I want to walk the line of being a cunt but not a rapist
Plus is so absurd that some people think that the way most people have sex is rape that I just have to understand where are they coming from, and I am not arrogant enough to just say " no u wrong "
n/a Ultrashitpost 2017-02-07
I'm my own favorite cousin fucker.
n/a CucksLUVCucks 2017-02-07
Are you /u/lolidaisuki?
n/a Pablopubes 2017-02-07
Who are you?
n/a newcomer_ts 2017-02-07
n/a dramanazi 2017-02-07
No one cares you fuckin faggot
n/a forwhatisworthy 2017-02-07
This retard aint me by the way
I am glad I am (in)famous enough to have a clone
but kys
n/a moudougou 2017-02-07
Your comment history is full of degenerate questions about consent, so you must be the real spooky.
But seriously, why is consent so important for you?
n/a pol__invictus__risen 2017-02-07
Said the rapist
n/a forwhatisworthy 2017-02-07
I want to walk the line of being a cunt but not a rapist
Plus is so absurd that some people think that the way most people have sex is rape that I just have to understand where are they coming from, and I am not arrogant enough to just say " no u wrong "
n/a philosoph0r 2017-02-07
Please abort any babies.