SRD is well known to be the top drama producing sub on the reddit and arguably the top drama producing forum on the internet. It's a clearinghouse for controversial topics- by definition, every submission there already contains an argument- and the user base then argues about the morality of the every topic, each attempting to be a better person than everyone else.
So why say something isn't misogynistic when you're risking insulting someone and thus being a bad person? Much safer to say it is misogynistic and what's the worst that happens? You were wrong but your heart was in the right place. That's what SRD boils down to: everyone trying to be good people by having the most bland, safe, stupid opinions, because at least they're trying to "fight oppression".
I haven't even reddited in a few days/weeks and I come back and see them doing that about the word retard yesterday and now this. They can't change. Gotta be safe and thus argue everything is oppressive and insulting.
n/a ImNotPayingFullPrice 2017-02-13
SRD is well known to be the top drama producing sub on the reddit and arguably the top drama producing forum on the internet. It's a clearinghouse for controversial topics- by definition, every submission there already contains an argument- and the user base then argues about the morality of the every topic, each attempting to be a better person than everyone else.
So why say something isn't misogynistic when you're risking insulting someone and thus being a bad person? Much safer to say it is misogynistic and what's the worst that happens? You were wrong but your heart was in the right place. That's what SRD boils down to: everyone trying to be good people by having the most bland, safe, stupid opinions, because at least they're trying to "fight oppression".
I haven't even reddited in a few days/weeks and I come back and see them doing that about the word retard yesterday and now this. They can't change. Gotta be safe and thus argue everything is oppressive and insulting.
n/a CirqueDuFuder 2017-02-13