TIL a woman's height correlates to vaginal depth.

92  2017-02-12 by phedre


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I don't think that is how it works. The only correlation to women being shallow I've ever found is the income of the men in the room.

You know us so well.

I give you zero sympathy so long as you keep feeding SRD people into /r/Drama.

A woman's gotta do what a woman's gotta do.

bleed everywhere and then blame the government for not giving them free shit?


To be fair, the vaginas in SRD probably heard how rich that /u/riemann1413 is and couldn't resist.


how u doin rich boy?


You set him up and knocked him down.

im deep as hell rn no offense

I just heard he had a big dick. What was that? Oh, "he is a big dick". Hmm, can't be worse than my last boyfriend.

Hmm, can't be worse than my last boyfriend.


Women were a mistake

Tinies woman I've been with = tiny vagina

I think this guy might be talking more about the dresses he wears than anything vagina. He may be implying vagina, but I have a feeling that he likes to wear women's clothes.

Wow how'd you guess?

Because you seem like a bitch fam. And honestly I'm sure you've taken it hard in the ass a few times

I mean you're the one harassing other people. All I did was say its inconvenient and annoying if youre too large

So replying to a post you made = harassment?

I'm not judging you or saying it's wrong to dress in women's clothes and get fucked in the ass. All I'm saying is stay safe. HIV ain't a joke

Oh youre one of those types. Say hi to hitler when you get to hell for me k? thx bai

Wow. So me saying you can do what you will is eternally damning?

Pretty interesting religion you got there. Is that Islam?

Nah just being a decent person w social skills and a source of happiness in my life is all really

a decent person w social skills

Mate, you are full on autism.

Projecting much? Last I checked ppl w autism dont get laid.

And it just keeps on going

You don't understand the word harassment if this qualifies to you.

yeah I do. Harassment is when you're being a dick to someone. Unless you're one of those Nazis who thinks that you can't harass men in which case you should probably move to North Korea or something.

harassment is being a dick to someone

Have a nice night.

Oh I mustve hit a little close to home there. So how does it feel not ever having a man want to touch you?

I touch my own dick every night, so, idk why that would have "hit close to home"

Typically, for that to happen, your commentary needs to be incisive but yours is just bland.

Well at least now your being honest with everyone here. I never believe a person that says their dick is just too big. It's never a matter of being too big, just too shitty. How it it that Bridget the midget can take on Mandingo, but most women can't take it from an average bloke. Here's the deal, prostitutes can pick up on things about a person, one thing is how self conscious they are about their cock.

Because height correlates with genital size, My dick must be larger than Mandingo's because I'm 3 inches taller than him. If height for a woman is indicative of her pussy dimensions, then it must be the same for men. Fatter the cock, the fatter the man. Taller the man, the longer the cock.

Just one question, if a fat girl gets skinny, does her pussy get more lose or tighter?

dude your a fucking idiot that was a joke I've been on us the whole time bike are you really this insecure? No girl gives a single fuck what size your dick is she cares about a company in assertive and happy and fun you are. Stopping such a fucking

Oh, the I was just acting retarded defense. Who's the bigger retard, me for shitposting and you taking it seriously, or you for believing that I don't think your already retarded? So I struck a nerve with you. It's good to see that all I have to do is imply that you're full of shit with a micro penis and you get triggered.

Like I give a shit about anything other than trolling and pissing morons off. I consider your reply as a double win.

I didn't say I was acting retarded I said you were acting retarded. I'm not even making a defense of myself at all I'm just restating the same argument over and over again because you were too stupid to understand it the first time. This whole discussion started because I was trying to say something nice that would make another guy feel better and everyone jumped on me because you're a bunch of insecure pussies who can't stand the fact that someone could have a quality that you wish you had and it makes you even more upset to turn that the things you think are good things very often come with other inconveniences that make them not that much better than the problem you have. And I think the reason you don't want to face that is it would force you to face the fact that the reason you aren't successful in what you were trying to do is because of your attitude and the fact that you have an Extertal locus of control instead of having an internal locus of control and realizing that the reason you aren't successful in this area is because you don't deal with it proactively. You want to blame it on your books. Well newsflash girls don't care about looks really that much at all. Get your foot in the door but what actually does all of the heavy lifting is your behavior.

TL;DR please.

Tl;dr- eat a dick and learn to read

Well, how rude.

if you're too rude to read what I wrote you don't deserve anything but a rude response

You're an ablest. Just because I don't read good you think I'm less than human. Should I kill myself now, or should I wait for your man Trump to put me in an internment camp first?

Since I have you in a no win situation, how will this go? Are you super insecure where you will post a picture of your dick for everyone here to say it's fucking small as shit and make fun of it? Are you going to smarten up and walk away, but risk being called a pussy in your own mind? The temptation is just too much to prove how special you are, you can't have your manhood questioned because people might think your less of a man because of it.

Are you going to continue to let your ego control your actions, or are you going to free yourself? Nobody gives one shit about your dick. Nobody gives a shit what other people say about your dick, unless you use it to segue into a joke.

Im more than an ableist I think we should abort babies born with unfavorable genetic problems. So we arent gonna agree. Especially cuz you just straw manned the shit out of my argument and we arent even talking about the same thing and youre also clearly ignorant of what drives female behavior.

Hey something we can both agree on, Eugenics. I think the policies of the Nazis gets a bad wrap, there was a lot of good that came out of it. What we know about hypothermia was learned from the experiments carried out by the Nazis. Having tape recordings revolutionized our way of consuming media.

I applaud you in chasing crumbs that I left you. It was like leading a mouse to cheese. Say a phrase here, one there, and you ate all of it up. So how triggered are you going to be when you realize that you were arguing with someone trolling you from the beginning. Why do you think that I post replies here and not where something is linked from? There isn't any hidden rule here where they will remove a post or comment that was a troll, unlike most of the subs here.

Tbh I dont really care. I only come to reddit to argue. Life can be super stressful and its not good to let that stress out on those who have real consequence in your life. Its much better to argue with strangers.

I just like trolling and making fun of people. Nothing more, nothing less. It's always more fun to fuck around with someone. My favorite is when they try to dox me. I get to find out where they get their information and I get to prove their information wrong.

I don't get stressed out or even a little upset about anything. It's all fun for me, even if I become the punchline to my own joke. I also smoke a lot of pot so that might help also.

Fuck yeah. I wish I could be like that. No hard feeings brotha, we need more like you in this playpen of weak ass bitches.

No hard feelings taken. People like taking everything personally and I know that's their downfall. Idiots make things worse for themselves when they adhere to their rigid beliefs of promoting censorship. My favorite is when they say that you can't say something because it's hurtful. Any excuse they can come up with to push their authoritarian ideals is still bullshit. When you call them out in their authoritarian ways, they use the excuse as saving people. That was the same excuse that all authoritarians before they turn violent. They don't care about the real world consequences of their actions because they're under the false belief of it being a moral crusade. The moral crusade is the same thing they decry about the other side. You call them out about using the same excuses as the other side and somehow you're not only wrong, but also against them. Neither side wants to admit that they're in the wrong because they have god/social justice on their side.

I was lucky to be old enough to know what the internet was like before social justice took over. I know exactly what it take to push their buttons because they have outlined many times in the past about what people shouldn't talk about. I also took a few classes in Psychology just to fuck with people.

So to all the people who are downvoting and are average height, but maybe have micropenis, or the equivalent female disease which gives you a giant, tent like snizz, I am sorry I offended you.

Now that's a heartfelt apology.

Deepfelt, even.

Meh. In for a penny, in for a pound.

Is this guy simultaneously complaining that most women's vaginas are too small to contain him and also suggesting that large vaginas are a bad thing?

I bought a fleshlight recently cuz my gf had big time surgery and it doesnt even fit too well in that... fml


Has science gone too far?

more like not deep enough

Insert Curb Your Enthusiasm scene reference here.

So how tall is Reiman?


In the land of the pussies SRD, the manlet is King

Teeny tiny, to match his Napolean complex.

a pox upon u

you told me it wasn't contagious!

and his penis.


No. I am tallest and always shall be.

daily reminder that the vaginal canal curves upward, and that if you have a penis that curves anywhere else but towards the sky(where god lives đź‘Ľ) you may as well neck yourself right here and now

Sweet, my dick curves upwards. Is it a problem if it curves in other directions too? It's basically like a crazy straw. Also just as thin.

Mine's like a corkscrew personally

Do you resemble a pig if you do a crab walk?


this is a pig's tail.

this is a crab walk

Lmao of course I do. Here have this

So you're a duck?

Shh they'll hear you...

if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and dicks like a duck...

...its probably a rapist

This isn't the kind of retarded we want in this sub. Has OP brought her little ducklings or what?

i'm certainly better than your kind of retarded because if you were paying attention you would know that I am the person OP made the post about

No, if I were paying attention I would be retarded.

Wow you just went full George Orwell on us. No wonder you're a feminist.

If anything, I just "went full Huxley" at Your Majesty.

dude that's even worse than going full orwell.

Well if it curves downwards you could do it from behind. But that is the devils position which will condemn your soul to hell.

I've found it's easiest if she goes on top and just kind of wriggles around.

Big if true

Is a 90 degree bend upwards still considered a curve?

Nah, just hit it from a different direction. There's a reason the Karma Sutra was written.

I think it's called the Kama Sutra.

Pretty sure a woman's vaginal depth also correlates to her emotional depth.

This is why short girls are slutty bitches. It's just science. Probably.


I apologize.

how tall are you phedre

She a midget


Impossible to be rude to a ginger, tbh fam.



I hate to tell you this but doggie style makes it go deeper.

Everyone who isn't a virgin knows this

Now you mention that I think youre right. It was a one night stand so maybe she just didnt like my face? lmao

one night stand

Usually doesn't mean you paid for it.

I had forgotten Id already admitted that particular chick was a night lady.

Dude, you can't call black people that. Rude.

lol wutever nigger. Im swiss and after seeing identity politics be used as a foil for fake ass wall street democrats for so long I am completely done. Minorities can go fuck themselves and I'll call niggers whatever I want from now on. All ya gotta do to stop me using the N word tho is stop being fucking ridiculous.

What does he mean by this?

I mean exactly what I said. I'm tired of all of the race baiting when I have done my entire life of 30 years on this planet without ever meeting a single racist.

Mate, you went off script and have mistaken a light hearted sub for serious discussion. Your identity crisis should be taken elsewhere.

lighthearted? What about this thread was it all lighthearted… I started off just saying normal shit and people kept attacking me and that's how we got to this place. So maybe look in the mirror with your criticisms asshole

Calm down, have a cup of tea and consider what you are doing. No reason to get all bent out of shape, just accept you went off the rails as you were unable to control your own emotions.

I think you're misunderstanding when I am here. I'm posting on here so that I can go off the rails anonymously that's the whole and really the only point of Reddit. Blow off steam so you don't do it in real life. I'm actually happy all these people are arguing with me.

You should not reproduce because you're obviously dumb as fuck

Now you mention that I think youre right.

If you really had a massive dick you would know this.


Not necessarily. Ive had the same gf now for several years and Im damn near married to her at this point, so I kinda just forgot.

We should lynch all men over 6 feet and all women over 5'6.

A cuter society is a better society, and short people are undoubtedly cuter.

We need to embrace the inherent superiority of those who have a low center of gravity.

Shorties gtfo

back to your cave goblin man.

Bitch I'm a fucking elf not a goblin.


As long as you jerk me off while you hang me I'm down

Make humans moe again!

list of manlets:

adolf hitler

pol pot

joseph stalin

ivan the terrible

vlad the impaler

you deranged little munchkins need to be eradicated

based on that list I don't think you want to be putting eradication on the table

all we would have to do is put you all in a cage together

natural born leaders

Duterte is 5'6". I say you're on to something here.

shoo shoo manlets

Women under 5'6 look like minotaurs. Even if that was cute, sophisticated and graceful bodies trump cute.

Should have asked me. I know how to fuck women.

the most annoying is I bought a fleshlight recently cuz my gf had big time surgery and it doesnt even fit too well in that... fml

Big if true

Yeah, but

but it's not like it's a fucking wormhole to another dimension

So, I looked this up and I can't find a single study that investigated the relationship between height and vaginal depth or tightness.

Once again science has failed us

It gets worse, not only that, but the global cock measuring survey has been found to use faulty and unreliable methods as well.

Mark my words, one of these days I'll be rich, and I'll be able to fund my own global penis measuring survey, and it'll use reliable and scientifically sound methods, solving the question once and for all, who has the bigger dick?

I don't think you can even scientifically measure vaginal tightness

Which is funny because I see several downvoters who are absolutely certain the dude is wrong.

I mean, his idea certainly sounds legit(size of pretty much every other body part correlates with height).

An interesting fact™ is that the size of man's hands give you a very accurate indication of their penis size.

I still think its a bit true because peoples body parts are going to be BROADLY proportional to their size... like if you have a little person they arent going to achieve the same vaginal depth because there isnt that much room inside them you know... just my opinion though

You are a rapist because you paid a woman for sex. You coerced consent out of her with money.

Still not as bad as the "having a baby inside you is rape" bit, but still pretty bad

no wander babies r so tite xDD


fucking hell, snally, haha

I mean the guy is right. It's not a portal.

You're all aware that different people are, like, different sizes? Like their anatomy?

"stop telling women how their bodies work!"