BikiniBottomTwitter bans ableist posts because a mod finds them offensive. Bikini Bottom loses their minds

148  2017-02-08 by OneSpookySneakySquid


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. This Post -,,,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

You scared me bot

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.

Did bot 2 spoopy

It's fucking stupid. They didn't ban those kind of posts because they were getting shit for it, or because they were always downvoted, or even because they received a lot of reports, they banned them because the don't like them.

They banned them because only some of the mods didn't like them. Crazy shit.

cry more, mods can do whatever they want with their sub, people can unsub if they don't like it

These guys have only been mods for a few months. They're acting in their own self interest and abusing the power they were given to go against the opinions of the vast majority of the sub's user base.

Its a shit sub anyway. who cares.

None of this matters.

It might not matter for you but for those who do enjoy the sub, they'd like to continue enjoying it.

The kind of people that enjoy that sub don't matter


Yeah one thing I can't stand more than power hungry mods is triggered pussies who can't handle content being regulated

Seriously, it should be up to the majority

Majority f Reddit is retarded.

So let us be retarded under our circumstances

why tho


No pity for the majority

I'll be honest here; personally, I'm not disabled in anyway

Gonna disagree here /u/Astronomer_X . You should embrace having crippling autism and obesity.

Hail to the Tendie King.

we've decided that were

/u/Astronomer_X clearly you are tarded because your grammar is fucked. "We're" not "were".

We're where you? Were where waiting for you.

Where were Kings and shit.

Period goes inside the quotation.

This tbh


Some symptoms of autism spectrum disorder:

persistent repetition of words or actions

insecurity, lack of social awareness

issues with development of speech

You fit the bill, buddy. No need to be so insecure about it. There are millions of people with autism who function fine.


who lives in a tardhouse under the sea?

lol at /u/throwaway_350 saying the decision is about being respectful to others while also telling people to off themselves

literally not surprised


I told people to kill them selves when I was in a really really pissy mood that day and forgot to delete it

Don't worry man, you can't help being retarded. Gee you sure changed a lot of folks day by abusing the limited mod power you have! M

So are you retarded or are y'all messing around?

Have you considered suicide? If so, please seek help

If not, consider it

Kill yourself.

I'm not a bad person for saying that because I'm going to delete this later.

I once murdered people when i was in a pissy mood and i forgot to hide the bodies.

How is what I said comparable to murder lmao

It isn't, i just wanted to share that story

Cool story, bro

I said the same thing to the prosecutor

That's a very funny mental image

Don't forget the yogurt enema. IT IS NECESSARY

When we start the mayocide you'll be the first cracker to drown.

I'm not white, so....

Thank God for Trump then.

also thank mr skeltal for good bones and calcium




Couldn't get you with white genocide. Figured I'd see if the traditional kind of genocide would get you.

I think the polite term is ethnic cleansing nowadays

Idk, according to you, you're not retarded either. You're obviously not a credible source.

Well put you in the camps where the special people go

What's it like being retarded?

Don't mind these /r/drama faggots. you are just a human. We all get angry, 8i jst hope you have a good day.

Don't hand wave your mistakes and moral failings away like that. Being an adult means owning up and fixing wings in the future.

I told people to kill them selves when I was in a really really pissy mood that day and forgot to delete it

Of course you can't be held accountable for anything you say because you meant to delete it lmao

You're a hypocrite and a scumbag at that. You could also say you're hypocritical scumbag lmao

(If you're actually retarded or in a wheel chair I'm so sorry pls forgive me I didn't mean to hurt your feelings)


Retarded, autistic, and triggered is he!

Noodles delenda est

Who shots their pants and spills tendies?

Wrong number of syllables. Can you come up with a three syllable synonym for tardhouse?


Thanks fam

The r/drama mods!

Please come to our sub, /u/throwaway_350! We're a very inclusive space and will never remove your posts, so feel free to tell whoever you'd like to commit suicide!


Not you, you little scamp!


Tru, I'm just her boyfriend

Good, she's had a tough time since the divorce. You better treat her right and give her all the dickings she can handle.

You're ok with /u/pepperouchau boning your mom even though he's black? That's quite (((progressive))) of you

Well, my dad is black so not much would change

I thought her boyfriend just watched?

That's true, actually. See, /u/pepperouchau is basically the fluffer/heavy letter in our sex triangle. I do all of the work for him while he gets off, I like to think it's a symbiotic relationship.

Come on now

that is a stretch

Close enough.

You should contact the snappshillbot masters and get them to add your catchphrase to the bucket with the others m

GOOD idea


Melania is going to end cyber bullying. If anything this was a a reason Trump didn't win as much.

More like /u/easy_karma amirite?

/ is it just a prank bro?

/u/astronomer_x it seems like you may be on the spectrum. Are you okay? Remember: social cues will set you free

That was a retarded thing to do.

Think of the outrage if someone shopped cat ears on Gary!


I know mentally disabled people that find your sub and your posts not funny, please delete your sub and then your account.

Ok, will do


/u/throwaway_350 and /u/Astronomer_X please remove every alt-history post referencing WW2. I know Jewish people who are offended when something as serious and dark as WW2 is made light of all for the sake of some cheap laughs. Is that topic of conversation funny? WW2 is appropriate to make jokes about despite the heart wrenching tragedies that became of it? Attempting to make a joke out of WW2 is offensive and unfunny and lazy.

but in all seriousness you realize how retarded you guys are for cherry picking random things to censor? very badass that you're a mod of several subs though can i get your autograph?

Lmao wanna know how we know astronomer is disabled? He thinks those fake history memes are clever and take effort.

He also mods a sub for Spongebob memes

Hi, I'm the mod who announced the ban. Let me clear something up.

Believe it or not, I'm not actually disabled/on the spectrum; if you think I'm stupid or dumb or anything, well, okay, I can't do anything about that, but you'll have to accept that I'm a fucking stupid able bodied person.

No, I can't be personally offended by the jokes. Even then, they're low effort jokes that are just 'autism, badum tss', or 'Tard kid, get it?' They're lazy and take little to none effort and they're mainly all from that one episode where they were pulling detailed weird faces for shock humour. It was a lazy episode that spawned lazy jokes, and we do have a rule against low effort posts and such. Reposts tend to get filtered out via downvotes already or lack of upvotes, so those tend to fix themselves.

Also, there is already a subreddit dedicated to spongebob shock humour called /r/imgoingtorockbottom and the posts we just banned fit there nicely, and autism jokes don't really fit in a Spongebob Parody of /r/Blackpeopletwitter .

I've removed posts that had pedophilic humour like on /r/patrig because they don't fit our subreddit. They were completely spongebob but we still did not want them.

If you want to enjoy tard kid posts, that's not my place to say a thing about. But the places to enjoy them are not bikinibottomtwitter.

I'll have you know that I unsubbed months ago for finding the post offensive. Offensively unfunny.

Let me assure me that I do not care about the quality of any of the posts in your sub.

I don't mind if you do/don't, it's nothing to make an argument about.

TL:DR I'm a little bitch who lets one user from nega dictate the direction of my sub.

He seems classy though, the kind of guy who tells all of a group of people to kys because of politics is def someone you want modding your sub.


and definitely not ironically

Look through his post history, this kid is literally 16 and posts on r/teenagers and negareddit. All of a sudden, this whole thing makes sense.

All of a sudden, this whole thing makes sense

it usually does tbh

Well what I'm getting at is now his retardation and god-awful communication and handling of this shit has an explanation other than just pure autism.

I don't care about your political position, everybody here is saying I'm autistic/retarded, and I'm saying that you can say what you want, I don't mind. I won't ban people or anything if they disagree or if they make jokes about it or call me stuff in other subs, it's just not the kind of content that belongs in the subreddit.

It wasn't just my own decision either, by the way, other mods talked about it as well.

Talked about it eh? I'm guessing many did not agree then.

/u/Astronomer_X is almost definitely an obese faggot considering he posts in places like r/negareddit.


Fuck our users, I decide what's funny. I must protect them from liking things that I don't like.

Low effort? Have you seen your life?

You keep saying you aren't retarded...

Are you ableist or something?

What's wrong with being retarded? Fucking bigot.

Funny thing was it just you and throwaway double ditching over the autistic shit or did Topher chime in at all?

Good point. If it makes fun of Nazis, we'll keep it. Otherwise, no.

oh shit, reddit at large is going to be pissed

If we split up every type of post that some people don't like into a new subreddit, what's the point of having all of the spongebob memes in one place anyway?


/u/_lilPoundcake is a mod over there care to chime in on wetter or not it was the whole mod team or just those two?

I don't do shit

Except orchestrate the whole thing so that it would blow up and get posted here.

the /r/drama mod motto

Post mod logs.

What was the vote breakdown and which side did you fall on? Did everyone vote?

I don't look at modmail

So we at least know that not every mod had a say. So far I've determined that only 2/4 mods were behind the ban. I'll need to find out about the rest.

most mods don't participate, get over yourself


/u/throwaway_350 and /u/Astronomer_X please remove every alt-history post referencing WW2. I know Jewish people who are offended when something as serious and dark as WW2 is made light of all for the sake of some cheap laughs. Is that topic of conversation funny? WW2 is appropriate to make jokes about despite the heart wrenching tragedies that became of it? Attempting to make a joke out of WW2 is offensive and unfunny and lazy.

but in all seriousness you realize how retarded you guys are for cherry picking random things to censor? very badass that you're a mod of several subs though can i get your autograph?

Mein opa was an honourable gentleman who volunteered in the Waffen-SS, and it hurts my feelings when people make fun of the Nazi Party and Germany in general. Please, /u/throwaway_350, ban those jokes too. Pep pep deserves better.

Pep pep was a real gas

inb4 they actually do just that

this seem like it was only /u/Astronomer_X and /u/throwaway_350 were the only ones really "talking" about this in mod mail. /u/MGLLN seems to be the only mod in that thread no defending the ruling. I think since /u/MGLLN has full permissions he should de-mod the other two and reverse the ruling, thus creating more tasty drama for us over here.

Was this something that y'all are doing because of users complaining or... just because?

Neither. We just had a discussion in modmail and decided to ban those cause they're offensive

Of course.

/u/throwaway_350, on a scale of 1-10 how much does this relate to you? Anything under a 7 is a lie.


None of those apply to me actually. But I honestly have no way of proving that

Wow, an unpopular weak nerd with shitty taste in music, awful taste in memes, never and a liar?

Some people are bullies. Get over it.

bullying an entire sub

complains about getting bullied

Does this mean no more Texas Spongebob nenes?

/u/wsgy111 is a cuckmod

he's a transexual fat activist from denmark

This is literally a post from one of the mods who claims he doesn't want to offend anyone. It just seems really hypocritical that he claims ableist jokes are offensive yet he posts things like this. I'm not even a fan of those memes but banning jokes spells disaster for this sub.

Some good sleuthing going on here.

/u/throwaway_350 you should follow your own advice and go drink anti freeze. You censored a SpongeBob meme subreddit you absolute faggot. Honest question, how many times do you have to get beat up for your lunch money in order to do some shit like that?

Ok thanks. I will go kill myself now.

Was this something that y'all are doing because of users complaining or... just because?

Neither. We just had a discussion in modmail and decided to ban those cause they're offensive

Wow, I didn't realize Bikini Bottom was a fascist dictatorship.

you've never watched the OG spongebob movie then.


As an actual autistic person, this sub is full of people who love to make our lives miserable.

there is literally not a single internet moderator that deserves to live


"why are you even a mod"

"cause I was added as a mod"

This guy has moderation down to a science.

I don't think it should be banned but people who still use the autism joke makes me jab a straw through their eyeball. I am not trying to be a dick or contrarian or anything. It's just too god damn much. I can't wait for a new thing. Please make new thing.

classic mod discussion

why do it when it's completely illogical and inconsistent with the rest of the rules

cuz we mods

The mods found those post offensive? So what?

Based u/DwarfKhan. The hero we need in a sea of autists.