Guess who's back! Spoiler : it's Caamib.

16  2017-02-09 by BannedFromImzy

Congratulations to /u/75000_Tokkul for spending way more time than should be humanly tolerable tracking every move in the "incel" community.

Caamib is back again, as can be confirmed since he is once again linking to his insane blog as "something he agrees with". But since he's the only one ever reading it (apart from the FBI I guess), and even more so the only person insane enough to use it as a reference of anything not related to clinical psychology, we can safely assume it's him.

So let's have some more fun at his expense before he gets his new account banned once again.

He mods /r/IncelDiscussions under the username /u/IncelDiscussions. Let's see what he did since his last ban (my bet is either jail or a mental institution).


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. This Post -,,,*

  2. /u/75000_Tokkul -,*,*

  3. we can safely assume it's him -,*,,*

  4. /r/IncelDiscussions -,*,*

  5. /u/IncelDiscussions -,*,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Hold the phone fam. From his sub:

Why was I incel before I acquired these views? I was a virgin until 2012, when I didn't have these views. Until around 2010-2011 I had pretty feminist views and was still extremely unsuccessful with women and suffered immense heartbreaks.

I don't remember everything (more like any clear details) about Caamib but wasn't he still a virgin until 2015 when he started prowling the middle schools? Otherwise, to my foggy memory, it sounds like him. Scarily so.

He complained that Tinder disabled their service for minors (which was supposed to require to be 16yo to use, and would only match minors with minors). He would make a profile pretending to be underage (when he was late 20s or early 30s) and be happy most of the girls who signed up where 13-14 year olds who lied on their age.

So I don't know the history of this guy, but I gather that he is a pedophile?

He isnt a pedophile.

He fucked a 15 year old

How do you know that? I havent heard anything like that.

Google his name and his blog is the first result. They basically broke the incel mold when this guy was made.

Believes the government should hire hookers to bang him. Tried to rape his mom and broke her arm.

He thinks ages of consent are bullshit. He used to bone underage girls and brag about it. Thinks 11yo is fair game. When he learned he had an unwanted infant daughter (whom he conceived with a mentally ill woman of legal age he manipulated), people tried to make him see reason like "what if it happened to your daughter?". To which he replied he wouldn't care if she for instance was used in order to produce child porn.

That's the dude who also tried to rape his own mom. And thinks rape should be legal. And got in legal trouble when he blogged he regretted not killing a specific woman in his past.

Holy shit. I think this guy should probably get a visit from the police because Jesus.

He had several. He's like an internet legend. Too bad he's the only one with internet access in his third world country, I wish people could confirm that IRL.


/u/IncelDiscussions are you still trying to rape your mother? Are you still unemployed? Did you stop molesting teenage girls or you still at it even though you're closing in on 30?

Nice the admins do listen

2 weeks late to this thread, user is suspended, thx OP.