Hilldawg proves Pizzagate

92  2017-02-08 by icefourthirtythree


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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/r/Conspiracy is gonna pick this up and blow the whole thing WIDE OPEN.

/r/conspiracy's thought process is like the exact opposite of Occam's Razor. The most complicated theory with the highest amount of assumptions is ALWAYS the correct one.

I think I might have posted there that she mentions "Some days all you can eat is pizza" in her crying video from 08

Can someone please explain to me why the LAMEstream media isn't reporting on this!!?

Pizza sales obviously matter.


A Belgian television station has broadcast a clandestine interview with the paedophile murder suspect, Marc Dutroux, who is awaiting trial on charges of abducting, raping and killing four girls.

"I maintained regular contact with people in this ring. However, the law does not want to investigate this lead"

Marc Dutroux Dutroux was arrested in 1996 in a case which rocked the nation. Two of the children who he abducted starved to death in makeshift dungeons under his house.

In the interview with the Flemish-language station VTM Dutroux admitted locking up the girls but did not acknowledge responsibility for their deaths.

There was widespread anger and frustration among Belgians due to police errors, the general slowness of the investigation and the disastrous outcome of the events. This suspicion that Dutroux had been, or was being, protected was raised when the public became aware of Dutroux's claims that he was part of a sex ring that included high-ranking members of the police force and government.[14] This suspicion, along with general anger over the outcome, culminated with the popular judge in charge of investigating the claims, Jean-Marc Connerotte (fr), being dismissed on the grounds of having participated in a fund-raising dinner for the girls' parents.[14] The investigation itself was wrapped up on the grounds of conflict of interest. His dismissal and the end of the investigation resulted in a massive protest march (the "White March") of 300,000 people on the capital, Brussels, in October 1996, two months after Dutroux's arrest, in which demands were made for reforms of Belgium's police and justice system.[15]

On the witness stand, Jean-Marc Connerotte (fr), the original judge of the case, broke down in tears when he described "the bullet-proof vehicles and armed guards needed to protect him against the shadowy figures determined to stop the full truth coming out.[14] Never before in Belgium has an investigating judge at the service of the king been subjected to such pressure. We were told by police that [murder] contracts had been taken out against the magistrates." Connerotte testified that the investigation was seriously hampered by protection of suspects by people in the government. "Rarely has so much energy been spent opposing an inquiry," he said. He believed that the Mafia had taken control of the case.[16]

He also said he had been part of a wider paedophile network but said the justice system did not want to pursue it.

"There is a well-grounded [paedophile] ring," he said. "I maintained regular contact with people in this ring. However, the law does not want to investigate this lead."

Dutroux has already served time for a paedophile conviction. He was set free in 1992 after serving three years of a 13-year sentence for raping five girls.


Massive if authentic

Gay if fake

AIDS if gay.

Me too thanks

Minor if falsehood.

Enormous if real.

Oh this'll blow up nicely. I'm gonna tell all my fellow paranoid schizophrenics.

I'm gonna tell all my fellow paranoid schizophrenics.

So, /r/conspiracy?


We will see if she is so bold after Trump destroys the Jewish cabal protecting her

Just put pepperoni on the pizza. No longer kosher, they'll recoil like vampires to garlic. Also, add garlic in case they're also vampires.

Most places use turkey pepperoni now for this exact reason.

Like (((Ivanka))) will let that happen.

Fucking knew it. Wait until session is confirmed and the pizzagate illuminati freemason reptilian Jew cover-up is blown wide open.

I, for one, welcome our pizzagate illuminati freemason reptilian Jew overlords.


When they still thought they can get away with shit like that!


Why does /r/conspiracy and 4chan think that these people would openly tease little breadcrumb-clues out in the open? They think it's some PG-13 crime mystery drama where the cheeky bad guy teases the public with overt explicit evidence?

"Ok lets design our pizza shop logo."

"Ok lmao listen to this what if we copy and pasted a pedo logo and changed the colors and rotated it and stuff?"

"hahaha nobody would ever know but us let's totally risk everything for this inside joke xD ROFL"

Let me do some mental gymnastics and explain it to you.

Explanation A) because powerful politicians laugh in our faces. They think they're invincible and they get off on it.

Explanation B) because they're so deep into this shit that they subconsciously internalized it, even more so they're trying to slowly normalize their perversions.

Retard lefties are so far up their own asses they haven't even heard about the große Lüge.

große Lüge

I'm sorry, what does this mean, I'm not fluent in (((Nazi))).

the use of a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously." -Michael Scott

"the Iraqis are buying aluminium tubes!"

see how life imitate art!

Hey did you smart fellas ever find the basement of that place?

Yes, it's right underneath it.

I guess that guy that marched in with a gun couldn't find it ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Because many of them are very very stupid.

Whilst that claim could be laid at any group, I think there is more to it than that. I think its 50% "being better informed than the sheeple" type stance, in which they can feel superior to others because they know something we dont.

The other %50 is them finding some sort of unity with the group, bit like how gangs recruit from broken homes, well these groups tend to scalp up the socially awkward types who find a sense of belonging in the batshit groups of people.

Plus its human nature to assume human agency over random chance anyway.

They were all dropped on their heads when they were children.

people seem to have forgotten what "most retarded website on the internet" means

pizzagate gets pushback even on /r/conspiracy it's /r/The_Donald that's going full retard over the tweet already.

T_D and retard in the same sentence may be redundant.

may be

is definitely*

Something I always come back to with these Pizzagate conspiracies or Hillary had twenty people killed (including a Supreme Court Justice) is the Clintons couldn't keep secret a bad investment, a private server or a freaking blowjob. Yet somehow they can help run a pizza pedo ring while killing dozens of people.

To be fair, properly configuring an Exchange server is way harder than getting away with murder.

Wait so they can't keep those secrets, but they can keep PizzaGate a secret, except.... everyones talking about it, including you, right now? Huh?

The three things I pointed out were actually investigated by people that you know, matter not fringe conspiracy theory nut jobs. In those three things there was evidence and people to back it up meanwhile I'm not seeing any kids popping up saying that they went to a pizza party and ended up sold into sex slavery. All you have is autistic secret email codes.

I recall nothing happened with the victims of Jimmy Saville until after he died, whats the difference here? Are you saying Jimmy Saville was even more powerful?

So because Jimmy here was a pedo that proves your conspiracy theory? Do me a favor and don't let your autism go out of control causing you to shoot up a pizza place.

Wow you really made a leap there, believing PizzaGate might have some merit due to the same type of things happening in the past means i'm going to shoot people?

You are being a bit defensive.

You and pizzagate are enough evidence in favor of the eventual mayo genocide that isn't happening nearly fast enough.

I thought I was the one supposed to be shooting up places. :)

A mass shooting isn't nearly enough to deal with white people.

Pizzagate is real tho

They haven't yet found any evidence damning enough for PizzaGate to be seen by the public as anything but a fringe conspiracy theory.

The public at large doesn't even get to see common, proven crimes that are occurring every day - if the perpetrators have a favored globalist identity!

If you can't every actually be arrested, it doesn't matter if people are aware of it. Diplomatic immunity.

Diplomatic immunity doesn't get you votes. If there was solid evidence that Hillary was involved in a pedo ring, she would have lost in a landslide and have her political career destroyed forever.

  • Hillary was involved in a pedo ring 🤸🏼‍

  • she would have lost in a landslide 🐸

  • her political career destroyed forever 🤾🏻‍🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅

she lost in a landslide

Only electorally. If there was solid evidence of her being in a pedo ring, she wouldn't get even 20% of the popular vote.

her political career was destroyed forever!

We really don't know yet at this point. I would not be terribly surprised if she tried running again in 2020, though I suspect the next time around the Democratic Party would prefer nominating someone who doesn't have all that baggage.

Only electorally


If there was solid evidence of her being in a pedo ring, she wouldn't get even 20% of the popular vote


the Clintons couldn't keep secret a bad investment, a private server or a freaking blowjob.

They do keep it secret, though - in that you can point out the facts over and over, but plenty of people will pretend it never happened!

"Dad, why are you telling Austin Powers your plans? Just shoot him."

How 'bout no Scott

I think most of them don't actually believe it at all and are just riling up the retards who do

It is the same psychology that causes people to get gang tattoos or wear drug paraphenalia. People display their sordid little in-groups and in-jokes and scandals constantly, and it never affects them negatively until it does.

They were raised by the TV and Internet. How else are they supposed to think?

Wouldn't be another day at /r/Drama if someone wasn't trying to get us all banned.

TFW mozzarella gets banned at your local grocery store

2015 lol the year before the year shit went to shit

I think '13 was the peak but 15 was better than the previous year

what if


the person handling Hillary's social media is a Russian plant who made this tweet in order to provide more material for right-wingers to chimp out over so that they're distracted from the fact that Russia is taking control of America and turning it into an authoritarian state???

That's a far more interesting conspiracy theory than pizzagate. :)

All roads lead to Moscow.

Finally a leftist conspiracy. Oh wait it's ridiculous.

Russia is taking control of America and turning it into an authoritarian state???

Well, Russia WAS doing that, by putting anti-American cultural Marxists like Hillary Clinton into power. Or, rather, Russia's previous incarnation was.



Keep in mind this is from 2015, the pizzagate evidence pile now is staggering. This is not a theory.

Oh, you're one of THOSE.

we got a live one here boys

..one of what? what kind of condescending shit is that?

A person that buys into juicy bullshit. I've seen the "evidence" and it's absolute crap. Was the moon landing faked as well?

I've seen the "evidence" and it's absolute crap.

What are you referring to specifically? Because I guarantee that you haven't seen the full package if that's how you feel.

Show me the most convincing piece of evidence you've got.

lol no

British children talking about being made to behead babies is the most convincing evidence of a DC-based child-abuse ring?

this is why nobody takes you seriously. You're incoherent.

So your BEST piece of evidence isn't even evidence??? It's someone telling you to look up evidence. COME ON. That's just sad.

You seem to be confusing a pizzagate pile with a steaming pile of shit that the pizzagate thing is.

what makes you say that?

Pizzagate isn't real. It's made up bullshit from armchair detectives.

False. The evidence gathered up to this point is overwhelming and absolutely warrants a thorough FBI investigation. The fact alone that not a single law enforcement agency has done so much as dipped their toe into the water is enough to prove that something is fucked up here.

something is fucked up here.

That would be you and everyone else who thinks pizzagate is real and needs to be investigated.

That would be you and everyone else who thinks pizzagate is real and needs to be investigated.

looking at your comment history it's clear that you're a payed shill account or somebody who's extremely agitated/in a crusade against everybody who knows what's happening. enjoy that life.

i'm done engaging with you as it's not going to go anywhere.

All I reading is that you can't handle being criticized over this loopy pizzagate nonsense. You should consider not venturing out to other subs where you're not going to get friendly agreement.

you can't handle being criticized

man you got me, that's it hahah what is this high school i'll see you in r/confessions in a month after you collapse in on yourself like a dying star via bottling in being this full of shit for so long. anybody who takes 30 seconds to look at your post history can see you clearly have a very specific agenda on this entire site, you're not even good at this shit lol

The fact alone that not a single law enforcement agency has done so much as dipped their toe into the water is enough to prove that something is fucked up here.

Or because there's no evidence to suggest the need.

there's no evidence

Take 10 minutes out of your day and skip to any part of this documentary. It's a collection of everything gathered up to January 2017, I was 100% in your boat up until last month.

I asked for this link further down and didn't realize it was a link to this Youtube video. I've seen it. It's ridiculous speculation.

It's ridiculous speculation.

It's very not, and it's clear you haven't watched it as you'd know that every source is multiply cited. But okay, if that's not enough for you how about the text collection.

And if that, coupled with the Primer, still isn't enough, how about the instagram archive?

What more do you need to agree that this at the very least warrants a thorough FBI investigation?

What more do you need to agree that this at the very least warrants a thorough FBI investigation?

Actual evidence?

Actual evidence?

what would that look like to you if this isn't it?

It would look like an indication of a crime committed and not conspiracy theory videos and assumptions regarding the context of emails. I mean, for fucks sake, I watched one video where they combed through the entire Instagram of Alefantis (possibly the one you linked, I've watched a lot of them and don't have time this morning to sit through another one) and found that one of his pictures was liked by a guy who works for the band Lamb of God (or one similar, I can't fully recall the name) and said that was evidence enough that said user was involved in something nefarious and should be fully investigated by the FBI. I have no doubt they're speaking in code. It wouldn't be unusual for political persons to do so. Tying it back to pedo speak used on the dark net is just conjecture.

Code words, man. Code words. Don't you get it? lol

I'm not talking about code words I'm talking about this kind of shit.

Is this what not engaging looks like?


an indication of a crime committed

if this isn't that I don't know what is.

Retracted testimony isn't proof of anything.

That is 1 of 22.

I'm not seeing mention of 22 additional children in the Hampstead case?

I'm referring to the rest of the video.

I've seen it and googled the "cover up" and am still not sure what you're referencing.

Herp Derp.

It's ridiculous speculation.

Absolutely true.

But I guess you too are a "payed" shill or a crusader against "the truth".

Cersei Clinton, Queen Regent of the Seven Shill Kingdoms.

That's awesome.

This is not a theory

well, you're right about that. theories require evidence

theories require evidence

Which there's an overwhelming abundance of.

The only serious aspect of pizzagate is the non-trivial chance that one of you wackos will actually get someone hurt during your armed excursions to suspect pizza restaurants.

nobody else has to investigate now that sessions is in

one of you wackos

What makes you call me that? Have you seen the Pizzagate Primer? if not I highly suggest you do it's a compilation of everything we've gathered up to January, and very well done. You can call me a wacko or whatever you'd like but if even 5% of it holds water it should the absolute top priority of law enforcement agencies right now, yet there hasn't even been a so much as a single investigation. Something is fucked up here.

If pizzagate was anything more than an unhealthy hobby for asylum escapees, you would hire a private investigator to collect real evidence. Of course you can't actually do that, because 100% of you are on welfare and have to go to the library to use Reddit.

Better yet, go talk to a therapist until you understand why your collections of pictures of triangles do not constitute proof of anything.

If pizzagate was anything more than an unhealthy hobby for asylum escapees, you would hire a private investigator to collect real evidence.

...you don't have to hire them, they're doing it on their own accord on a regular basis.

100% of you are on welfare and have to go to the library to use Reddit.

I'm a trust fund baby thank you very much.

your collections of pictures of triangles do not constitute proof of anything.

what are you even talking about now?

Have you seen the Pizzagate Primer?

I'll bite. Link please?

Has /r/Conspiracy ever uncovered an actual conspiracy?

Well once they uncover a truth the discussion is moved to /r/news where it is repeatedly humped and bashed to death.

That's just the process man. If they left truth and facts in /r/conspiracy it wouldn't really be /r/conspiracy anymore now would it?

I was hoping for an example, I can't think of any myself.

Does /u/Sagittariuscraig have anything to add? He's the master alt-right fan fiction author on the topic.

Hillary voter here. I regret nothing.

> participating in bourgeois elections

Hope you got a slice

ahaha i love how low effort pizzagate bait is

its guaranteed to start an argument

Holy shit, THAT was a fucking shit fest