/r/Netflix finally locks their Dear White People thread. It's a shitshow.

66  2017-02-09 by WyrmSaint


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Already a thread up go agendapost there

Beside the /r/television one?

Oops didn't even realize it, my bad agendapost about Bait as much as you want

Thx bro.

You mean truth post?

I am loving this show. It's already got thousands of crying victims for us to laugh at.

I'm loving it because it continues to raise racial consciousness among whites.

Keep it up Netflix! Trump 2020!

Every time Halloween comes around it's a pretty big issue...which is what the entire preview was about...

Unfortunately it does happen http://www.yourbasin.com/news/woman-seen-dressed-in-blackface-outside-midland-school/603760223

Greene tells us that the woman in the photo appeared to be of Hispanic or "Latina" descent. Greene says the woman might not have realized how offensive her Halloween costume was.

"Dear White People"

Wait i've got a Meme for this

I'm 29. I saw 4 last year alone.

All joking aside all these people talking about people wearing Blackface in public have to be lying right?


Member when the wayans made a whole movie about painting themselves white and becoming chicks? Imagine if white people painted themselves black and made a bunch of stereo type jokes. There would be a bunch of outrage. hypocrites

/u/cancorn Are you trolling or unaware of why Blackface is offensive?

Here's an famous example of "Progressive" Blackface (Blackface and sing the whitest possible song instead of doing stereotypes)

Wearing "WhiteFace" ala White Chicks lacks the history of the Blackface Vaudeville act and the entire point of why it came about.

It's why no one complains about all the Asians doing Blackface

Note sure if you're meant to be quoting someone there, but I've seen plenty of people complain about Asian blackface. One recent example being a Korean cosplayer decided to darken her skin a little to match Somba of Overwatch, and a bunch of people gave her shit for it.

I didn't even know Asian Blackface was a thing before that guys post listing it. Just that Washing Machine one that everyone complained about because lol what the fuck is that. And the Skin Whitening stuff.

Did they learn it from the White Devil?

One recent example being a Korean cosplayer decided to darken her skin a little to match Somba of Overwatch, and a bunch of people gave her shit for it.

Oh dang this face book post

At first, i'm Korean cosplayer and i never heard of that before - BROWN FACE make up is OFFENSIVE thing. When i heard about that is after uploading Sombra cosplay Photos. I've been cosplaying which have dark skin than me once before. Female dark elf from the Dungeon and fighter. but that time my coworker said 'don't makeup your skin and body more dark. Because people might be think 'UNPRETTY'. I still don't agree with that. but that time i don't have a body painting skill so i just cosplaying dark elf as my neutral skin tone. that's 3 years ago.

Dungeon and Fighter Dark Elf looks like this (Dungeon Fighter Online for you Gangin) and She's Korean so she's actually close to OW Hacker?

People were offended on behalf of a Video Game character?

Koreans and Latinos doing blackface is Dear White People's Fault.

>Groucho Marx

Literally Cultural Marxism

Mayocucks chimping out like General Sherman just freed their slaves.

Well, the whole point of history is to learn not to repeat mistakes like that.

We need general Sherman back. Mayocide isn't going to happen without another march.

general Sherman

Blacks literally have to rely on a fucking white male to do their genociding for them. Are negroids the least useful race in existence?

He can be an honorary Asian.

Can't be the least if it's going to be the only ;-)

He was the first president of lsu

We still have cannons he gave us as gifts.

My alma matter shall take the lead in starting the mayocide.


So then he gave them to LSU so he could still see them but not have to listen to his wife bitching.

Oh lord I hope Netflix can recover from the thrashing their stock took yesterday after the trailer was posted on Youtube!

Democrats chimping out like General Sherman just freed their slaves.

I think my favorite was u/ashken trolling as a blatant stereotype of ebonics.

How was I using Ebonics? Because I said y'all? Do you know what Ebonics is?

A word that a white man made up to excuse the lack of educated speech among negro street youths?


Look mah jive turkey. Ain't no one be knowin you black as the night on the interwebs! Sheeit. Cash me ousside fa real fam

That's slang. There's a difference.

And what black person says interwebz?

Probably a jive turkey amirite?

You're not wrong

Embarrassing overuse of y'all. Trashy, trashy

Umm...Y'all isn't exclusive to Ebonics, to the point where I didn't think anyone would ever make that assumption.

Illiterates of all races are united in their love of y'all.

How else am I supposed to voice my belligerent indignation to a large crowd?

Fuck you, English really needs a word for "you all". Y'all fits the bill to twatwaffle

I especially like that there's also a different "all y'all" form that's used to refer to the entirety of the addressed people, while "y'all whitey" means the crowd of whitey you're addressing, "all y'all whitey" means all whitey including those not present at the moment.

Meanwhile "y'all niggers" is what my granddad used to yell at the local high school basketball team after they lost a game

I didn't say anything about ebonics

My mistake for the assumption then.

Y'all are jumpin' the gun smdh

I'm edjumucated and I use y'all.

People can be educated and trashy. They aren't exclusive

There's nothing at all wrong with using y'all. It's a perfectly cromulent regional colloquialism.

There's nothing wrong with being trashy either. There's all kinds

I thought y'all was more a Southern thing rather than something used by any race.

The mods sure do seem interested in protecting this show from mean words and criticism. First the tv thread locked and now this thread locked.

'final;y'? So the SRS contingent is openly hoping for drama threads to be locked now?

I said finally because I expected it to be locked early like the/r/television one.

Lots of triggered white people over a trailer that basically says

"Blackface is bad"

That's what I don't get, the ad is essentially a black woman making the least controversial race relations point I can think of, apart from "don't dress like a Nazi". Which side is supposed to be the snowflakes again?

What if it was "Dear Black people" and proceeded to saying that shooting each other is wrong?

Don't you think some find this offensive, albeit shooting people being known to be bad?

Actually...Yeah, I can kind of see that. People are offended at being lumped in with the kind of people who wear blackface as a gag. Maybe that's the point they're making? Like: this is what it feels like to be lumped in with the worst people in your group? Seems like it might be more useful for alienating the people who they're actually trying to reach.

Yeah, that sort of point is valid but tends to get succeeded by people genuinely enjoying shitting on the "privileged" and believing that they actually have the right to do it faster than you can spell shitredditsays.

To be fair I see a lot of racist shit that starts with "Dear white people". It's the start of a condescending statement that groups a lot of innocent people in with uninnocent people.

I've seen a few of these, I end up wondering if they're intentionally trying to make white people understand what it feels like to be grouped in with a bunch of people they don't know because of their race, or if it's just the meme right now to say "dear_____"

I really worry about the implications of that, because if the goal is for you to make white people feel slighted and othered to make a point, I have a sneaking suspicion they will just feel slighted and othered, to hell with your point, and polarize further.

Yeah, you're probably not wrong. Saw someone calling out /u/wil on Twitter for something similar a week or so ago- they were probably on the same side on literally everything, but everyone ended up alienated and grouchy. I'll be interested to see if the show goes to a more constructive place- kind of like Blackish has done this last season.

I think most of the drama comes from the title of the show itself.

What part of the antagonising, race-baiting title do you find difficult to understand? Is it because you're a simple American?

I think it's just getting tired of being lectured to about how racism is bad when the vast majority already knows this and don't engage in racist behavior like blackface

But Nazis had the coolest uniforms.

IMO trailer says that not allowing certain Halloween costumes is stupid. Because what she says sounds really stupid: "DEAR WHITES WE BLACKS DONT ALLOW HALOWEEN COSTUMES" - like what the fuck.

that basically says

"Blackface is bad"

Why you need a whole television series to say that?

With the trailer as basic as it is, I'm going to laugh if the show is somehow actually anti-sjw.

"What can we do to spur on controversy" viral marketing thing.

No, this is not why haha. This show is bullshit, but trump voters... despite what the_donald and whatnot will tell you aren't on some bizarre crusade against PC SJW culture. That's internet bullshit.

Trump won because hillary didn't campaign / connect with voters in key states where people have lost their livelihoods. Trump told these people that he'll get their jobs back, that he'll bring back the coal industry, manufacturing etc.

Whether he'll be able to do it or not, I don't know, that's not the conversation.

But I am bored with comments like yours. Most voters don't give a fuck about "overly PC" culture or whatever the fuck internet people think. Most voters just want to have a decent job, a way to make money to take care of themselves and their family.

/u/the_reason_trump_won what do you have to say about this accusation?


What I said 2 months ago when asked why Trump really won:

There's a lot.

Dem failure to capture rust belt voters due to a shit appeal of "lol your jobs aren't coming back, just go into tech and service" vs the Republican chant GUISE WERE TOTALLY GETTIN EM BACK

Low turnout

Mounting frustration with political correctness /idpol

A dem candidate that flipflopped harder than McCain and was so dishonest that Trump's absurdity was an inverse image

Dems constantly calling the right and "Bernie bros" ebil bigots and shitting on rural whites


Ok, so how would a show titled "Dear Black People" work out?

It's called " Cops " and it's on its 29th season.

Nah, that show is called 'I'm white trash and I'm in trouble'

So the writer of the show Jack Moore apparently tweeted out 'Fuck White People' awhile back

This show is going to be great for race relations

Yeah, using statistics to point out who voted for Trump.


The /pol/ memes write themselves

Statistics don't prove nothin

he didnu no votin, he a good boy

based on those stats he should thank white people.

Dear Black People, Please give me back my TV.

Dear Trans People,

There is no ulterior motive with the show 'Dear White People', the worst that could happen is that it could help start a conversation, ya know? What's wrong with that? Anyway, no criticism or discussion allowed - fuck you redneck hillbilly nazi honkey crackers. Fuck Drumpft and fuck white people.