UPCOMING DRAMA: right-wing Saul Joseph Watson VS Based Melonman

46  2017-02-10 by ralpher313


The video in question.

So, looks like we've finally reached a point where calmly rebutting someone's points = triggered. Can't say I didn't see it coming.

God, I hate Internet politics.


Now with added Cancer!


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  2. https://twitter.com/theneedledrop/s... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

  3. The video in question. - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

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That Watson guy is such a fucking dork. Can't believe anyone takes him serious, well actually I can, there are a lot of retards in this world

Don't you know that anyone who speaks in front of a world map is automatically an expert in whatever they're saying?

and some accents add credibility


Who are these people?

PJW: obnoxious British man who works for Infowars Anthony Fantano: Meme music reviewer

Are they popular or something? I'm so out of the loop with all this youtube drama shit.

I know the_donald drones upvote Watson a lot, only reason I know he exists

Seems like a reason to write him off by itself!


PJW is big with Trump supporters and Anthony Fantano is popular among indie music fans and 4chan.

the video posted is pretty funny and he shits all over that try hard limey

Sounds good but sadly the cringe intro was to much for me.

Fantano had/has a syndicated weekly radio show that used to play on my local NPR on Saturday nights in a music review/discovery block. There was an Afropop one too. It was pretty cool to listen for three hours and hear a lot of cool new stuff.

Ironically enough, there were a few posts here and in SRD last year (or maybe 2015) where Fantano got lambasted as an ebil GarmentGazer for saying pretty much the same thing regarding moral panic over "objectionable" media wrt Tyler the Creator getting banned from venues.

Paul Joseph Watson was a completely irrelevant conspiracy theorist and youtuber. But once the alt-right anti sjw sorta stuff started gaining popularity him and a bunch of other people hopped onto it so they could pander to bigger audiences. Idk who the melon guy is

fantano is "the internet's busiest music nerd," basically fairly popular music reviewer and living meme. entertaining guy tho, definitely on the less obnoxious, more substantial side of the youtuber spectrum.

Mentions he is vegan in his bio so obviously obnoxious too.

Meme music reviewer

And here I thought no perfect job existed.

Paul Joseph Watson is an English Alex Jones wanna be, but without any of the traits that make Alex Jones entertaining. Recently tried to force a meme that conservatives are the new counter culture and Sean spicer is the new Cobain.

No idea about the other dude.

I find it hard to get it up for this one, I can't decide who is less likable or entertaining, the northern lizardpeople guy with his """"((((cultural marxist guff))))"""" and pompous 'man down the pub' delivery, or the smug 'problematic vegan' guy and his selfconscious smug superiority. This is like the new culture wars distilled into its purest form, vaporized and farted out of the arse of a hippo.

Also, though the northern lizard guy is obviously more insane, the smug music guy's 'if it wasn't for post modernism we'd all be looking at still lifes' is a shit argument; first there is human, political, allegorical and 'feelings' centered art in the time of classical painting and second a whole period of modernist art before then that everyone likes. I feel they are hampered in their arguments by not being clear on definitions and the need to circlejerk and look scathing and cool to their audiences here. I guess that the northern guy is also hampered by his idea that everything he doesn't like is the work of karl marx and satan.

Also, though the northern lizard guy is obviously more insane, the smug music guy's 'if it wasn't for post modernism we'd all be looking at still lifes' is a shit argument; first there is human, political, allegorical and 'feelings' centered art in the time of classical painting and second a whole period of modernist art before then that everyone likes.

The second bit is a somewhat of a moot point since what PJW and folks like him call "postmodern" also typically includes the modern as well. Like the urinal sculpture and the painting that's not a pipe, that's all firmly on the modernist side of history. And in any case the distinction between modern and postmodern in art and culture has always been hazy at best.

It's also not obvious to me that postmodernism is nearly as novel and groundbreaking as both postmodernists (at least some of them) and their critics seem to assume. I don't know much about visual arts, but I know for example that the typical critique of 19th Century realist fiction from postmodern literary critics involves pointing out the futility of the whole thing, since firstly realism purports to break away from literary conventions and offer direct access to reality itself, but of course is only sensible as fiction or literature in the first place insofar as it is itself a kind of literary convention, and since, secondly, language as such can't possibly give direct, unfiltered access to reality. But a close reading of the literary criticism from that time period, from writers of realist fiction themselves, reveals that they actually weren't quite so naive, and (most of them anyways) knew full well that they were creating their own literary conventions as much as they were working against older conventions. And while they were trying portray something more or less true, they weren't under any illusions about providing some direct portrait of reality untainted by the author's hand. In actuality the fiction of Victorian England was preoccupied with the same general concerns as postmodernists were post-WWII, albeit to a lesser extent. And so I have a hard time buying into this idea of postmodernism as either some grand breaking away from the past, or else as some pathological aberration of traditional Western culture. What makes postmodern unique is really just an amplification of certain very old ideas about about the relationship between culture, truth, and reality.

The second bit is a somewhat of a moot point since what PJW and folks like him call "postmodern" also typically includes the modern as well.

That's what bugged me, he could've still exploited it for smug correction and taken the time to tell the lizardman that dadaism and Magritte were still modernist art not post-modernist and that much of the modernist art that he doesn't like didn't really differ in its sentiments and aims from more traditional art of the time (i.e. the thing that he's criticising it for), the big difference was the gimmicks they used and how it looked basically (apart from Magritte maybe). Instead, he basically dismisses all art pre 1900, or mid 20th century as still life, a shit argument imo for someone so painfully smug and superior.

Though I also don't know much about art (or books thanks for the write up btw) I would say though that they were minority positions at the time and most art was still relatively traditional, they are thought of as precursors of post modern art and their anti traditionalism became traditional.

I agree about it not being groundbreaking in their subject matter or having much of a different worldview on average from the less abstract or conceptual, at least with the dadaists and some of the post modern art that I am familiar with. That is what mr problematic vegan could've said about the art that the lizardman doesn't like, that mostly the only thing that was fundamentally different was how it looked and so his point about was shit basically.

The lizards and Jews thing was very much a low blow.

If it's a low blow then that means he actually believes jews and lizard people are behind conspiracies right?

He's on infowars, isn't that run by Alex Jones who regularly espouses that kind of shit? On which case it's fair game if he's gonna associate himself with dipshits he's gonna seem like a dipshit.

Alex is my favourite one.

That someone has to use Radiohead and Arcade Fire in an argument only tells me about the degree of autism gone unnoticed.

Unf, that was a good video. I don't think I've ever seen Watson get bodied like that. Good shit by THE BEST TEETH IN THE GAME!

Also, for some good shit, check this link out.


Basically, a bunch of people argue over if melonhead is a right winger for talking to and occasionally agreeing with Sargon and Thunderf00t.

I knew I should have linked my own posts on /r/drama.

I like how the guy I was arguing with deleted his posts. To summarize: Fantano is not socialist, ergo he's a conservative.

Self drama is best drama, you missed out on some sweet, succulent internet points, brah.

That video was actually funny and insightful. I don't come here for that kind of shit!

Give me PJW over this other faggot any day of the week.

oh no.....its retarded :(

no u

you're into foreign twinks?

He isn't foreign you americentric fishbowl-minded dipshit.

Twinks, always though.

psh it's my god damn right to claim horse-faced limey fucks are foreign god dangit!

At least he actually cares about the moral degeneracy infecting society even if he is a dick. The other bloke is just making excuses for it.

lol don't breed you mongoloid there is enough retarded trash in the world as is


Lmfao needledrop destroyed that stupid faggot I love it

Well, it's been over a month and so far, zero response from PJW, despite declaring that he will make a video "rebutting" Anthony's arguments.