Y'all are super new or retarded. /u/mrsamsa baited several exceptional individuals here into multiple paragraphs upon paragraphs of mind numbing effortposts on whether it's ok to dox or not. Unacceptable!

54  2017-02-08 by Wacnews_the_White

First of all, the answer is "no." This is some "Is the color blue really blue?" mental masturbation garbage. Doxxing is some bullshit and kys immediately if you ever question that. Snitches. Get. Stitches. Full stop!

Secondly, effortposting, especially over stoned, dorm room tier philosophy shit like this, belongs in the damn trash (SRD.) It kills fun, it's horrendously boring and no one here is smart enough to do it justice. I'd like to blame a certain ginger for locking threads and sicking this on us, but sadly it was many of our own who got sucked in.

And Z, /u/mrsamsa will always, always just say outrageous shit lightly cloaked in a veneer of reasonableness, and then ask you to justify your objections with ludicrous questions like "Why is it not OK to eat pizza with a knife and fork?" and "What do you mean the Pats are cheaters?" which, to the uninitiated, will eventually frustrate and produce insults, rage strokes, or worst of all, end up thinking he has a point.

Don't take the bait guys. He has a decent sense of humor at least, so just joke around and shitpost with him when he shows up. And for Hera's sake keep your deep thoughts to the symposium and out of the collesium. "I come to r/drama for serious discussions about the underlying issues." Absolutely fucking vomitous. /u/phedre and r/PussyPassDenied, never curse us with this again!

Who died and made you boss?

Fucking BooC. BooC died, and not for this shit.


Oh no, people on r/drama discussed a thing for once instead of the usual interminable piles of shitposting.

Nice to see he meta-baited you into a bunch of paragraphs bitching about it btw.

Quiet, pol. You're always wrong. The house of r/drama was built on shitposts into a glorious tower of shit, a bister balcony looks down upon an ocher courtyard of castaneous cretins. I would rather have a thousand threads of only riemann "mediocre"s or that dogfucker's calcified, putrid capellini then not stem the ever growing tide of "earnest discussion" threatening to turn our sepia synagogue into anything representing a "mareketplace of """""""""""ideas."""""""""""

I bet you're happy BooC is dead you sick fuck.

You should have done the Swamp Castle bit from Holy Grail but with Shit Castle.

Ah shit.

They said I was a madman for building a castle out of shit in the sewer pit of the nearby town...

The only way I'd be happy about boocuck dying is if I knew it was my posting that killed him, the way I hope it kills you.

Your posts could never kill me, except maybe the wishing me death part. 💔

it kills me inside to watch you guys fighting :(

The sight of the make up sex would make you wish for death tbh. Don't worry, I know how to soothe Big Daddy Pol.

This isn't even really a drama sub, it's a troll sub that pretends to be a drama sub...which would be fine if I didn't think too many of you bought into your own bullshit.

Hilarious coming from you

Shitposting is an inherent part of human existence. To deny shitposting is to deny your right as a human.

I miss BoOC

Worry not, KK. I shant ever again post anything serious that is not a KYS comment on drama.

Good man! Also, who is that guy pretending to be you? And for why?

Imma dox you for incest btw. ''Tis moral turpitude in my book (the KJB.)

I am deleting this account soon anyway

Who knows, I am just glad I have a crazy clone too!

Is only three days old though!

Illiteracy is the true reason Trump one. Hard not to be snobby and condescending to honest to goodness, retarded subhumans.


Illiteracy is the true reason Trump one

Exquisite baiting


We are ALL baiting on this blessed day :)

And this proves my point. This is you spazing out that people criticized leftists. That's all this is, and all it ever will be.

Oh baby, keep going!

What do you think of black people?

His only settings are "hate," "moan," and "cry, " so it's one of those.

oh man everything about this thread and everyone who has posted in it is so embarrassing

Doxxing is perfectly fine

You're a Pats apologist, aren't you?

The Patriots?

Yes. Cheaters of low moral fiber. Pro-doxxers, no doubt, if given the chance.

They won the Super Bowl

Yes. By cheating, as always.

How did they cheat at the Super Bowl?

We don't know yet, but sure as the sun rises, they were cheating. Always do.

Something about Tom Brady deflating a ball or some shit.

Wasn't this Super Bowl

Not with that attitude.

White privilege

Mark my words, M. Samsa is the male version of silvertongue without the charm and with the deadly ability to add enough coherent sentences to an argument that it seems reasonable because most people aren't going to pick through paragraphs of text while they're browsing on the toilet.

Damn straight!

most people aren't going to pick through paragraphs of text while they're browsing on the toilet.

Why not? What else have they got going on?

i get really invested in my shits

silvertongue had charm?

Yeah what the hell was that?

I liked her tbqhwy

delete urself snally

silvertongue can barely string together coherent sentences though

Come on now, Snally. You can make fun of me for long paragraphs if you like but there's no denying that my arguments are pretty solid - even if I'm wrong, they take some untangling.

I know, I'm just being dramatic. :p You do have a lot of solid arguments, but as someone else mentioned, you sometimes take the 'just asking questions' approach while avoiding backing up the stance you claim to have.

That's usually just because on some issues I don't have a stance, like the doxxing thing. I can't support my stance because I don't know what it is yet, so I'm asking questions to see what stance I should be taking.

I'm generally a fairly blunt person, if I think a position is true then I'll happily say as much. I don't really see the point in pretending to not hold a position on some issue and then ask questions that passive aggressively hint at the answer I think is true..

He's arguably the stupidest person of the week, and that's including the Trump administration.

> responding to pointless effortposting with pointless effortposting

> not killing yourself and posting the results instead


You'be mistaken a shitpost for an effortpost, or maybe I did. The point is

lrn to greentext

> having sub styles enabled

Shitposts that are multiple paragraphs long are effortposts. What's your progress on that whole "killing yourself" thing?

tbh I've been putting it off for over 20 years now. I wouldn't hold your breath.

exceptional individuals here


I have no good reaction images for this. I must accept my shame.

Gas all weebs

That better be mustard gas

I can't wait to read paragraphs of why some all of us are fucking retarded. I'll get right on that.

So mean :(

I was salty when I wrote this Forgive me if I threw some shade
But when I opened up that thread Could've sworn it was effortpost day

mrsamsa silvertonguein' People replyin' everywhere Tryin' to start up some shitpostin' You know they didn't even care

'Cause they say "let's talk 'bout doxin' "Let's forget about r/PPD "Today we'll have 'discussions' like we were in SRD"

/u/phedre locked the first thread Then stops, he nuked a whole damn chain mrsamsa's non-stop baiting Even SRD could not contain

Effortposts were flying My mind says prepare to fight So if r/drama's gonna go this way I'm write a meta shitpost tonight

"Let's talk with mrsamsa "Doxxing's wrong, he'll see we're right "This time I'll pin him down!" Ok fam, you'll be alright.

Yeah, yeah Lemme tell ya somethin'

If you didn't come to shitpost
Post memes, or insult everyone Or ping someone to self deletion
You ain't doin' it right, hun.

Jokes and bantz and pasta
Even discussion's cool, no one minds But long debates with samsa
Is a trap, and not the sexy kind

Don't say "let's talk 'bout doxin' "Let's forget about r/PPD "Today we'll have 'discussions' like we were in SRD"

"Let's talk with mrsamsa "Doxxing's wrong, he'll see we're right "This time I'll pin him down!" Ok fam, you'll be alright.

You do not ping you pasty white cracker?

/u/mrsamsa please rate Wacnews dedicatory to you


Dont be so shy!

A spontaneous debate will erupt, I know it'

I give it a half limp dick out of two.

When you are getting the modspot already? we have one like you some years ago but he died ( F ) We need a new BoOC

/u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy you know what to do

I think it's long overdue.

Why are you the way you are?

I'm not sure how to take that. But in the car on family trips as a kid, long before I listened to any Weird Al, my sister would make up silly lyrics to songs and we'd crack up. I'd beg her to sing the song again but since she made it up on the fly she never could.

That sister's name? /u/ThyDocco.

No bad tactics, only bad targets.

Doxx, gas, smash, misgender, do your thang.

I thought forwhatisworthy posts were fine. Others effortposts make me regret that stopscopiesme couldn't nuke the thread here too.

He should still know better. But yeah.

Wait, are you really trying to disrupt someone trolling on drama?

Mods pls ban

Wasn't Hera the patron saint of pedophiles? It's fitting

That was Eros.

Funny, you never give this lecture to the tards that run the show, who feel the need to pushback against anything critical of leftism or liberalism.

You only call out people taking left-wingers to task for their bullshit. So I'm not going to take this remotely seriously.

You only call out people taking left-wingers to task for their bullshit. So I'm not going to take this remotely seriously.

To be fair, his post here was about people taking me to task for my supposed bullshit, so that seems like an example of what you're looking for.

Are you really trying to have a conversation with FuckURedditor?

Nah, just grandstanding.

i prefer when /r/drama comment sections are just

kill yourself

delete this post

doxxing is a-ok