It's getting meta all up in /r/toronto again, because of the usual BLM shit. But this time, Huffpo is speaking against them, so eh that's something to put in the title I guess.

34  2017-02-09 by zahlman


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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Wait I thought the whole purpose of BLM was for police reform in America?

Are Canadian police officers accused of "racism" as well?

Yes. Carding etc.

white people are a disease on all of society, not just in America.




Wew lad

agreed kill the pale ghosts

And the symptoms of an infection of whitey are technological progress and economic prosperity.

big if tru

In all seriousness, yes. Canadian police have similar scandals

u/beef-supreme HaHAHA I brigaded the fuck out of all your threads with my many r/toronto accounts even though I live in Texas, what now leaftard

Doing the good lords work

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I was drinking water when I read that.

I should not have been.

Oh god they think you're serious...

that's a huge problem with toronto based subreddits it seems

Mental retardation? I knew the Canadians were inferior to real people, but I never realized by how much.

Unlike you guys south of the boarder, we don't marry our cousin. So maybe that's it?

You misspelled border. You're inferior french genes strike again. Anglo Master Race 4ever!

Tabernacle! Inferior Quebecois genes! It's like french but even more poor and terrible!

Huffpo is bitching about BLM? Did hell freeze over?

Don't ask me how it's possible, but it seems HuffPo Canada is somehow a bit less pants on head retarded than the American version.

Subredditsimulator was a test run for HuffPo.

She once mused that just by having white skin, white people are sub-human.

She's right though. This is objective fact.

get out of here with your alternative facts

TL;DR article: BLM went after Trudeau.

Recently, Khogali labelled Justin Trudeau a "white supremacist terrorist" for not changing our refugee policy as a response to Donald Trump's executive order that would temporarily halt the flow of refugees and immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries.


This is all I ever hear out of Canada. Is it really that boring up there?

Nah, it's just /u/zahlman's agenda you see, because he's the only one posting Canadian """drama""" here.

Why are all BLM leaders women?




This is the correct answer.

They have been sadly left out in the cold. Black men are well into white bitches, Yellow bitches, even dead bitches in the morgue. But conversely, the white and yellowman is not clamoring for black ladies.

Factor into that, that most black cultures are openly hostile to homosexuality (so no ebony ebony lovin), and black women are now the least desired of all peoples.

So they kick up a fuss and join movements to help get over being unloved and having no value on the fuck market.

Asian men and Black women should hook up, but I don't believe either are buying what the other is sellin'.

Beta cucks don't become leaders in the black community.

There's a lot of BLM dudes, Shaun King, McKay something something, etc.

Isn't Shaun king white?

I generally support what BLM stand for but BLM Toronto constantly dip into Nation of Islam styled insanity. They either need a leadership change or a new BLM Toronto needs to be made to compete with them.

i think part of it is that torontonians have literally nothing to complain about but they still get exposed to the american left narrative which tells them they don't qualify as "woke" if they can't find oppression to be angry about.