Blogger writes a detailed expose on the mysterious, probably fradulant circumstances around the disappearance of Missing White Woman Sherri Papini.

33  2017-02-09 by snallygaster


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


  1. This Post -,,,*

  2. Sherri Papini. The Super Mom Saga P... -,,*

  3. Sherri Papini. The Super Mom Saga P... -,,*

  4. Sherri Papini. The Super Mom Saga P... -,,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Reads like someone needs to up their dosage.

Are they going to lump her in with a pizza place and pedophilia next?

I've read like 1/4 of the first page and my mind is reeling already. I don't even know what to say. First, we have our author, who right off the bat admits to being a basket case. Seems like a hypochondriac, has the obligatory fibromyalgia self diagnosis, self medicating, "various mental illnesses and anxiety, "laughter is the best medicine, if only I could smoke it. LOL" I'm half surprised to not see a (Lots of Love after that)

Then she starts telling a crazy story that I can tell would still be pretty crazy, even told by a relatively sane person. It's compound sentences with so many Oxford commas I can feel the tweed jacket making me uncomfortably warm. She references "the 20/20 special" so you know in addition to her own personal crazy person filter, you have the semi-trashy news special filter as well.

She starts throwing shade at the husband immediately.

What was definitely effective in looking for his wife was a handy app he had installed on both phones prior, called Find my Wife. I'm sorry, I meant ''Find my Phone".

Like this is some sinister controlling husband style app and not something almost everyone has a built in. She points out that him taking a photo of where he found her phone could probably (definitely) be him attempting to manipulate the evidence since it was playing music that would run down the battery. So he could have planted it or something, despite it being found with strands of hair and earbuds as would be normal if she were walking and listening to music.

Then she starts talking about bags of drugs and clothes that "were probably there" except not with no explanation or context, and says there were phones and tips that may or may not have been made and no one remembers if they made them. And at this point I have no idea f the context or what she is talking about.

THEN we get to the wife and her tone indicates she is suspicious of her too, (emphasizing she was in Drama in high school) and she starts bringing up a Stormfront-esque blog. At this point I have to stop and digest the assault of madness for a moment.

I feel bad because your unique posts never get the amount of comments they deserve. But I think it's such an epic smorgasboard of weirdness and insanity nobody even knows what to say or where to start. I had to write all this just to address the opening section!

It's fucking sweet, though. Whatever it is. Thanks mama snally, you serve us nutritious, delusional narrator-packed drama meals. Not used to it, too much junk food.

You should start summarizing more things, this was a great read. Yeah, the expose is what happens when a bored mentally ill housewife writes about a true crime case that sounds absolutely ridiculous even if a normal person were to describe it.

Praise from Caser :')

I get so lost when she introduced all those initials/abbreviations, and then at the end started listing paragraphs upon paragraphs of all the unanswered questions rapid fire. Like here:

Nov 15 cont. long day. LJ told AD to contact CG. LJ contacts CG in person. LJ gives CG the contact info for AD and KP. CG is briefed by LJ and later by KP about as many details of the case as possible. AD contacts KP and informs him that he wants to help bring his wife home. If any of this is not true, then LJ, and CG, and KP are all lying, and there is NO AD. And there probably isn’t a 3rd party contact either. Neither that person, nor the AD has been verified as different players in this story. As of yet, these 3 people have not been verified. 1) Who was the 3rd party Contact who called LJ and told her about the AD? 2) Who is the AD? 3) Who kidnapped, or helped SP stay gone for 22 days?

Left me like... And then I imagined the old Micro Machines guy reading this part. But I can understand her spergout a bit because it looks like quite a crazy story to begin with.

But I can understand her spergout a bit because it looks like quite a crazy story to begin with.

When batshit insane meets mentally unhinged.

Warning: after going on that shitty website, I got a ransomware/hijacker notice on my computer. I was able to close my browser and get out of it, but you may not be so lucky.

on a blogspot!?

"She was a stay at home mom, who enjoyed selling merchandise online, spending time with her pets, gardening, eating healthy extra low calorie foods, posting A+ things to Pinterest, and taking the kids places, like the park and day care. Sometimes it’s hard to be a Super Mom."

Yeah, sounds brutal. selling shitty goods online, hanging out with the pets, gardening, I hope she participated in the women's march because she really shines a light on the tough life of a stay at home mom.

Lol, but this is the kicker: "Keith calls the kids’ day care to find out when Sherri had picked up the kids. "

Fucking daycare??? Super mom drops her shitty kids off at daycare? So she can do what? Go jogging?

Fuck, I hate these people.

I enjoyed the I know who the players are by initials and what part they played. She covered many rumors which have also been discussed in many forums for the past few months. I only wish that she was able to match up with "trump", can't recall his Reddit full name. The young man who knew her way back in the day and claimed to have had to registry as a sex offender.

That blogger is a regular contributor to the Papini subreddits. She seems to be a pretty cool person who accepts her own flaws, while ridiculing this ridiculous Papini saga...I've enjoyed her speculative rumination.

Yeah, she's self-aware, and her speculation is entertaining. A++ blogger