"If that's derailing to you, delete my comments and ban me by all means, because this place isn't what I thought it was." Based shitlord and r/MensLib mod /u/Dewey_Darl goes scorched earth on concern trolling twat /u/sea_warrior after she makes TiTrC (almost) rage quit

17  2017-02-12 by Wacnews_the_White


/u/sea_warrior I too, think man should kill themselves already.

/u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK why does some salty derailing feeeemale always try to derail your OP top level comment effortposts? Pretty sure she came off as tsundere shit testing you m8.

/u/Dewey_Darl when will you address the "women problem" in your sub? I think it's time to enact TiTrC's redpill-esque dating advice column. It's not toxic to show a daft disruptive bint to the door, as you demonstrated eloquently. But you need to go deeper.

/u/WorseThanHipster this one's for you buddy. Change my effortpost flair again and you can cash me aus ayyyy, bby!

Did you just spoiler tag a sarcasm tag?

No balls.

No balls.

Of course not, I read menslib semi-unironically sometimes.

I'm not reading that post. I don't even mod here so I can't change shit.

Gimmie some brisket then, next time you make some.

Tonight. The fancy grocer by me bought too much meat, so they were selling this dank ass grass fed free range Kobe for 50%. I got 3 lbs uncut NY strip I'm treating as a chuckroast. It's been in the sous vide for the past 48 hours. Fennel, carrots and onions in the bag.

One of the guests is bringing creamy horseradish mashed potatoes. I don't think I've been this excited for a piece of meat since I sucked my first dick. Will post food porn.

Get owned by gamergate, bitch.

creamy horseradish mashed potatoes

this makes me feel some kind of way. I want


\ >"cooking" in plastic bags

I got 3 lbs uncut NY strip I'm treating as a chuckroast.

I'm generally against violence but you should probably be beaten about the head and neck for such a thing.

I'm not convinced you even know what that implies, you just wanna sound like a red meat snob.

Slow cooked for 48 hours at 135F, then broiled for about 5 minutes on each side. That shit was tender af.

Anyways, I bought 6 lbs because that was part of the deal. Had the other 3lbs cut into steaks, but I had to do something with the rest before the weekend; I wasn't gonna freeze fresh beef like some poor savage.

If you soaked me in hot water for two days I'm sure my flesh would fall right off the bone, too.

Some meat is subpar and can be fucked with to make it edible, like Swiss Steak (or as the young whipper-snappers usually refer to it now, cubed steak), chuck roast, briscuit, or oxtail. Some meat is meant to be grilled/broiled and NY Strip falls into that category. You're just engaging in typical foodie nonsense that is the culinary equivalent of a Rube Goldberg device.

God damn you're jelly.

Envious? No. Disgusted by the sort of decadence that would waste quality meat on boil-in-a-bag cooking? Yes. You're preparing strip steak the way soccer moms prepare white rice and you're proud of it.

You don't know what sous vide is. It's definitely not anything like boiling. You're just being a snob, and a Luddite, and trying to sound like you know what you're talking about.

You don't know what sous vide is.

Yes, I do. I spent more than a decade working with food and I've trained with chefs from such fine institutions as Johnson & Wales. During my time in the military the food I prepared was served celebrities, elected officials, and foreign dignitaries. I was a prospective candidate for White House service. I know a thing or two about food.

I will admit that I have been out of the field for a long time, and in that time such things as sous vide and molecule gastronomy have become popular. I'm a purist where steak is concerned. The only people who should be wasting time on sous vide with meat good enough for grilling/broiling as those who are incapable of cooking a steak any other way. Sous vide is really only suited for eggs (for those who want a creamy, not hard/soft yolk) and vegetables, and I could think of a half dozen ways of preparing most vegetables that are not just better but less time-consuming.

You're probably right that I'm being a snob. It's a pity that posers like yourself waste time with unnecessarily complex methods of preparation only to come out with a less desirable product. Losing the taste and texture of the kind of frond formed when a steak is flat grilled with herbs and spices, like some garlic and smoked paprika, just so you can brag that soaked some vacuum-sealed crap in barely scalding water is worthy of derision.


Yuss!! Did you actually get banned or just the comments nuked?

Not banned as far as I know, haven't been back though. I think I would have gotten a notification?

You get notified if you have commented there before.


Looking back now that some time has passed, do you think you were being derailing or unsympathetic? Did /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK scorn you in his mod groupie banging days and this was to get back at him? Will you use r/MensLib again in the future? And lastly, are you not more troubled that SRD rage-quitter /u/mach-2 mods there vs not allowed able to shoehorn in "women in STEM"-posting?

Well like I said to the mod who nuked our thread, we have to be able to agree on the root of the problem in question to effectively discuss solutions. The OP saw the root of the problem one way, I saw it another way, and was trying to provide evidence for my view. But I understand that presenting it could easily have been taken as derailing. Clearly there was high emotion involved for OP he was hearing things I wasn't saying and ultimately got pretty worked up. But these are emotional topics and I can respect that. Ultimately I think each gender deserves a space to discuss their own issues (without active hostility directed at the other gender). And I'm sorry if anyone felt that was compromised due to my comments.

I'll be back to r/menslib, sure. Generally the community is pretty welcoming and level headed, more so than most. Almost all my comments in that thread were upvoted, which doesn't mean they are objectively correct of course, but it does imply that most didn't disagree with me (or at least thought my contributions were relevant).

Not sure about the mod stuff, I'm not versed enough in all that.

Have a great day!

the root of the problem


Next q, please.

Your reasonable reply saddens me. I will not have a great day now, I'm afraid.

Menslib is full of people that hate men and think men are toxic by existing so I would not brag about upvotes from there as a way to give yourself validity.

If I hate myself does that count as hating men?

Do you resent other men who don't hate themselves and direct scorn at those that do? Because they remind you of you?

My ultimate aim is to make everybody hate themselves an equal amount. However much that is is immaterial.

Egalitarian self hatred. I can get behind that.

u know it

Judging by the people that post there that is usually the first step taken.

we have to be able to agree on the root of the problem in question to effectively discuss solutions.

I think that the problem is that you and other people in the thread in effect treat determining the root of the problem not as determining what needs to be solved, but in the assigning group blame sense. Like, if the patriarchy is to blame then feminists are in the right, so yeah, we should let them do their thing.

Now, I could point out that feminists are already in charge of education and that's why we are suddenly (that is for 10+ years) having these problems, but that wouldn't work either, the entire premise is flawed. The whole thing sounds basically like this: "sure, but before we discuss the a single policy proposal let's agree that we are in the right and you're in the wrong and should have no input". Nobody will ever agree to that no matter how persuasive the arguments, obviously.

So if every attempt to identify the root of the problem inevitably results in a my tribe vs your tribe deadlock, maybe skip that part and go directly to policy discussion? Because if you do, you'll discover a very interesting thing.

Look, there's not enough women in STEM, because there are stereotypes that girls suck at math, and misogynistic environment and whatnot. The response to that is to organize scholarships, workshops, special programs, whatever, to get girls into STEM. Because the reasoning goes like this: if we get enough women into stem with this sort of direct action, then the stereotypes will die, the environment will improve, and the Patriarchy will be defeated.

And anyone who's like, no-no-no, stop giving women scholarships, we should just talk a lot about the Patriarchy instead, would be perceived as a saboteur, obviously.

Blacks in the US are underperforming in education because studying and shit are considered "acting white". The solution to that is to find ways to engage black students in studying through whatever means, to normalize that as a part of being black. The solution MOST DEFINITELY is not to give them lectures on how black culture is toxic and how they should be more like white people.

Men in the US are underperforming in education because studying and shit are considered "unmanly". The solution to that is to find ways to engage male students in studying through whatever means, to normalize that as a part of healthy masculinity.

See, there's a working pattern of combating social ills caused by harmful stereotypes, and it starts with direct action against symptoms, which then fixes or eliminates the stereotypes themselves. Sure, you should also talk about stereotypes, but if you only talk you can talk till the cows come home and nothing will change.

So if you're actually concerned about the catastrophic state of male educational achievement, skip the laying blame or "identifying the root problem" stage, and go directly to discussing solutions. Solutions that address the symptoms are not just OK, they are the only working way forward. And when you see a fellow feminist being all scandalized like, no, we shouldn't actually help boys, they are privileged already, tell her to sit the fuck down, please?


Shit, and there I was, hoping that you in particular will read it and give me some valuable feedback. How could you betray my expectations so, /u/harbringot?


Ultimately I think each gender deserves a space to discuss their own issues

I would say that your insistence on interjecting yourself into their space and interrupting the discussion says otherwise, but that might imply that I believe someone posting in /r/MensLib could actually be a man.

Wanna know how to trigger a feminist in two words?


And then of course /u/sea_warrior went to display several of the four classic signs of female fragility:

  • trying to change the subject

  • using inappropriate humor to deflect

  • getting defensive or angry

  • disengaging from the discussion

Never forget that even when something is actively hurting men more than women women are the actual victims and men are to blame.

^ This

trump card


trump card


Patriarchy Trump is the greatest trump card Patriarch ever.

now you've got it

Women are the true victims of war.



White feminism is yet again a proof that white people is destroying everything good.

I stumbled on this article and thought about posting, but I was worried there wasn't enough drama to justify it.

TL;DR: There's a veterinary medicine scholarship that has a stated preference for males. It's an attempt to address the gender imbalance of the school, where the student body is 90% female.

Half tempted to post that in r/menslib

There is a lot of whiny fuckery going on in that comment section though

The way I think about it, affirmative action should only apply to people who have structural barriers to receiving an education [..] It’s not for further advantaging men. It’s really quite bizarre.

Yeah, and that course is 90% female because men are lazy and biologically inferior. That, or it's a weirdly persistent statistical fluctuation, I don't know fams. Deffo no structural barriers or anything.

It seems they care more about money than they do about my being a woman and getting equal opportunities.

Oh, that's equal opportunities all right, just that for the privileged equality feels like oppression ;-)

The part where the scholarship was established by a woman is the cherry on top!

It's obvious that men just aren't choosing it as career path. This, however, has no parallel to women not choosing higher paying degrees like engineering.

Per the original SMH article (love that acronym btw):

Gender balance in vet science as a profession has reversed in the past 20 years from male to female-dominated, but the student said this did not justify the scholarship's terms.

A 2013 report by the Australian Veterinary Association noted the dramatic gender shift in vet science professionals since the 1980s.

So yeah.

the scholarship was established by a woman

In her deceased husband's name, yeah.

/r/menslib is run by /r/againstmensrights contributors. That's all you need to know really.

/u/sea_warrior do you realize how retarded you are while you sperg out and derail shit? Go look at ads for babysitters, nannies and au pairs and see how many specify they want girls or women only. Did the patriarchy lobotomize you?

I see you post in baby bumps though, so at least the most useful parts of you are functioning.

I too think feminist pregnant women are the people that should be posting in a men's rights centered sub. Next time you think of doing that, just go eat some chocolate instead.

I see you post in baby bumps though, so at least the most useful parts of you are functioning.

The eugenicist inside me is cringing at the idea of her passing her stupidity on to future generations.

She already admits that she knows her station and I assume her husband will make sure the kids ends up educated. The patriarchy forces women to take the easy route in their life as she admitted.

Personal responsibility is only for white men.

"From each according to their ability, to each according to their need" in practice, Comrade.

If traditionally female jobs involving nurturing and caretaking are available but men aren't seeking them, who is to blame? Men, and the people who raise them to think such things are beneath them.

I'm curious if /u/sea_warrior sees it the same way when it comes to the wage gap. If women aren't seeking jobs as oilfield workers, who's to blame?

They explained it in that thread. Men avoid those jobs because they see these occupations as "beneath" them. Men themselves are at fault for their underrepresentation.

Women avoid STEM jobs because they are brainwashed into seeing these occupations as "above" them. Men are also to blame for this.

Oh, thanks. I swing in, read the first few exchanges, and then try to make some topical question. I plan on accruing enough karma to sell my account to the Trump Administration, maybe Spicer himself, so he can use this juicy account to spread alternative facts all over reddit and make it great again.

As such, I don't have enough time to really delve into the drama enough to see if my question has already been answered. Thanks again, but I gotta go, I need some karma because hopefully when I sell it, I can pay some kid to walk around and collect some more Pokemons for me while I sit my fat ass on the couch and watch Alaskan Bush People.

Later my bro!

Men avoid those jobs because they see these occupations as "beneath" them.

Is there any actual evidence for this?

The great thing about blaming white men is you don't need any evidence, just a willingness to abandon any desire for the truth.

In other news, men at fault for water being wet.

It's not often that I agree with /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK, but damn son! You definitely brought your A game! Too bad you were talking with an idiot.

/u/sea_warrior, your argument was bad and you should feel bad.

Is there a sub more pathetic than /r/Menslib?

Other than /r/Drama, of course.

I can only think of one.

/r/menslib is run by /r/againstmensrights contributors. That's all you need to know really.

The thing that makes /r/MensLib worse than /r/Drama is that we purposely try to be the worst possible sub in existence. They somehow stumble past us to first place without even putting any effort into it. I find it infuriating, mostly because I'm incapable of reaching the heights of stupidity their pathetic self-loathing enables without irony creeping in and ruining the effect.

If traditionally female jobs involving nurturing and caretaking are available but men aren't seeking them, who is to blame? Men, and the people who raise them to think such things are beneath them.

I don't really relate to that. Where I live, seeing guys with pushchairs is perfectly normal, and has been for some time now. I can't really say who is mostly picking up the kids from schools (I'm not allowed within 100m of them now ofc), but I see dads with their kids often.

Aside from the theatrics of such a statement, traditional maleness is prized over femininity in almost every context that matters. Like, we as a nation just elected an incompetent and probably insane male dictator/criminal...

Zero to Trump in record time.

We are all Trumpian Americans this day. Well, the guys anyway.

Literally "What about the womenz?"