/r/blackladies discuss whether you should cheer a 13yo getting beat up (in a thread where they're being salty because a little white girl gets more attention than them by aping their apish behavior)

51  2017-02-10 by BannedFromImzy


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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I'ma need receipts, Henny.

Alot of the behavior she's getting famous off of would be described as "ratchet" or "hoodrat-ish" if it were a black woman doing it, but I guess she gets a pass and then some due to the fact that she's a white girl, and it's seen to be "cute" and "funny".


/u/NoirPyroPanther, she's definitely seen as a hoodrat. It's funny, yeah, but not cute and it's definitely laughing at her.

But can you imagine if she were black? They might even have memes about her!

Those would obviously be racist, then.

Definitely Pepes.

If she were black we wouldn't even know who she was.

I can imagine it. It's not like we lack black girls who behave that way.

Plus she got her ass kicked for being a hood rat. She definitely isn't getting a pass.

Girl is you serious?? Ima need receipts henny

/u/Chauncii give /r/EnglishLearning/ a try. They'll let you know that it should be "are you serious" and "I am going to need". It's a great resource for people learning English as a second language just like you are.

Girl who tf

dafuq is dis shit??



perfect response, haha.

Do american blacks really speak like that IRL?

... Yes

Sounds like "English as a 3rd language for retarded people with a speech disorder".

You seem to have answered your own question.

I seriously wanted to know if that was an online stereotype or a real things. Now I want to ask if american blacks go around yelling "WE WUZ KANGZ!".

I don't know if they literally yell that, given it's a way of mocking the Black Egyptian Hypothesis, but that theory is extremely popular among people with sympathies to black nationalism.

I mean not all of them obviously, but it's common enough to hear on a daily basis in a lot of major cities.

And I teach foreigners where English is their 3rd+ language and they are more intelligible.

It sounds better spoken in person. 99 percent of it is just a mild accent unless you're in the deep south. Online doesn't capture the cadence.

It sounds better spoken in person

Not really. It sounds like you are either an idiot or criminal who should be avoided. At least online, you are anonymous so you can type like that without consequences.

Only to each other to probe their blackness. To whites they "code switch" and speak normally.

So blacks IRL behave like white kids do online on /r/blackpeopletwitter and /r/hiphopheads.


The dumb ones speak like that to everyone.

This fucking meme just won't go away.

/u/noirpyropanther don't you think it's a bit of a water of energy to worry about what some white trash dumb bitch going nowhere in life is doing? Chick will be dead from meth abuse in 6 years who gives a fuck out what she does

aping their apish behavior

OP, you probably masterbate to interracial cuck porn.

You say that like none of us here secretly enjoy it

The red lines under the words mean it's spelled wrong.

That thread was unreadable.

Linking to that place really is low effort to be honest

It was mostly because /r/drama was discussing the same girl earlier.