Does this mean there is a mod spot open?

36  2017-02-09 by shitpost953


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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You will be missed /u/UncleSamuel

I was half expecting it to be an actual story/mug shot of DarqWolff.

You mean /u/HStark?

Tomato, tomato.

They let me out on good behavior.


a transitional center?

What is this guy going to transition into?

he seems committed to the whole "sex offender" thing

What is this guy going to transition into?

A pictionaory game?

What is this guy going to transition into?

Buffalo Bill.

the 44-year-old was released Thursday from the Federal Correctional Complex in Petersburg. He failed to show up at a transitional center in Texas.

i.e. he's still a free and active mod.

However, get yourself arrested for something equally horrible and we'll definitely consider your application.

One trainwreck coming right up!

Isn't that snallys husband? Is she single now?

That camouflage pattern doesn't seem very effective.

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