Many tendies get spilt over the subreddit of the day, /r/DebateFascism



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  1. This Post -,,,*

  2. Full post -,,,*

  3. How tolerant and open to discussion... -,*,,*

  4. Members of r/DebateFascism step in -,*,,*

  5. Who would win in a fight -,*,,*

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I'm a lazy fuck and I stole /u/terriblethefluff's post. How does that make you feel?



The subredditoftheday mods are some of the best trolls on reddit tbh

When are they gonna feature us :(

Most organizations tend to not mention their competition.

This is by default going to be less dramatic than the commie stuff, simply because most people (and even redditors!) know fascism is retarded. On the other hand, while most people know communism is retarded, and hilariously amusing amount of redditors don't know that, so the stage is primed for hi jinks.

That wasn't real communism.

And here's 30 paragraphs of sperging and wikipedia pages to tell you why.

Rofl the holodomor never happened!

It never happened and was a natural phenomenon.

The most highly (d?)evolved tankies will say that the Holodomor happened and they deserved it.

Something something subverted by a megalomaniac something something Animal Farm

The difference is that real fascists actually defend the fascist ideologies that most people hate. You don't get real fascists saying "nah man Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy weren't real fascists smdh". On the debate communism subs people will ask "do you think all bourgeois should be killed?" and there'll be like 300+ replies about yeah, no, maybe, only if they resist etc etc... whereas if you ask the fascists "do you believe all Jews/blacks etc.. should be deported?" they will just say "yes".

I get the spirit of what you're saying, but you're not comparing apple to oranges here. Killing versus deportation? While both are bad, one is obviously way worse, so of course one is more debated.

If you were comparing the debates about killing the bourgeois versus killing minorities, that would be more applicable.

I said "deportation" because that's how they phrase it. Inevitably, violent deportation ends in genocide/mass murder because people don't usually leave their homes where they've lived for centuries without resistance if they possibly can.

Because the bourgeois usually just peacefully gives up their money, right?

In practice, they are very equal. I'm just talking about the language used.

Let's fight.

pls no fite im very weak

IDK, there's situations where deportation is appropriate

Oh I completely agree. No one has a right to live wherever the fuck they want. I'm just going with the implied "deport because of race" thing.

I'm saying that deporting a race is appropriate depending on the situation. If they're in a country where they don't belong and aren't welcome, they need to leave.


Found the jewkike. Hopefully when you die you'll be reborn in 1942 and her sent to Treblinka.

I certainly hope so.

I'm not sure which is cringier: this being genuine or being ironic.

dear /b/ please stop making threads about me, if you like me or care about me, please stop.

i don't understand the rumors of me using people solely for money/attention or using people period. so many things got blown out of proportion. i have been asked by orbiters to make an amazon wishlist or a patreon, and then when i finally do i'm using people who willingly gave me things? i closed my patreon/amazon wishlist because my reputation and how people saw me was more important than that. i can get money my own way, people were willingly giving it to me. i never used people i talked to for anything.

i do want it all to end and just when i do, like last time, people kept making threads about me on /b/ over and over again. i don't know how to reach out to whoever's making the threads, but i've found that /r9k/ users were a lot more compassionate than /b/ users.

i do wish to be left alone. i gave up making youtube videos which i loved so i could hopefully get people to quiet down. i am not posting on /r9k/ anymore either.

i do not wish to be associated with your board rampant of child porn and threads of people sharing pictures that their wives/girlfriends sent them with trust. i am not the same naive edgy 15 year old that i was in july of 2015.

yuck. i despise you.

Wait... is this satire? Or are you just an edgy 16 year old now?

cp on drama wtf



God, how did you fuck up insulting a jewish person? That's the only thing nazi shitheads are good at. Can't even do that right, and YOU'RE the master race. Bitch, please.

It means jewjew, as in the expression "this is bad jewjew."

if you ask the fascists "do you believe all Jews/blacks etc.. should be deported?" they will just say "yes"

That's a bad example, most people on /r/DebateFascism aren't racial nationalists. If you actually posted a thread there asking "do you believe all Jews/blacks etc.. should be deported?" most of the answers would probably be no.

I dunno, I know of three kinds of fascists (and three kinds of communists):

1) The ones that admit the bad things happened, know how horrible it was and try to argue that 'this time it'll be different'.

2) The ones that deny those bad things ever happened, and anyone that thinks they did has bought into Jewish/American propoganda.

3) The ones that admit that bad shit happened, but also think it was fucking awesome and would like nothing more than to finish the job.

I don't get the Holocaust denial, "Nah it never happened, but if it did it would be cool".

You should see the thread on r/SubredditDrama.

Just remember that Communism makes sense outside of the violent dispossession of the wealth of the "bourgeois" and the repression of reactionaries who speak out, but fascism is inseparable from it's atrocities.

And if you dare say it's hypocritical for one ideology to have a go at the other, or they're both reprehensible and run counter to the civil liberties we enjoy today, then down-votes.

the thread on r/SubredditDrama.

Implying there's only one. They do backflips to avoid criticizing communism. Only some types of murderous authoritarianism are bad, right /u/mrsamsa?

I'm not sure why this is directed at me, I've never defended communism. I don't know even enough about it to say one way or another if it's a good thing.

The only time I've mentioned it in SRD is when someone asked me why I don't argue that communists should be punched and I explained that I don't think anyone should be punched for beliefs, but said that I wasn't aware of communism including a core belief of genocide.

Everyone seemed to agree that there is no inherent aspect of violence to communism like there is in Nazism, but suggested that communism is still bad as when taken to its natural conclusion there is violence in the process. That seemed reasonable to me but I wouldn't see any hypocrisy in suggesting we should punch Nazis but not communists when those communists don't believe in or advocate violence.

Just what I was expecting, thanks.

This is exactly the response from you that I predicted.

srotd has been solely devoted to pissing people off for a while now and I absolutely love it.

i like communism but the idea of living in a commune full of communists brings me pain

“Fascism is not to be debated, it is to be smashed.” – Buenaventura Durruti - /u/Vaktmeister

Oh no the anarchists are coming, quick everybody hide your trashcans!

So /u/Vaktmeister why is it that an advocate of possibly one of the worst ideologies ever wants to ban discussion of another political system? Also what do you have to say about countries which "smash" anyone who advocates for communism and similar leftist ideologies? I've lived in one of those and I always thought that what they did was wrong, but honestly after seeing the concentrated autism that is /r/anarchism and /r/socialism , I think they had a point.

Anarchists couldn't even beat fucking Franco, let alone genuine fascists.

Hey Franco was pretty good in Spring Breakers let's not be too hard on the anarchists.

He played a white trash rapper in a Harmony Korine movie. That's just embarrassing.

Why don't you shut the fuck up?

anarchism is barely an idealogy since it literally cannot exist in the first place

Honestly I'm pretty impressed at how consistently anarchism seems to ruin communities.

"concentrated autism that is /r/anarchism and /r/socialism , I think they had a point."

Reddit Socialism is terrible, don't use it as an example of actual socialists.

/u/aggie1391 having a colossal meltdown. How do you cope with such a victim complex?

From your history, you supported extra judicial executions murdering people linking to a video from the alt right neo-Nazi propaganda rag TheRightStuff. What a fucking horrible person you are.

I'm a simple meme farmer. I see some anti commie propaganda, I post it.

waaahh ur so evil

Please tell me more about how this makes you a victim?

From your history, you supported murdering people



wew lad