/r/thepapinis and the Case of the Stolen IPs.

32  2017-02-12 by snallygaster

If you keep up with True Crime, you may know a little bit about Sherri Papini, the Missing White Woman who disappeared under outrageous circumstances and likely orchestrated the thing for attention and money. Because the tale is one of the few True Crime mysteries that's likely to be cracked quickly, and because of the utter ridiculousness of the kidnapping scenario and Papini family, a small but dedicated community has grown around the case. Unfortunately, the admin of the place containing the brunt of the discussion around the case, WebSleuths, is a crazy bitch and banning everybody who doesn't enthusiastically buy Sherri's story, so a flood of WS refugees have traveled to Reddit and settled in two subreddits: /r/Sherri_Papini and /r/thepapinis. This story, a cautionary tale of what happens when WS culture meets the Reddit platform, involves the latter.

Tricia, tyrannical admin of WebSleuths, is banning everybody who doesn't wholeheartedly accept Missing White Woman Sherri Papini's unlikely story and "Supermommy" persona, and as such, a deluge of stateless former users drifted the Internet in search of a place to discuss the case. They soon heard that Reddit was a place where they could do so, and some migrated to the already existing subreddit dedicated to the case, /r/Sherri_Papini, while others created a subreddit of their own for unknown reasons. /r/thepapinis is a subreddit for WS users, moderated by WS users who are clearly unfamiliar with the reddit platform, and they brought with them their own flavor of drama.

It wasn't long before /r/thepapinis was inundated with trolls. Most of the trolling came in the form of "insiders" dropping alleged secret details and information about the Papinis and the case, though the mods themselves also had to deal with other bizarre forms of trolling. While it is unknown if the trolls are Papini supporters from WebSleuths or people just trying to shit-stir for fun, the trolling became a point of frequent concern to the subreddit, and the moderators decided to do something drastic.

Many of the linked posts were removed or deleted, but there's enough information to piece together what happened. In order to combat the trolls, the mods, efforts spearheaded by /u/blondetails, sent regular users a link containing a meme and an IP-catcher. They used this information to cross-reference the IPs of known trolls with alleged "insiders" in order to determine whether they were telling the truth without their knowledge. In addition, mods began to ask insiders to verify themselves in order to gain adequate protection from trolls. Verification involved going into a chat with the mods. A chat which happened to display IPs.

Somehow, possibly because the mods themselves admitted it, it came to light that the mods had collected the subreddit's IPs, and the users were none too happy about the breach of privacy. However, the mods attempted to sweep it under the rug, shortly hand-waving it as something that had already been talked over in later discussions where users raised their concerns.

In the meantime, drama was stirring among the mods themselves, who came to blows over how to handle the trolls and manage the sub. Eventually, /u/ihatebobdylan and /u/blondetails, the mod who orchestrated the IP scheme, decided to quit due to the perceived toxicity and trolling on the sub. Despite some user's concerns with having their IP taken, a sin which would have made the average redditor white-hot with anger, the retirement of the two mods was overwhelmingly mourned (though not so much for one conspiracy theorist). At this point, the mods that were left began to let users in on their frustration with blonde's behavior.

After not so long a time, blonde demanded to have her spot back on the mod team, and although it was eventually granted as the sub went private to ward off trolls, concern grew louder over the user's history and whether she was reliable enough to mod. However, these concerns were all for naught, as she was soon unexpectedlyshadowbanned deleted her account (thanks /u/daisyifyoudo3) and left the remaining mods confused and directionless. After re-opening the subreddit and the very brief rise and fall of one more failed mod (somebody experienced with reddit could quickly see that this user wasn't remotely a good fit for the culture and topic of the sub, let alone modding it, but alas), the dust from all the drama begins to settle, and things are looking up!


Need a TL;DR.

No. you read that shit snally posted. She effortposts for your sins son so read up and click ALL THE LINKS

Most of the links lead to creddit which hates mobile. :(

I've never had a problem with ceddit on mobile but I don't use the mobile Reddit site

I do and all I get is a white screen. I will try when I get home.

Here's a run-down:

  • The Platonic embodiment of Missing White Woman Syndrome, Sherri Papini, "disappeared" under ridiculous circumstances (I recommend reading up on it, too many outrageous details to list)
  • The crazy admin of True Crime discussion forum Websleuths started banning everyone who questioned her story
  • Members of WS who wanted to actually discuss the story migrated to reddit
  • They were immediately swarmed by trolls pretending to have exclusive info and otherwise doing dumb shit
  • The top mod (/u/blondetails) decided to handle it by messaging all the regular posters a link to an external website with a meme and an IP catcher to cross-reference the alleged insiders with known trolls
  • She also tried to bait alleged insiders onto a chat that shows IPs for "verification"
  • Users found out, and some got pissed, but they ultimately didn't seem to care that much
  • The mods got into a fight behind closed doors about the IP catching and how to handle trolls
  • /u/blondetails and another mod ragequit, publicly due to trolls but likely also due to the infighting
  • /u/blondetails demanded to get her mod spot back shortly afterwards and did, to the suspicion of the users, while the sub was made private to deflect trolls and do damage control
  • but soon /u/blondetails got shadowbanned by the admins (lol wonder why)
  • the sub went public again with a new mod, who didn't last long, but for now things seem peaceful.

You spend way too much time on this, you sad person. Unless your real name is Sherri Papini, in which case carry on.

fuck you, I have a fever and a broken foot can't get up to do anything else

you don;t have to get up to be face down 😉

dude, she's 3d. ew.

"3-D in the streets, hentai in the sheets", nawhamimsayin /u/snallygaster ?

I thought it went "kawaii in the streets, senpai in the streets"

The whole story does sound made up but I feel like I'm missing something. The cops aren't investigating it? If they so strongly believe it was a hoax, to the point where they don't investigate a kidnapping anymore, why aren't the hoaxers in trouble?

The cops are investigating, but as of right now they're being pretty silent about the case and any potential suspects. It's suspected that they know that the Papinis are full of shit but trying to gather enough evidence to call them out. In the meantime, the Papinis have been milking the media for publicity and $$$, probably to fund Sherri's numerous professional photoshoots and daycare because Keith's shitty Best Buy job can't cover the costs.

I wonder if they ever got that list of everyone who downvoted from the admins.

I just Googled Sherri Papini.

She's hot. Would fake kidnap and fake bang in a heartbeat.

Professional photograhy and shoop goes a LONG way...

I feel like if we had 2 or 3 more snallys we could cover the entire Internet.

This is great shit and I appreciate getting the readers digest version. No idea how you summon the motivation to dig through all this but respek.

this was too insane not to summarize.

And I thought t_d had the strongest weaponized autism on reddit.

This was just truly hilarious to read! Good job!
