/r/canada evaluates the "new Swedes".

25  2017-02-10 by zahlman


But since this is /r/drama, and also so I'm kinda actually putting in effort this time, perhaps some not-so-new suedes are more appropriate.


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/com... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  3. /r/drama - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  4. suedes - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

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"If this person was Caucasian, that wouldn't have been identified in any way, because it's not relevant to the story. And his immigration status certainly shouldn't be.

Is this true in Canada? You don't report peoples race if it's not relevant to the story?

How the fuck do you describe the criminals on the news to be on the look out for?

Syrian is a race? I thought they were Aramean or Arab.

"My question would be, would we have run additional background details about this person if they were a gay man? A gun owner? If they were (((Jewish)))? If they were a fundamentalist Christian? If they were a recent arrival from the United States? If they were any number of other identifiers?"

I think it would be news if a Gay Man was sexually assaulting children in a water park.

This is not true. I'm in Canada and I have our 24/hour local news and weather channel playing as background noise often. They mention race, descriptions, names and show pics or courtroom drawings all the time. They won't describe someone if it isn't relevant but you can usually figure it out from the picture or the name. The only time they describe someone is if they are looking for someone like a suspect.

I just went to their website and picked out the first 3 crime related stories. One was about a man convicted of murdering 2 people. They show his name and a courtroom drawing of what he looks like. He was a white man with an Eastern European name. The second one shows 2 people who were arrested for a violent robbery. One was a black man and the other was a white woman and their faces and names were clearly plastered on the site. The third was a story about a wanted man suspected for murder. Once again they released his name and image. He was a black male in his late 20s

Syrian is indeed a race

Okay thanks, I must be thinking of another of the ME that the country name isn't a race, Turkey?

The fuck you two are talking about? That's nationality, not a race. Is "American" a race?

You are confusing Ethno-national with Ethno-racial

Jewish people are a race, Kurdish, Aramean, Arab, etc etc all different.

Is "American" a race?

If you believe in multiethnic lumping sure.

They've existed for thousands of years

This guy is right that they are cherry-picking the data, but he's doing a horrible job at explaining it.