Pedophile wants a picture of my kid

37  2017-02-13 by ThatOtherPromise


Disgusting behaviour /u/-oopsie-poopsie-

Masturbating to loli isnt ok and so isnt masturbating to pictures of kid you degenerate

Tell that to my American youth pageantry and modeling and Japanese u-15 junior idol gravure collection


B-but loli is just drawings it's not real desu

B-but I'm allowed to be a degenerate i-if I'm self aware and make fun of myself hahahahahahahaha???

Only legal degeneracy

Send me a pic of your kid. Or a pic of your mom or girlfriend. Include their name so I can make sure the pic I photoshop or draw shows up in a google search.

I think it's obvious the first mistake he made here is he assumed you have any kind of functional, healthy relationship with any woman IRL, OP.

Yeah and a picture of OP wouldn't work either because literally nothing in Photoshop can make OP look uglier than he already is.


( but factful )


( but factful )

Srdines are a mistake




Send me a picture of /u/pointmanzero's kid

Pedophilia jokes about my kid are not okay I will find you and I will slit your throat while you sleep in your bed.

Well this escalated quickly

Sending a picture of Montreal to a pedophile what the f*** am I doing in this Thread?

I think we're all asking what the fuck we're doing in this thread my man

I mean Jesus Christ

Someone told me you were a pedophile

I'm pretty sure if that were true I would know that about myself

Well you certainly wouldn't admit it TBH fam but I heard it from a reputable source

No you didn't.

Tell me an asshole. I don't care because it's true. Tell me I'm a racist. I don't care because it's true. Tell me I'm sexist. I don't care because it's true. Tell me I'm xenophobic I don't care because it is true. Call me a white devil Western imperialist. I don't care because it's true. Call me an idiot a fool or retard. I I don't care because it is true.

Fuck reddit. fuck r drama. Calling someone a pedophile in real life can destroy their entire life whether it is true or not.

Don't fuck with my family.

Its not funny. It's not trolling. Its fucking sick. It's disgusting.

Methinks the cow doth protest too much

Do something then bitch.

Come fuck my wife u wont

You have a child wife?

No shes 65 and pretty fat

well my wife is 40 and looks 30 so I will stay on this side of the fence.

Your wife's a fence?

chip that was a nod to allegory.

"the grass is always greeny on the other side"

Well to have sides...there is probably a division somewhere that separate the two sides... like a fence.

Allegory is that like a bloody alligator or sumptin?

Allegory is like when I fucked your mom last night.

It didn't actually happen but you get my intent.

Intent? Why don't you have a house instead?

i have screenshots that prove youre a pedo

no you dont

No you didn't. Tell me I'm an asshole. I don't care because it's true. Tell me I'm a racist. I don't care because it's true. Tell me I'm sexist. I don't care because it's true. Tell me I'm xenophobic I don't care because it is true. Call me a white devil Western imperialist. I don't care because it's true. Call me an idiot a fool or retard. I I don't care because it is true. Fuck reddit. fuck r drama. Calling someone a pedophile in real life can destroy their entire life whether it is true or not. Don't fuck with my family. Its not funny. It's not trolling. Its fucking sick. It's disgusting.

Apparently threatening to kill people?

Oh yeah? TRY LIVING THROUGH 2. THEN SEE IF YOU CAN MAKE THE NIGHTMARES GO AWAY. The sky removed an entire neighborhood from the planet and the debris rained down on my house in the pitch black night. Louder than anything you can possibly imagine. People say tornados sound like a train they are LIARS. An F5 tornado sounds like a combination F-14 Tomcat Landing in your front yard and tree branches being fed to a wood chipper. And the lights go out right in the middle of it. I still remember that night like it was yesterday we went out to my brothers black Nissan truck and turned on his CB radio because nothing else was working all of the power pole lines had been removed by the hand of God. I grew up in the country people had CB base stations at their houses. As soon as I click on the CB all we heard was cries for help. Literal cries. Crying. My dad made me and my brother get into the back of the truck and he grab the chainsaw. We knew we would get there faster than any emergency crews. When we arrived .... no words can describe what we saw. The lightning of the storm was on the horizon. So the only light you got was flashes. We saw people moving around in the debris. A man had a piece of wooden fence stuck all the way through his chest coming out the back of his body. He was walking around and screaming hollering my wife my wife where is my wife can you find my wife. He didn't make it. I was only 15. I got introduced to manhood that night and then well into the morning and then through the next day then through the next day we didn't sleep we just searched for survivors and hoped. In 2011 the sky opened again and took much more. Much more.

Yeah but I watched Twister once.

You act like I don't know these things... My wife has three degrees in Psychology and I tease her all the time "psychology isn't a hard science" Not to sound like Bill Nye or anything.... But one of the most remarkable things about the theory of evolution is.... if it is true... then the thoughts and feelings and desires we have... even the things that we believe... are part of us. We evolved to be this. Now that's where you come in. Because the study of our internal thoughts is Worthy. It gives insight into the actual physical makeup of our bodies. But let's be honest with each other... give evolutionary psychology another 60 to 75 years of maturity they will come up with better explanations for why people go to church than any clergy. PS my wife is behavioral neuroscientist so that is hard science

I think all copypastas should come with a source link.

Only before dinner

Pics of child so we can judge

Film that please oh my god

no you wont dont be silly

I studied the blade m'lady

Shiiiiiit. Didn't know I was talking to a straight gangsta. I take it back.

Wow, bring it down a notch, Liam Neeson.

TIL jokes are the reasons feminists exists

Not too surprising tbh

There's actually some sort of weird feminist circular logic that says that anything that questions feminism is proof that feminism is necessary.

This is the prove that feminism is necessary


/u/-oopsie-poopsie- why we need eugenics

I wonder how many of these people were this angry when people made those naked Trump statues.

Dear /u/-oopsie-poopsie-,

Comparing an adult celebrity to underage, non-famous children isn't a fair comparison. It's why celebrities aren't afforded the same rights to privacy as non-celebrities. However, the law doesn't prohibit you from drawing a creepy picture of underaged children so do what you need to prove your point you creepy weirdo.

/u/-oopsie-poopsie-, have you finally stopped molesting children

I think it's pretty clear that /u/-oopsie-poopsie- did not actually want to make a nude drawing of your child. He seems to be using satire to prove his point. Your argument is "It's just a picture." He's imitating your argument in order to prove why he thinks it's foolish.

You're saying that he literally wants a picture of your child when he's actually using satire. That's a strawman fallacy. You are twisting his satire and phrasing it in a way that claims he is serious; you're placing his satire out of context so that now, not only does he have to defend the argument he was trying to make, but he has to defend against your claim that he wants to engage in pedophilic acts.

You're claiming that his satire is endorsing pedophilic acts when it's not. Correct me if I'm wrong, but here's what I believe he's arguing:

You claim that consent isn't necessary when drawing nude pictures. The main reason for child pornography being bad is that a child is not mentally mature enough to understand the consequences and the trauma that they will likely experience from it. Therefore, they can't make an educated decision on whether to consent to that or not. But if you remove consent from the equation, the immorality of child pornography doesn't have that leg to stand on, leaving the drawing of a naked child to be completely moral, if we're using your guidelines.

The CP thing is the same reason why loli bullshit is wrong, not because of consent cmon.

Well, the reason CP wrong starts at the idea of consent.

Don't get me wrong, I am not condoning pedophilic acts, and I don't think that /u/-oopsie-poopsie- had to prove his point in that particularly offensive way. But his comment does not seem to imply that he actually wants pictures of your child. He's simply using satire as a way to prove his point: that drawing nude pictures of people who don't want to be drawn is in fact immoral.

are u 4 real m8

Do real I shagged their nan m8

Very much so, actually. You've taken /u/-oopsie-poopsie-'s comment out of context to make it easier for you to attack. And when you take consent out of the equation, you effectively destroy the basis for CP being wrong. And it comes to the point where you can't really deny it, so you respond with,

are u 4 real m8

Anyway, you commented

This is about the fellings of the puritans who find sexualization ewww

Again: S T R A W M A N .

Nobody claimed that they "find sexualization ewww." You're just twisting their words to make your argument sound more appealing. The whole debate is about consent. Also, to answer a burning question of yours:

2) She didnt consent to have her face being [drawn], why is this not a problem? why does it only become a problem when sexualization is present?

If Emma Watson wanted for people to sexualize her -- if she wanted for people to draw nude pictures of her -- she probably would've said so, done so herself, or gotten someone else to do it. She puts no effort into hiding her face, which clearly implies that she is okay with people seeing/drawing her face.

/u/riemann1413 ban this filth

Woah, there! "Filth"? o.o That seems to indicate that I've done something morally wrong in this thread. If I have, please bring it to my attention, because I really don't see it.

Maybe you're just calling me "filth" because I've pointed out the fact that your logic in this case is always either self-destructive or wrong? If so (and it seems is so), there's no legitimate reason to ban me. o.o

But, again, if there is anything that I've posted in this thread that makes you believe that I should be banned, definitely let me know what's up.

Is this a performance?

Is anything in /r/Drama not a performance?

If my comments on this thread are part of a performance, then it is a performance that consists of legitimate arguments.

Kiss yourself