On the /r/toronto drama parade: was Yusra Khogali advocating for genocide when she spoke of clapping people back into the ashes?

34  2017-02-08 by zahlman


Cool story, bro


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the word “Becky” is a racist slang word for white women.

Typically Black people come up with pretty good slang. But for some reason they just cannot figure out racist slang. Honky and Cracker are weak as fuck but at least people sorta recognize them but Becky is straight up dumb.

I bet any time Becky gets used in real life the respondent is like "eh? My name is Becky OMG HOW DID U KNO?? <heart sign with hand>."

But for some reason they just cannot figure out racist slang.

They lack the amount of hatred to pull it off.

It doesn't matter what the words are, it matters the amount of hatred Good Ole' Cletus spits it out with.

Like when a Becky asks you to call her bitch during sex and has to find out the hard way.

There's plenty of hatred there, they just haven't figured out the verbal focus.

They lack the amount of hatred to pull it off.

I guess it's just that much easier to hate blacks.

I personally am bored of all the mayonaise references

There's also cumskins, but tbh I really strongly suspect that it was invented by whitey, to make fun of black anger.

All of the good racist slang for whites comes from white people.

Mayoskin, cumskin, white trash, hillbilly, redneck, yankee, hick, peckerwood, bumpkin...

I think cumskin was invented by the asian neckbeards of /r/hapas

Oh my god Becky, look at her butt.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this blog stated BLMTO could have asked to march in the Toronto Pride parade instead of holding it up, when they were in fact given the status of Honoured Group for the parade.

You should have posted that first!

Wasn't the first part I found. :/

Forgiven, I appreciate the followup. Makes me want to go to Toronto and make fun of people.

pls no bully

he said people, not redditors

u/jonathantaylortom you are an idiot, clap is slang for shooting someone.

True. I know this because of Franklin and Lamar from GTA 5, thank you very much Rock Star.

Kevin Hart taught me this in 40YO Virgin.

I have heard "clap back" used on twitter to refer to a snappy response (I don't know how or why I picked that up.) Either way, shooting or tweeting someone "to ashes" is some damn weird phrasing. Someone could ask for clarification but she might "shoot them a response" which could either be an email or a few rounds.

Is this the same Canadian who sent out that tweet a year or so ago saying "God help me not to kill any of these stupid ass white people today" when BLM was more active?

Blacks will never be Canadians.

u/jonathantaylortom you are an idiot

She's like silvertongue and /u/svataben had a baby. And worse yet, kept it.

What's wrong with advocating for white genocide? smdh.

pretty based tbh.

Mod when ?

Probably meant to refer to the phrase 'the ash heap of history', which is not generally genocidal. But then again, in the current environment, who knows?


Shut the fuck up, Becky.


Blahpipo leave pride alone.

First of all, let's stop pretending as if various representatives of the eternally underfunded minority groups - underfunded not only financially but also intellectually - acting out can in fact scare people to a degree that many people would like to believe they can.

This is like that crazy dude in front of Eatons calling for Toronto to convert into a Calipahet or something.

It's just an outlet in a modern society for maladjusted youth to play out their insecurities on a public stage. It's like a shot of heroine that sends you tripping while everyone else looks at you with pity and... just moves on because who has time to worry about the junkie these days.

So, from that perspective, I hope it's clear her "threat" is more cry for institutional help than a hint for white people to get organized in militias.

I hope it's clear her "threat" is more cry for institutional help than a hint for white people to get organized in militias.

Yeah, but we want to be in militias, and this gives us the excuse.

This is like that crazy dude in front of Eatons calling for Toronto to convert into a caliphate or something.

If the amount of man-made Islam keeps increasing at the current rate, atmospheric Islam levels will send the planet past the global-haraming tipping point before the end of the century.

Do your part to fight global-haraming. Call your representatives and ask them to sign the Stockholm Protocol to reduce Islam emissions.

You can tell someone is ass-blasted when they write you an essay on why racist death threats are "totally cool guys" lmao

That's not what I said.

I fucking hate the excuse "Oh they're getting people talking" that people use when others are doing something stupid as shit to push an agenda.