Really fucking important announcement.

0  2017-02-12 by Zachums

Everyone must now submit a picture of their bitmoji avatar or I will ban you.


Pug Life

I look forward to everyone's amazing submissions.

e. mfw people don't take this seriously.


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. This Post -,,,*

  2. Holla! -,,*

  3. Pug Life -,,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Spot. On.

Hi, submit your bitmoji!

Gather 'round kids, Zachums made a sticky! This means we have to pretend to laugh when the mods and aspie """meta users""" try the shitty comedy routines they wish they had the courage to perform on Open mic night.

Everyone must now submit a picture of their bitmoji avatar or I will ban you.

u wont

I did.

And heeeere comes the staged sarcasm and disgust. If it really bothered you that much you'd be choking on your own lethal levels of salt to manage even saying anything. You'd just downvote and move on like the other 100+ users here right now. But whatever, I know the drill.

Thank you for being a team player!

No one was saying otherwise!

sometimes I feel like snpshillbot must be alive with how on point its responses are

I've been alive for a while now.

jfc go away

oh wait you're a big fat phony

Am not so too!




Stop impersonating me.


submit bitmoji pls


wow, can't believe you would say that.

Enjoy your ban.

ex dee fam

How dare you appropriate pug culture like that

Kala/Noodles scouring this thread and cross-referencing the bitmojis with their numerous doxx files like yessss, must save these and analyse them later

Amazing contribution, thank you so much.

No, thank you for this fantastic team building exercise! I anticipate how well this thread will take off with no repercussions.


/u/get_into_the_box is this tru?

why do you look like a more soulless /u/Zachums?

Great minds!

Please don't Bitmoji shame. This is a safe space.

Haha fantastic!

Seriously you_irl!

An uncanny likeness really.

You stealing my joke and passing it on as your own?


Typical white American privilege.

I laughed the first time I read this comment then I looked further down in the comment section and saw kala/noodles posting actual doxx and now I just think it's creepy.

I must've missed that, what did they do?

I think it was removed pretty quickly. Just some retard trying to get attention.

Did you notify the person he was trying to dox?

I'm sure they're aware.

A little while ago I posted a group photo that was attached to one of the stories I told about my antics as a teen, figuring it really wasn't a big deal given that the pic is almost a decade old and from after getting apprehended by the cops so it's not really possible to identify who I am from it because I look much different today than I did as a teen getting caught stealing street signs at 4am. Ofc, being the weirdo he is, noodles decided to be weird and posted an isolation of me from the group photo under a threatening username. If I cared about people seeing the pic then I wouldn't have posted it to begin with, but not if someone's going to be a total creep about it.

fucking hell, what a little weirdo.

I think we need to do what the FPH mods did and pass him off to a different community. Kiwi Farms might be a good fit for him.

/u/riemann1413 should take one for the team and pretend to be a girl to seduce noodles and then post it all the screenshots so noodles goes away. Just thinking out loud.

Good idea. Where did you get it?

/u/riemann1413 probably inspired me with his R18 noodles erotic fanfics.

they are an inspiration to us all.

Damned straight. He's a national treasure.

this conversation makes me uncomfortable

Shh bb. Is okay.

he suggested we meet up to fight irl once, do you think i could get the cops to apprehend him for being 2 weird 2 live?

are you serious? lol

in all honesty, if jewdank (and possibly you) wanted to press charges against him, he could end up in prison for a little while. there's also a few people on the sub who could get a no-contact order against him at this point, but idk how easy those are to file/enforce for online contact. probably not all that difficult if you have the person's identity.

all i know is what he looks like and that he goes to a school in Chicago, nothing more. probably wouldn't ever act on that, since he's more creepy than harmful.

seriously. his "dox" is a pic you freely shared. and the two times he attempted to doxx me, he had the wrong name and the wrong neighborhood each time. he can't even be a fucking creep correctly. SAD!

o shit, he actually lives in chicago? I'm scared for you now.

seriously. his "dox" is a pic you freely shared. and the two times he attempted to doxx me, he had the wrong name and the wrong neighborhood each time. he can't even be a fucking creep correctly. SAD!

Yeah, none of his attempted doxing ventures have gotten very far. Hopefully it stays that way. The FPH mods probably know his full details; I wouldn't do anything with them, but if he did go far enough at least someone who wants to go to the authorities would know where to find them. Shame Jewdank didn't find that out before getting booted off of reddit given that she was actually looking to take legal action for the threats he made.

she was actually looking to take legal action for the threats he made.

which he made while impersonating me, never 4get

he is now pm'ing pretending those times he called me by random first names and named neighborhoods were never "legitimate attempts"

fucking weirdo

never "legitimate attempts", just like the attempt to catfish Lionheart into dropping his dox. lol

why did he even try doxing you to begin with?

idk, why did he pretend to be me and threaten to murderrape jewdank?

kid's got extensive mental health issues. it'd be more sad if he wasn't so vile and unpleasant

You should try and convince Oxus to beat him up!



Since he's a not a child nor a woman I figured you'd be reluctant

I need backstory for this.

Homeless guy is on drugs or schizophrenic. Gets a headwound that he neglects. Maggots infect headwound and start eating.


Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of Bitmoji :

Gayest shit ever created. If you are a guy and use bitmoji it is even worse, and most likely your friends think you are a huge fuck boy.

That (Tyler)uses "bitmoji "what a fag.

about | flag for glitch | Summon: urbanbot, what is something?

lol good meme!


Kys, but unironically


I love it!

Gom, I can always count on you!

What a strong, independent woman!

>being straight in 2017

Get out, bigot.

Very fashionable!

Shave the scruff

Don't be absurd.

Don't you dare speak to /u/squarefaces like that!

Daddy 😍😍😍

I'm tsundere

are you sips

I don't know who/what that is

This is classist discrimination against people who don't own smartphones. I have reported both you and this subreddit to /r/AgainstHateSubreddits

git gud lel

You can emulate android on your pc and download mobile apps. Also you can use the chrome bitmoji extension with gmail. No excuses.

If anyone has a problem with this thread, they pretty much have you to blame for starting this shit.

Sticky this

Would if I could!

Pablo bud your bitmoji looks forlorn maybe my bitmoji can buy yours a pint to cheer yours up? Looks like he's had a rough day the lil guy

did you see the one where Zachums and I do the dab though? Pretty lit on that one, fam.

Lit yes, but more like Future lit - taking part in the debauchery around him, but if you look closely he isn't even smiling.

That dabbing thing jfc.

The bitmoji or the dankest subreddit ever?

Fuck there's even a sub?

God damn it now I've got to fucking download an app on shitty Bahamas wifi so there goes my afternoon.

God damn it now I've got to fucking download an app on shitty Bahamas wifi so there goes my afternoon.

I've been hearing the term "Mayocide" a lot recently but this is what comes to mind when i see this post.

b& tho

Tfw no qt german bf

You'll get there someday, I believe in you!

Will I start sucking dick if I post this?

That's up to you!


>mfw people dont post bitmojis


Nice neckbeard.

Also, please ban me. I found a weird mole the other day, and I think this place is giving me cancer.


This is embarrassing

The only embarrassment is people not having bitmojis!

Nice one!

Only the most devoid of though pay any attention of *moji of any kinds.

You need to go home and rethink your life.


Good meme!

i have no shame

Pedos pls go

Dude that's my belgian heritage, have some respect pls

He's European. What do you expect?

I seriously hoped the mod team were adults , fully functioning adults here.

you fucked up.

Fite me bitch.

What the hell is a bitmoji? Damn you kids and your new hipster crap!

It's the future, grandpa. Get used to it.

Haven't seen you around recently, where ya been?

It's the future, grandpa. Get used to it.

New things scare me. Also whenever I see some newfangled thing that I don't understand it makes me feel old. Hell, I just found out what the hell Snapchat is a few months ago. But I also don't want to be left out and an outsider so could you explain this bitmoji thing and where do I get/make one? Will I be cool if I do this?

Haven't seen you around recently, where ya been?

I've been around, a bit busy though. How you been doing?

Syncing your bitmoji with snapchat is the new craze.

I thought you had brown hair

It's dark blonde, so it gets brownish in winter.

I thought this was you tbqhwuf

You should've seen the mileage I've gotten with that particular bitmoji on Snapchat, it's insane

That's a GOOD meme, A+

Why does the app need access to literally everything on my phone?

Because most people are willing to sacrifice all privacy to send witty relatable avatars to each other! Cheers!

I actually browsed through this shit show hoping how the mods's bitmoji are but they haven't posted.



I don't know what a bitmoji is. However, I do know what a vagina looks like. These facts are related.

Then stop looking at porn and make a bitmoji ffs

Most the people I know who use bitmoji are girls.

user reports:
1: Personal and confidential information
1: fuck tcpip4lyfe  
1: kys
1: white people nonsense
1: Spam

Sorry, I still have a 4S, IOS is wayyyyyy out of date. But have fun with that.

How do I get a bitmoji avatar

Download the app

What is this fucking derivative filth

/u/zachums, you'll need to ban this person

I feel like they at least made a little effort, and that's okay. Sometimes that's all a person can give, and maybe we shouldn't judge them for it.

It's like I don't know who you are anymore

One day when you get to my age you'll understand.

I hope I die before I get that old tbqhyf

If I actually put effort in they'd try to mod me, and I can't have that.

You think people get modded here based on effort and merit? You do realise /u/riemann1413 is a mod here, right?

He was doing some top notch shitposting back in the day. I understand that the merits that would get you modded on here are completely backwards to other subs, but I understand how that game works, and they aren't going to catch me by either metric.

kys etc.

This is the low effort stuff we're talking about...

Okay, so I downloaded the thing to see what it was. Wtf is this shit?

why do they even have gay porn when this post exists

hey noodles

It took so long to convince you to get one, and now look at you! Proud of you, keep it up.

Now I'm like you and should kms.

Kiss yourself, indeed!

wtf is buttmoji?


This is retarded even by r/drama standards.

You've seen my cat, I don't owe you shit

This is gay but I'm downloading the app now and will update with mine. Also zachums you're so gay.. Dont ban me pls

This is gay but I'm downloading the app now and will update with mine. Also zachums you're so gay.. Dont ban me pls

This is so fucking gay but here you go you degenerate