The important question here is why the fuck does /r/TaylorSwiftBreasts exist? A sub devoted to taytay's tatas sounds about as interesting as /r/TaylorSwiftThoughtsOnLinuxKernel.
The best part of that is he wasn't being seriously he would have just replied "I didn't think /s was necessary" instead of having a good old fashioned sperg-out.
/u/iHeartCandicePatton when your self delusion finally gives way and you come to grips with the fact you nobody wants to be around you and you will die alone, are you going to become a serial killer or do the world a favor and just off yourself?
My man if everytime I talked shit to people in the various ways I've done on this sub was self projecting I would have more personalities in me than Legion!
If you saw someone being a retard irl, and you had the power to take 20 seconds to see what this retard does with his life, you'd probably use it sometimes
idk, unashamedly enjoying cleavage doesn't sound very SRD to me. Also, in case you didn't know, mocking incels is forbidden in SRD but not here. And that's basically the only two relevant things in this case, so I think you're very confused.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-02-10
Providing a Community Safe from TITrCJ's Sexual Advances Since October 2015.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a HAHApointsatyou 2017-02-10
Not gonna lie, I totally just subbed to r/TaylorSwiftBreasts
n/a landwalker1 2017-02-10
I did as well...
n/a HAHApointsatyou 2017-02-10
n/a riemann1413 2017-02-10
n/a HAHApointsatyou 2017-02-10
^ first time ever that you said something nice to me ty <3
n/a riemann1413 2017-02-10
you disgust me. i bet you voted bernie
n/a HAHApointsatyou 2017-02-10
twice! thank you widespread voter fraud!
n/a MasterLawlzReborn 2017-02-10
I bet he doesn't even own Ghostbusters 2016 on blu-ray
n/a CirqueDuFuder 2017-02-10
The only good Ghostbusters is on VHS.
n/a kennewickman 2017-02-10
Is it really misogyny? To love breasts
n/a riemann1413 2017-02-10
n/a subpoutine 2017-02-10
Fucking why?
n/a HAHApointsatyou 2017-02-10
idk I just like boobs ok!!
n/a subpoutine 2017-02-10
Then why go to r/TaylorSwiftBreasts, you fucking homo?
n/a HAHApointsatyou 2017-02-10
because variety is the spice of life and I'm an equal opportunity skeev
n/a wwyzzerdd 2017-02-10
n/a subpoutine 2017-02-10
The important question here is why the fuck does /r/TaylorSwiftBreasts exist? A sub devoted to taytay's tatas sounds about as interesting as /r/TaylorSwiftThoughtsOnLinuxKernel.
n/a landwalker1 2017-02-10
I mean it seems like she knows what she's doing.
n/a subpoutine 2017-02-10
I stand corrected and humbled.
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-02-10
I'm just stumped. I can't believe this actually exists.
n/a subpoutine 2017-02-10
Of course you can't. You're doing your best to drive women out of tech with your impossibly high standards.
n/a flameoguy 2017-02-10
Searched like a true /r/drama user.
n/a subpoutine 2017-02-10
Nah, I have him tagged as "Network Engineer, Hater of Women".
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-02-10
I know, I'm a monster. Expecting a network engineer to understand basic networking concept. I should be hanged.
n/a brandstone 2017-02-10
It's incredibly easy to take an existing Linux distribution and add your own flavor.
n/a Nomadlads 2017-02-10
You'd be surprised of all the wacky Linux distros. My favorite is stormfront OS.
n/a Nomadlads 2017-02-10
You'd be surprised of all the wacky Linux distros. My favorite is stormfront OS.
n/a Nerdlinger 2017-02-10
Bruh, she's totally a contributor.
n/a skivian 2017-02-10
I chose to believe that's actually Taylor Swift
n/a incisorcist 2017-02-10
If you look at his history, you'll notice he also subscribes to /r/taylorswiftlegs
n/a Thyrotoxic 2017-02-10
Reddit is large enough that every creepy motherfucker has a sub just for them!
n/a Eternal_Mr_Bones 2017-02-10
/u/sneakpeakbot really trying to cement it's name in that thread.
n/a cptAustria 2017-02-10
I love him
n/a glmox 2017-02-10
some master-level argumentation goin on in there
n/a MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-02-10
The best part of that is he wasn't being seriously he would have just replied "I didn't think /s was necessary" instead of having a good old fashioned sperg-out.
n/a flameoguy 2017-02-10
Unless he's trolling
n/a bytewake 2017-02-10
that's some 4D chess checkmating right there
n/a ExtreemWeenie 2017-02-10
the ol solipsism trap card
n/a chanilastname 2017-02-10
God that's nothing compared to the women on Brazilian kids teleboobies for example.
n/a Ranilen 2017-02-10
n/a cleverseneca 2017-02-10
I mean, I watch the food network, so its kinda the same thing.
Noodles Delenda Est
n/a TheRootinTootinPutin 2017-02-10
Is that the name of the noodles crusade?
n/a cleverseneca 2017-02-10
Relevant post
Noodles delenda est.
n/a TheRootinTootinPutin 2017-02-10
Yeah, I knew all the noodles drama (woof woof), didn't realize where the Latin came from.
n/a JumbledFun 2017-02-10
/u/iHeartCandicePatton when your self delusion finally gives way and you come to grips with the fact you nobody wants to be around you and you will die alone, are you going to become a serial killer or do the world a favor and just off yourself?
n/a my_name_is_the_DUDE 2017-02-10
Lol he just thought having cleavage on sesame street was bad. Stop self projecting.
n/a JumbledFun 2017-02-10
My man if everytime I talked shit to people in the various ways I've done on this sub was self projecting I would have more personalities in me than Legion!
n/a WyrmSaint 2017-02-10
And god bless her for it.
n/a MasterLawlzReborn 2017-02-10
I once saw a woman with exposed ankles so I struck her across the face for being the whore that she is
n/a yesiamcorrect 2017-02-10
n/a anotheraccount323 2017-02-10
Seems obvious that somebody interested in /r/TaylorSwiftBreasts would fail to appreciate Katy Perry in all her glory.
n/a TacoPete911 2017-02-10
¿Porque no los dos?
n/a lesboautisticweeabo 2017-02-10
Who the fuck looks through someone's post history anyway?
n/a flameoguy 2017-02-10
Who the fuck likes soccer?
n/a strangeinmostcircles 2017-02-10
I like soccer. People who don't like it never gave it a chance in my experience, may or may not be the case with you
n/a flameoguy 2017-02-10
n/a lesboautisticweeabo 2017-02-10
Gay cunts like myself
n/a 444455555666666 2017-02-10
If you saw someone being a retard irl, and you had the power to take 20 seconds to see what this retard does with his life, you'd probably use it sometimes
n/a incisorcist 2017-02-10
That's pretty much the best explanation I've ever heard for this
n/a lesboautisticweeabo 2017-02-10
That actually makes sense.
n/a FuckURedditor 2017-02-10
More and more like SRD every day, this place is.
n/a Works_of_memercy 2017-02-10
idk, unashamedly enjoying cleavage doesn't sound very SRD to me. Also, in case you didn't know, mocking incels is forbidden in SRD but not here. And that's basically the only two relevant things in this case, so I think you're very confused.
n/a baaaaby 2017-02-10
hes mad this post isnt an anti-left agendapost. i mean, it doesnt even mention srd and r/anarchism, much less criticize them
n/a poop-swastika 2017-02-10
Only if you get enthusiastic consent from the woman and it empowers her. Otherwise, totes creepy and gross.
n/a Works_of_memercy 2017-02-10
I'm not sure about that, I think you must also be a lesbian, otherwise totes creepy, gross, and ugh regardless.
n/a 444455555666666 2017-02-10
the globalist jews always win in the end, off yourself before you have to watch it happen
n/a UncleSamuel 2017-02-10
n/a Lawless00 2017-02-10
Taylor Swift ain't got no tits compared to Katy Perry
n/a BannedFromImzy 2017-02-10
/u/iHeartCandicePatton you are now a mod of /r/incels.