Kiwi Farms is back up

66  2017-02-10 by GethN7

Just here to deliver an update that the Kiwi Farms has returned, exactly as it was before it was temporarily taken down.

Not posting links because it's got tons of dox, but since this sure to cause lots of drama, thought I'd spread the good news so you all can get ready to harvest the lols.


The monument to a lack of self awareness that is Kiwi Farms. Lolcows laughing at other lolcows.

Awesome, thanks for the heads up. Praise Kek!

What's the point of removing the URLs?

Not posting links because it's got tons of dox

What's the point of not deleting your account?

If someone could be bothered to manually type in those URLs they could also just Google the site itself.

Is anyone here actually going to put in effort?


Thank god

you struck me as more of a type of guy. or are you just happy retarded kiwis are getting your board?

I was really waiting for it to open up because one of the lolcow offer themselves and the chan forums weren't really discussing it. She was more popular on KF.

Which one?

Kaydeeliveslife. She was a morbidly obese munchausens sufferer who faked cancer and being anorexic.

Guess gurl gotta change her username now.

Another rabbit hole, thanks.

The whole beauty parlor section is a good read - it's not contaminated with boring Gamergate bullshit.

Their Slaton Sisters thread is also the premier place to gawk at Amy and Tammy (she ok).

The beauty parlor was created to keep thirsty guys from making "I would/wouldn't bang her" comments.

Wasn't there minor speculation right when kiwi was shut down that it was because jewdank's bulldog chicago lawyer shut it down due to JWG's article on her?

my therapist isn't going to like that "the website where i make fun of autistic transgender people" is in my life again.

Stop doing what so called "mental health" "professionals" tell you to do.

more like (((mental health))) professionals am i rite guise

My therapist told me to put you on a three strike rule, mister. And guess what? You're now working on your second strike.


mine found the whole CWC thing histerical

i may or may not be going to an actual shrink


((the rapist))


is CWC immortal

What's the name of that crazy lawyers blog?

Told y'all that it wouldn't be gone for long.

lmao he's begging for 2k/month when is 9/month

be more of a cow, josh


It costs 9k or 9 dollars per month?

literally 9 dollars, according to the admin

Seriously? That's ridiculously cheap.

imageboards are cheap i guess

This is where most of that donation is being funded to.

Vore art.

Pictured is Null's ex that he commissioned just for her.

19? Is Null young? I don't know why, but I assume most KF users are in their 30s or 40s and follow lolcows to feel better about their own shitty lives.

Null is indeed young, in his early 20s. I found this out by actually spending time on kf.

23 hours and still no Donald Trump lolcow thread