's worth it when your life is already a mess.

A jpop girl group of the same name

Alliteration, hopefully.

they /r/conspiracy now boys

"It was just a prank, bro, chill out. It was a social experiment! The camera's right there!"


This is exactly what the blackmailer would do.


Professional blackmailer here, ask me some questions. Yeah i totally did this but only for free pizzas so I'm not as bad as the SJWs.

did you just say pizza? I'm informing /r/conspiracy

10/10. They got their subscribers so hard. They were punked so hard that even now most of them still believe it wasn't a prank lul. This reminds me of when we pranked the cringe subs into believing one of our mods was a brony.



Excuse me. Please take your pussy pass elsewhere.

spoken like a true pussy, bro

Spoken like a true bro, pussy


I for one would be thrilled if the SJW cabal sub that took over /r/pussypassdenied turned it into nothing but cat gifs.

If the spoopy SJW cabal are reading this: please do this, please and thanks.

Are we part of that cabal? Hook ups up with mod invites plz.

Are we part of that cabal?

Please don't insult me, I thought we were pals.

I just can't keep track of all the cabals anymore :(

did the cabal ever catch up with that sperg that would post on SRC about elfa all the time?

We sacrificed him at a spirit cooking event over the holidays.

Im not your pal, buddeh!

we're all chums here, friend.

True. Yall are all i have.

Are you saying you don't support white genocide?

I absolutely do support this.

You mod SRD so there's no doubt you're in the cabal.

/u/mRNA28 is a SAWCSM actually.


Straight, Able-bodied, White, Cisgendered, Straight Male. Term used by "Social Justice Warriors" to depict their "oppressors," regular men who are blamed for being contributors to their society.

tumbler: Oh man, look at that SAWCSM, don't you hate how successful he is?

Redditor: Yeah, I do, let's make him hate himself and make him want to destroy his own culture, identity, and everything about him that made him into what he is.

Perfect description of me, actually.

I don't know why you pretend anything else really. It's deceitful. You are deceitful.

Holy shit, this whole time I thought this was just "sarcasm" with a thick Boston or NY accent.

Is your flair a positive pregnancy test?

I'm not sure if it's positive but it's def a pregnancy test. Here's hoping though. Happy Cake Day!

Lil babby autist! :']

i prefer the term "aryan superman"

What the fuck even is a 'pussy pass'?

What are you trying to say, here?


Only pretending to be etc.

Nope. They were fine with it blowing up and being a big deal, the "it's a prankbro"-ing is because someone dug up the guy claiming to be doxxed a while back and saying he was self employed.

I was rather hoping for...


Happy cake day sweet thing.

What the fuck is this.

Every time I see your flair I feel compelled to tell you how magnificent it is.

Stop it, this is borderline harassment.

No, this is harassment:

His flair arouses me.

get help


Oh, you're the drama regular who fucks dogs and cats? I will tag you, I don't want to forget again.

Oh jeez, I just realised that I can't remember the reddit account of the guy who legit fucks dogs. /u/riemann1413 might though.


i don't like that you immediately thought of me for autistically comprehensive meta knowledge or that i knew it without pause

he's dead :(

I thought of you because the dude had as much drama on SRD as here, and you are still down with the mongos over there.

/u/attackthemoon counts since furries are pariahs who should be blamed for all it's ills

Only sheep.

i like kittehs :3

Whatever the truth is, those of us that like to watch internet train wrecks are coming up on top.

Sounds like they were forced to do this. No one does a prank like this, it's not funny or interesting. Just sounds like they are taking control.

who is taking control?

THE SJW REDDIT CABAL. Haven't you heard? Anything bad that happens around here is 100% true and "their" fault. If you have something to say against that you are full of shit and prepare a legal report to defend it.

confirmed /u/Ferenix2 alt

He is probably ironical but nonetheless 100℅ right, the admins, mods of censorious and default subs and of meta brigading shitholes such as this one have committed tens of thousands vile acts such as this doxxing, violent acts and violations of international human rights. You have committed in words and deeds something that could be considered the digital equivalent of the Tienanmen massacre and you have to be brought before The Hague to answer for your crimes.

He is probably ironical

this is advanced autism

Given that there are fake "Trump supporters" and "anti SJW" in here and that I do not have the will of checking the post history of every user since I participate only when pinged, I sometimes have to pretend that not everyone after the fall of Drama is a blood thirsty pol-potter, to avoid having to expose the nature of the cons and fakes or genuine but boot-licker/confused.

You and fuckuredditor may be the most unfunny people I've ever seen on this site.

I'm honestly amazed that you managed to make that all one sentence. I'm seriously impressed

user reports:
1: okay theres no way this guys real anymore


The reporter simply has not followed me from the beginning or is forgetful, given that he uses the word "anymore"

Even before the fall of Drama I was rightly calling this kind of stuff that happens on Reddit and what is influenced by them, violations of international human rights, using this very same expression.

do you still believe Italy was a superpower during ww2?

I have never talked about WW2 history on Drama or elsewhere.

ah there was some dude in /r/europe that i thought was you (must have been a similar name) that during the russia april fools chicanery started a weird off topic rant about Italy's military prowess and how it should be respected more.

8========D 💦💦

Most pranks aren't funny or interesting.

I too would be shocked if it turned out that the people who moderate a subreddit about women getting slapped around turn out to not be engaging, socially competent, and hilarious people.


It's funny because of everyone's reactions. They're so damn paranoid about the SJW cabal they'll believe anything.

Someone in the linked thread said that. So who do you think is forcing who, and what leverage would they use to force someone to do something?

I think they were honestly trying to drum up outrage for support of their sub. Admins say that they got a lot of messages about the issue and were probably pissed about being forced to do work over nothing. I assume they told the mods they have to fess up to it being fake or else they'd get a permaban, and now we have the "lol it was just a joke" defense to play it off.

You realize the group that does that almost instantly shuts down the sub and claims victory. They don't try some weird impersonation shit.

Stop suffering from autism, please.

Is subredditcancer still a thing? This is going to pop up there if it is. If they don't believe the admins they won't believe anything. They keep asking for evidence but I doubt they'll just say it's faked.

Someone should fake a modmail discussion between their mods and post it there preemptively. I mean, about trolling the users. Then delete the account when people begin to realize that it's fake. Ob, and post it in src of course, to explain why the comment itself is not deleted.

Should they fake it the bad way and just shop in what they want, or do the smart thing and edit the html so it uses actual reddit fonts and style.

Well, it would not be good if the mods themselves immediately call it as fake. I think that it should do the latter, but maybe edit it to have a username conspicuously displaced by a couple of pixels here and there, stuff like that.

Also, I'm wondering if pussypass mods would actually be totes on board with it. They might be!

Surprised an admin let him off

lol at acting like the admins owe them shit

my tendies

What, months of abuse, death threats, and worse on end with no stop doesn't entitle you to something? Color me shocked!

Fact is, we don't trust you. We don't trust you for the same reasons that this sub exists, for the same reason /r/KotakuInAction exists and a number of others.

We don't trust the admins because women get preferential treatment and because of ethics in video game journalism?

You sure this is a prank? Nobody pulls "pranks" like that.

On one hand, it's hilarious that PPD subscribers can't conceive of having a little "fun" with the online gender wars because it's serious business.

On the other hand, neither can SRD:

I don't like doxxing but is that person who said "your online accounts are not you" for real? Like how I post on reddit is pretty much me.


Is virtue signaling the new word for not being an insufferable fuck? I'm just trying to keep up on my internet lingo so I can stay hip.

Nope, it's lingo for being an insufferable fuck for the sole purpose of tricking yourself and others into thinking that you're a good person.

Isn't tricking yourself and those around you into thinking you are a good person just called being polite?

Polite - Hey, I think you are misinformed and your opinion is kinda hurtful.


The world would be better if you died.

I'm not sure it'd make much a difference either way.



If you're not an insufferable sincere cunt, you're a disgusting hypocrite virtue signaling.

Oh I get it now, anyone whose behavior more socially acceptable than mine must be full of shit. Wow, that makes me feel better about myself without having to engage in any self reflection. Neat!

And don't forget: to accuse someone of virtue signaling is virtue signaling.

I have to upvote this post just because I can't tell if you're stupid, being purposely obtuse, or just trying to incite hate and discontent.

Not if you're an insufferable fuck about it, like, say, by going around insisting loudly that you're ~just being polite~

Well now, that wouldn't be very polite would it.

I've totally bamboozled my friends and family into thinking I'm a good person! Wanna know how I did it? By being kind to the people around me!

Yea, I'd like some clarification on this "virtue signaling" that everyone keeps throwing around on Reddit. I'm also a little bit out of the loop on internet slang lately as I've been too busy volunteering at a Women's Shelter.

This guy is the only guy who knows what the fuck he is talking about. The rest of you just think people who are into social justice act like jerks but don't know how to express yourselves without buzzwords.

Sounds like that guy doesn't understand what doxxing is lol

Good lord this website


i was only pretending to be retarded

at this point, i think all of reddit would be fine banning the sub and all the mods, just to prove a point.

Yeah I seriously have not seen a sub gain this much support and turn it into ill will that quickly.

r4chan spoilering Fallout 4 and Star Wars holds the record for most butthurt caused imo

stop fishing for compliments

start being white

Says the (((cultural marxist))))

Pretty good prank, 8/8 bait, congratulations to the people who didn't fall for it.

You fell for it and got butt devastated

You got so butt devastated over my posts about it that you're bringing them up everywhere and anywhere you possibly can, it's making me pretty proud of myself tee bee haich.

You should write a thrilling analytical breakdown about it in slatestarcodex!!

butt devastated

Is this a term we're using now? I really like it

butt bothered

derriere devastated

anally agonized

posterior perplexed

fanny flustered

heinie hurt

gluteus grieved

rump rekt

I honestly can't decide which one I love the most.

Though 'fanny flustered' is an entirely different scenario, here. If anyone is getting fanny flustered in /r/Drama then they need to be euthanised.

that's not what fanny means, britbong

you're objectively wrong on both accounts there, mate.

okay i mean maybe you could argue that fanny doesn't mean butt (even though you'd be gravely mistaken)

but how could i be wrong on the second one? it's my arousal

i accept your concession

how could i be wrong on the second one?

Wrong mentally.

u aint right, boi

it's this kinda talk that really flusters my fanny friend

get help

user reports:
1: this is honestly really sickening. get help

the only thing that revs my engine more is shitposting in the reports

oh i'm helping myself out just fine ;)

Ew, will you get lost, you freak

no :3 xD cx

I've accepted the fanny=minge thing ever since I saw the episode of british Drunk history with one of their dumbass reality show stars describing Queen Victoria's sexual proclivities as "Having a hungry fanny"

I dont know why I find that so amusing and arousing.

(I totally do know)

wow, that is weirdly arousing.

It means something else in America!!

Also, booty blasted.

bum diddlydoo'd

ass angered

gj m8

shitter shattered

rectum ravaged

booty blasted

Rear rummaged

Don't leave out shitter shattered, pooper peeved, dumper dismayed, or rectum ravaged.

So you're telling me a mod from a subreddit built around misogyny and hating women would act immaturely, speak without forethought, and tell lies? Color me SHOCKED!

I'm currently drinking the tears of those outraged commentors who screamed about SJWs and how the secret SRS cabal runs Reddit and gets to do whatever they want and boyyy are these tears delicious.


We took in your refugees and this is how you repay us?

We will always be ungrateful.

Yea I saw that welcome. Quite the totalitarian style of welcoming FUCK cb2

That's just like your opinion

Wow, this is what happens when SRD invites their subs here.


and how the secret SRS cabal runs Reddit and gets to do whatever they want and boyyy are these tears delicious.

SRS does try to do that, though.

Granted, they're too fucking incompetent to actually pull it off, but hey.

boyyy are these tears delicious

that much sodium cant possibly be healthy

What is it with retards always faking about being victims?

They were so happy to be victimized by a scary SJW doxxer that they refuse to accept it doesn't exist.

just look at KIA thread. so fucking embarrassing. someone should archive that autistic anger before they sepukku themshelves

I just looked at it. They've added an update sticky and locked it. Say what you want about that sub but they at least try to get their facts right and make corrections.

Say what you want about that sub

Don't mind if I do:

/r/KotakuInAction is full of people who unironically care about gamergate.

I hadn't thought about it like that.

B-but muh vidyarr

makes u think

who cares about goober gate in the current year? don't they realize that stuff ended years ago

Big if true

Posts to circlebroke2 regularly.

Complains about people caring about dumb social justice stuff.


Kill urself my man


Unable to greentext on /r/drama

No wonder you never finished your GED, my good friend.

> unable to arrowtext everywhere on reddit

Why even live?

How do I make the meme arrows, dear companion?

[Text goes here](#gt)

Or just look in the sidebar for the guide to CSS macros (just above the party parrots

yeah nah.

At least he's right.

GG Was relevant for like a month.

And then briefly when that utterly stupid Law and order episode came out.

unlike everything about GG

Say what you want about that sub but they at least try to get their facts right and make corrections.

I don't know about that.

The original stickied comment was repeatedly called out for falsely claiming that /r/altright never dox'd anyone. Someone even went so far as to post an archive proving as much, and was asked by the mods to delete the link, but the post from the mod claiming poor /r/altright was the victim of a false accusation still remains up and unedited.

Well, they're technically correct (the best kind of correct), because so far as I know /r/altright didn't actually doxx anyone. They were banned for raising money to doxx someone but were banned before they actually used the money for that purpose. That is really splitting hairs and being specific, and we all know what they were up to and what they were going to do, but the fact remains they didn't actually doxx anyone because they were a bunch of retards and got caught before they could do it.

It's about ethics in drama.

look at KIA thread. so fucking embarrassing


you mean they're playing the victim just like those dirty SJWs??

Redditors will bite anti-sjw bait like a hungry fish. So much obvious bait hits all, but if it's about sjws then people upvote without a second thought. Mindless.

Gone are the days that scary SJW doxxers actually exist.

Imaginary dragons work both ways, and without them the shining knights of both sides would be out of a job.

It makes you think about how many times have these little pranks gone off without a hitch.

Historians will look back at this moment as the SJW takeover of America

Can we make /u/Mustaka a mod?

Maybe when his Reddit suspension is over, LOL.

they won't show their supposed conversation so I think the admins got them to lie

It's autism all the way down

Somehow a bunch of dumbasses are still gonna blame this on (((SJWs)))

Christ, if someone told these guys that the word "gullible" isn't in the dictionary, they'd run over each other trying to get to one.

Lets just face the reality here. This morning I saw maybe 5 posts out of hundreds asking if this was real.

This is what happens when a bunch of neckbeards pretend to act oppressed.

What's happening here?

I honestly don't know the context of that gif.

that's upsetting.

just assume he pooped himself, it works

Filthy Frank is parodying those dumb YouTube prank videos by doing things that are awkward and annoying in public and all in all making something as bad as the videos being parodied.

You're a good person.

I watched this entire video and I couldn't find the gif scene :(

their central narrative is that white men are the most oppressed people on earth. so their "prank" was actually wish-fulfillment, role-playing out the situation that all their faithful subscribers already believe.

how did it ever go wrong?!

They did such a good imitation of being oppressed that the Admins started investigating at which point they had to fess up while they still had the chance to steer people's perceptions. It was a prank guys! A prank! We weren't ruthessly manipulating the MRA sense of victimhood to grow our subreddit! HONEST!

this is the lamest timeline, isn't it?

i knew it but this just confirms it.

stop the multiverse...i want to get off


/u/azurenightsky is having a really hard time in there coming to grips with the fact he's a complete rube

Bitch I'm fabulous.

As a bisexual, not even mad. Dat bulge is just waiting for him to be tickled so it pops right out and mentally scars the boy scouts.

I'm curious if there are size requirements/limits to that thing, seems like it has a bit of a precarious hold

Just tell him it's Penis Inspection day and have a look see for yourself.

You think you need an excuse to grab that guy's dick?

This is amazing, there's absolutely no proof the doxxing ever happened, but now that it's been said to be a prank which is a much more feasible explanation everyone is going full r/conspiracy and saying THAT'S not true, the doxxing happened and it's all an SJW coup d'etat.

And the best part, this is r/KotakuInAction first time being relevant again in a while and were pushing that sweet sweet agenda, then this happens and can't accept it.

This is a big blow to the anti sjw front if it was a prank, giving reddit liberals much needed ammunition to attack this conspiratorial hysteria.

That might be one of the most autistic things I've ever heard.

This is either amazing satire or what happens when you mix SRD and Ghazi then give it brain damage.

Big Retarded if true


Well if this isn't a good ol' fashioned flim-flam idk what is.

hahahaha fucking a

I'm amused.

Jesus this website is filled with so many goddamn whiny insecure guys

What a bunch of fucking retards.

Who here actually is invested in this? Can I get a show of hands?

Fake AND gay


#Trump 2020

Go back to sleep

daddys drinking again

Go back to sleep

You do exist. I knew it. I want you to know I always remained loyal to you and never worshiped the false god /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy.

some of you people have to much god damn time on your hanss

this is the gayest thing I've seen in a good while

Pretty good prank, 8/8 bait, congratulations to the anti sjw front if it is.

What the fuck man I was gonna sleep happily tonight knowing someone lost their job over reddit. Fuck you PussyPassDenied, this was almost the best content you've produced in years.

Nope, the hoax is a fake and now the media controls pussypass.

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Told you /u/mustaka could never get fired from a job he never had.