Two powerlifters who hate eachother

22  2017-02-08 by [deleted]



No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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I don't know what's going on here, but I like it.

Google this and found this summary of the legal battle from a bodybuilding forum:

For those that did not watch the video; - Dr. Norton asked Blaha to stop - Blaha continues - Dr. Norton gets a lawyer that asks Blaha to settle (cease and desist, no financial repercussion at this point) - Blaha ignores - Dr. Norton's legal aid recommends settlement; advice Blaha to seek legal counsel - Blaha does not get legal counsel, attempts to settle himself (agrees to apologize, retract statements, and pay damages) - Dr. Norton provides a small % of his legal fees as damages Blaha should cover (which according to his legal aids was significantly less [ca. 33%] of the legal fees) - Blaha accuses Dr. Norton and his legal team of fraud, refuses to pay - Legal team pushes an official court date, settlement still on the table if Blaha wants to - Blaha makes a video of "going to war" against Dr. Norton. Language of video very aggressive, legal team seeks further damages - At the court date, Blaha does not show up or does he send legal counsel. Blaha has been bragging about how Dr. Norton has no legal course of action. Judge rules in favor of Dr. Norton

Was that accusation about Blaha making a fake facebook account and threatening his own family with it true? I'm getting the impression it is, which makes this very satisfying.

I only learned about this from this post, so I have no idea. But I was curious as well. It'd be the one thing that would be pretty easy for police to establish.

These two have a really long history, although I don't really understand how they got into it with each other. The tl;dr is that Norton has a relevant PhD but is frequently accused of not being "natty" (steroid-free) as he claims; Blaha basically ripped off Starting Strength to create what he calls "Ice Cream Fitness" and I guess he thinks he's really good at teaching people to lift or something.

IIRC, it started Blaha accused Norton of faking his protein research results because it was funded by a supplement company to increase BCAA sales. He then went on to question Norton's natty-ness.

Oh man youtube fitness community's drama was amazing.

Do you know how to tell if Layne Norton has a PhD? He'll tell you.

normally i just post 'me too thanks' on this sub but in this case you need to know that jason blaha is completely nutzo and thinks he's a CIA assassin and a bunch of other crazy shit


me too thanks

Mr. Blaha might be an asshole, but he do speak alot of truths that other YouTubers don't do. Mostly debunking various products and other money-making schemes that people try.

For those that do not know Jason Blaha.

He's a deranged psycho that makes up wild stories about himself (all of which have been proven to be complete fake lies)

He frequently tries to steal valor.

A small tidbit of things he has claimed.

-Martial arts master, two black belts, championship target shooter trained since he was 6 years old by his Green Beret father. Can score headshots at 1,000 yards.

-Bench pressed 505 pounds for two reps. When asked for proof of this, he says that he doesn't have any because the Internet wasn't that popular in the early 2000s.

-Has 18 inch arms. If you don't believe him, then he is under no obligation to provide proof, you obviously haven't seen him in person. He's huge IRL.

-Built hydrogen compressors.

-Expert musician. He has never demonstrated this skill on camera, but he assured us all that he took two years of honours jazz.

-Is literally the greatest competitive eater who has ever lived. Won an eating contest in high school by eating 13 large Domino's pizzas in under two hours. This calculates into approximately 29 pounds of food/37,000 calories in one sitting.

-Genius level 147 IQ, double majored in Psychology and Nutritional Science at Texas A&M, achieved a perfect 4.0 GPA without ever studying. (Confirmed false, he never even got his associates degree or attended Texas A&M)

-Worked as a male model. (LOL??)

-Was a shredded bodybuilder below 5% body fat. Unfortunately, all photographic evidence of this was burned up in a fire.

-Ran his own steroid lab from 2000-2004 and fucked a cheerleader for a bottle of Clenbuterol and a bottle of Winstrol. He also helped NCAA athletes pass drug tests, some of them later went on to the NFL.

-Became a mercenary assassin for the CIA's Special Activities Division. He is fond of quoting their motto "Latebra Factum". He has a video where he talks about his CIA past (warning: you will go to prison for the rest of your fucking life for committing espionage if you choose to watch it). He also talked about training "At The Farm at Langley" (Langley, Virigina is where the headquarters of the CIA is located). He also talked about his background in stalking and killing a man while leaving behind no evidence. (We have confirmed from actual CIA directors that Blaha was never and has never been associated with the CIA in any manor)

-Didn't have to pay Layne Norton any money when he lost the lawsuit because the U.S. Embassy protected him. He implied that this was done as gratitude for his past service as an assassin, a privilege that they didn't even grant to Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle when he lost a defamation case. This means that Agent Blahino had more confirmed kills than Chris Kyle's 160. -Receives a special government pension with a sealed record for his past CIA work, which is why he doesn't have a job.

-Not only was he an assassin for the CIA, but he revealed that he also worked as a private mercenary contractor; he was recruited by the Clinton administration out of high school due to his target shooting skills. He was deployed to fight the drug cartels in Mexico and South America, and was only paid in firearms and training (at The Farm at Langley). He was also deployed to the Middle East, where he performed snatch and grabs and used advanced interrogation techniques on terrorists. He killed armed men, got PTSD as a result, and was terminated by his employer.

-Committed war crimes as a mercenary. Thankfully, he wasn't part of the military, so he was not in violation of international law!

-Left his team to do a solo job in the jungles of South America. He was pursued on foot, chased by dogs, survived several engagements by himself, stole a truck, and was finally apprehended by the federal authorities of the country when he ran out of ammo. Thankfully, his mercenary squad broke him out of prison.

-Was a hitman, looking to work as one again for the right price.

-Turned down an offer by the US army to be a commissioned officer, despite never having attended West Point (so he could sit at home and make $30 a day making YouTube videos instead).

-Could have become a medical doctor, but chose not to. Again, $30 a day on YouTube is just so much better.

-Former street racer. So that's what happened to Racer X!

Only one I believe is that he benched 505lbs for two reps, because the dude put the word "retard" in "retard strength"

Ooooh, bear drama. Juicy.

People spilling their creatine everywhere.

Great video.

thanks you all for the positive feedback, would you guys more videos like this? (make videos on two people who dislike eachother)