You won't believe this one easy trick to starting drama in r/standupshots. Womyn HATE him!

47  2017-02-09 by reekybobby


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. This Post -,,,*

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/u/CHEWS_OWN_FORESKIN you broke the combo!

This thread is damn funny. Fellow white people, please don't become like those humorless blacks in the face of this new racism against us. We're better than that.

>fellow white people

Looks like we missed one, into the camps with you mayoboi.

At least you admit to being a misogynist, as if the beard didn't give you away.

The great thing about having a beard is that it allows me to be as masculine as possible, while also publicly showing my hatred for women.

as if the beard didn't give you away

What the actual fuck does that even mean?

I dunno, my heart says "low effort troll" but you never know these days.

Interesting. The only distinction they make is if the guy has a beard or not. I'd be willing to bet that occupation might have something to do with it, and where they live.

I'm willing to bet that it's a shittily reported on science/study article like almost every article that starts "a new study shows" and they couldn't reproduce the results if their lives depended on it.

Although it does say it's from Australia, the most racist and sexist nation in all of the anglosphere. Hmmm...

That's not a small sample

You're a small sample, manlet. (Seems kinda small to me. Is it really not?)

Stats is terrible, I don't recommend trying to learn it

Bullshit, I'm clean shaven and am way more sexist than any of you beardcucks

Imagine the raging misogynist you'd be if you grew one.

Yeah, but I look like shit with a beard, and I want qt guys to fugg my boipussi so yeah

What about fat lesbos with beards?

So how many are white knights and how many are actual women?

There are no women on the internet.

/u/FricasseeingRabbit how is the comedy career coming?

Pretty good, thanks.

Stop me if you've heard this one before:

Your sense of humor.

That's the joke!

Let's give it a try:

Why do women make better soldiers? Because they can bleed for a week and not die.

Applying the trick:

Why do white women make better soldiers? Because they can bleed for a week and not die.

Sounds the same to me.

It works because Latinas never ovulate.

Always pregnant.

Are we back to being racist?

back to

Are wet back to being racist?

"Don't punch down"

Usually said by people who are not comedians

Nah dude you just don't get it, it's a basic tenet of comedy. Like all art forms, comedy can be easily reduced down to a couple of basic slogans which apply universally. Don't question it.

Comedy is routinely racist. It's a huge part of you seriously not see that?

It's punching up because white women generally have it better than black women in American society. Also not hard to figure out our particularly controversial.

Calm down. Comedy is funny because it reveals truth.

I like the part where the guy who's supposedly the defender of social justice, paragon of "anti-racism", admits that racist things are true.

Comedy is funny because it reveals truth, but also that truth is dependent entirely on who the speaker is. Racist jokes are true if you belong to that race or are generally worse of than they are. The same joke becomes false if you don't belong to that race or are generally better off than they are.

Clearly /u/unbelievableness has given a lot of thought to this issue.

Interesting sub. I've never heard of it.

Hi Everyone! I'm locking this thread down. There are lots of petty arguments raging in here and I believe after nine hours everything that's going to be said about this StandupShot has been said.

/u/CuckAdmin why do mods do this shit? Are petty arguments so bad they need you to step in and shut the whole thing down? It's not just your sub's mods either, I see this shit on r/nottheonion, r/television, etc. Any controversial post will be locked within 10 hours of submission because of "arguing".

Is this just an attempt to show your users you actually do something? What's the worst thing you think is gonna happen if you just let them fight?

This is the first time I've personally locked a thread in this sub, and I believe we've only locked less than a single handful of threads.

I can't speak for the other mods, but this was a fairly simple post. The arguments people are making are circular and repeated in multiple threads. If they were all super intellegent and respectful, we'd leave them up. Sadly, most of them just turn into name calling. That results in posts being deleted and people being banned, per our policies. So instead of leaving something up where the arguments have already pretty much all been had and allowing people to just get themselves deleted and banned, better to lock it down in this case.

Additionally, I've found that after 8 to 10 hours, the only NEW comments are people that heard there were arguments and are specifically coming to start trouble and/or troll. It's not EXCLUSIVELY that, but that is essentially what it turns into.

I don't lock threads lightly, but this one felt right. I appreciate your questioning though. Keeps us honest!

Ew, what an anti-drama stance.

"Okay, CuckAdmin, you're here to help but this person wants something that goes against the rules of the sub! BUT ALSO your job is to keep everyone happy...and freet0 loves what do you do?"

Uh....Go fuck yourself?

"Yeah, I think you nailed it, man."

Now call me a pathetic cumskin and whip me

You've uh...been...very bad?

You are not worth $4.99 a minute, I'll tell you that much.

Who are you, my mom?

No, she's definitely worth the $4.99 a minute.

Well played.

This is actually punching down, because you are putting your preferences as a privileged moderator ahead of the needs of us humble and oppressed people of drama.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

I'm ALWAYS ashamed of myself.

Hmm my bf is beardless and isn't misogynistic but his brother and father are both moderately misogynistic and they have beards. Interesting.


So like they don't listen to your stories about The Real Housewives of Atlanta?

As if. Real housewives of orange county for life fam.

I was beardless once. Then my balls dropped. You should have him checked.

Sweetie women aren't supposed to have balls. Oh no is that transphobic of me? You be you.

Why are all of those unfunny.