Some dude is holding a rando German celeb's nudes for ransom in exchange for money.

34  2017-02-12 by snallygaster


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How can a winner of the famous and prestigious Eurovision Song Contest be "rando"?

Thanks for bringing this to my attention however.

Right? Uncultured Americans are the wurst.

>winner of some rando "contest"

>not a rando

>what is sarcasm?

You found the one sore spot in my life and made me feel bad about it, thanks ASSHOL

europeans shouldn't make anything other than electronic music

creepy, but not at all surprising

It's only creepy if you're a white knight.

If you send nudes to ANYONE you're a fucking moron and you deserve what's coming to you.

It takes a matter of seconds to upload someone's nudes on the internet, and many people are very willing to do so. Maybe they aren't in good relations with the person whose nudes they're posting,, maybe they're just having fun.

Eventually your employers will find out and poof, there goes your career. Say hello to homelessness. Maybe you can show your nudes to passerbys for cash.

It's only creepy if you're a white knight.

LOL. The creepiness of it is independent of how much culpability can be attributed to the victim. It may be colossally stupid for someone to leave a laptop in the passenger seat of an unlocked car in a bad neighborhood, but the person who steals it is still a thief.

You've been spending too much time on the internet if you think you have to pick a side. You can be neither pro-revenge-porn-victim nor pro-creep.

But I guess you identify with creeps, each their own.

That's really not the way it works.

If you weren't a while knight, you would have kept shut instead of virtue signalling. Or you would have outright agreed with me.

For the record, I don't think leaking people's nudes is as bad as everyone thinks. If you are the recipient of a picture, you get to do whatever the fuck you want with it.

Do you identify as a black knight? Got a feeling that you do.

Your critical thinking skills are subpar, as is your grasp on the definitions of basic terms such as "creepy" and "white Knight"

I dont mind your opinions, you're just bad at having them.

So how isn't /u/SmurfPrivilege a white knight?

Dumb bitch takes pictures of her lady parts and shares them, someone gets ahold of them and decides to profit off them, and then this neckbeard comes in to defend m'lady's honor

Stop being a fucking party pooper and let others do as they please..

So how isn't /u/SmurfPrivilege a white knight?

Because I'm not defending the woman. Dumb bitch like you said? Or normal, sexually adventurous woman who made the mistake of trusting someone she shouldn't have? Who's to say. Certainly not me.

But the dude who uses them to extort the woman into paying him in bitcoin. That actually goes several levels past "creepy," but I was content to leave it at that.

then this neckbeard comes in to defend m'lady's honor

See, this is the part where you're retarded.

What subreddit do you think this is? Fucking idiot lol

If you've never sent nudes to anybody you are 100% a fucking loser

I hope your nudes get leaked all over the interwebz and your emoloyers and friends see them.

What if I've got a hideous bod and don't want my prospective sexual partners to find out the full extent of my deformity and poor hygiene until I'm already writhing on top of them?

Unironically this.

Eventually your employers will find out and poof, there goes your career. Say hello to homelessness.

Good thing she's German.

and what makes you think a German emoloyer's behavior will be any different?

Having someone with public nudes working for you is a PR nightmare no matter where you are

I recall only very few cases when I heard of that, and that included people getting naked at work - and even those firings were controversial. If it were something to worry about, the public would be aware of this as much as Murcians are. Instead, the naked people in the city's central park are one of the tourist attractions here in Munich.

only americans are this upset about nudity

It's only creepy if you're a white knight

TIL its not creepy to hold nudes of someone to ransom. Nah just playing makes you a fucking creepy loser. Defending the creepy loses is kind of creepy too.

They should have posted 2 addresses. One to send money to for releasing the pictures, and another to delete them.

Then announce fake values to make it seem like it is a really close race.

Woah that got shut down real fast!!

Because it is such a culturally bereft country I don't really know any german female celebs with dark hair apart from lena the girl with the dimples who won eurovision one time so I'm going to assume it's her. I'm pretty sure she's already been naked in a film though.

I imagined it a bit more like.