Disney has dropped PewDiePie for turning into a nazi!

81  2017-02-14 by McFluffTheCrimeCat


Cancer, oy vey

Where the fuck you're been?

Honestly you'd think being unfunny eurotrash would be enough to get him dropped to be honest.

Honestly to be honest.

You really need to settle down.

Lie some more, sheesh.

In earnest he honestly isn't honest enough.

at least he's honest

Haha yeah Pewds sucks am I right?! xDDDD

he does though


Have you guys ever noticed that when someone in the media says Jews control the media, they get fired from their job IN THE MEDIA?

It's as if anti-Semitic behavior is not palatable to normal people. Go fucking figure.

Are normal people run by Jews????

(((normal people)))

What's wrong with antisemitism? Jews are extremely powerful and successful. Antisemitism is "punching up".

You should respect your betters. Every country on earth that isn't shot is run by the Jews.

I think part of the problem may be that one time it got a few million Jews gassed.


Real talk though, if the Jews got together and pinned 6,000,000 fake murders on the Germans, they deserve the W.

They are never gonna let that go, are they?

How the fuck can you get baited so easily on /r/drama

By being yet another SRDIne

Wow, you're either retarded or got simply baited. You realise that's the whole point of the joke right? Thanks for saying it again in simpler words, you goddamn autist.

What if I think it's great that Jews run the media and I'm pro semitic control?

Figures. PewDiePie is the first person to GET WOKE since Walt and they fucking kick him to the curb. FUCKING TYPICAL.


Are you telling me you cant also be a Nazi and work for Volkswagon?!

I mean, that's just respecting the corporate history.

Implying Disney isn't [communist propaganda]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClqpcdJ6yKk)( now

Seeing as Walt was pretty anti-semitic, bordering on a neonazi, I doubt this.

Can you really be considered a "neo"nazi if you lived through the age of the actual nazis?

Also a Disney show song from the last few years doesn't really have anything to do with Walt himself

Can you really be considered a "neo"nazi if you lived through the age of the actual nazis?

Fair enough. He was about as close as one can get to being a nazi, without ending up in an internment camp.

Also a Disney show song from the last couple years doesn't really have anything to do with Walt himself

Well, except for corporate culture, instilled by the founder.

I'm just saying, the song is literally about exploiting the proletariat

lol @ u thinking Nazism isn't about exploiting the proletariat...

Communism (Real communism) is about empowering the proletariat, since they are the the working class, and bringing down the bourgeois.

Oh so you didn't actually watch it. Fair enough

I watched it, when it was on TV. To me, it's a video bragging about the exploitation of the proles, and the proles letting it happen.

Basically, the antithesis of Communism. It's almost an anthem of anti-communism. aka Capitalism. I mean, we elected the penultimate capitalist here in the US.

If you watch old pro-communist propaganda it was chock full of videos highlighting the excesses of greed and exploitation under a capitalist system. They always focused on the evil bourgeoisie and caricatured them as greedy and lazy and exploitative and stressed systemic injustices (all notes the video hits). Somehow I don't see a video showing life under a bourgeois stereotype (who literally calls himself "the bourgeoisie") as being a celebration of capitalism and it's super weird you'd come away with that impression.

If you wanted to make a simple video that compelled kids to dislike the upper class, what could you possibly do differently? I think you're just stuck on the whole idea of it being actual propaganda as if I think it's literally a Disney plot as opposed to 1 or 2 writers getting away with something surprising.

I dunno... I see it as a celebration of bourgeoisie. But, I suppose that's the point of good art.

frame the bad guy of the cartoon as the bourgeoisie make everyone around him depressed grey and sinister tones use of "proletariat" and "bourgeoisie" terms only used by anti-capitalists to critique capitalism the whole plot of the episode centers around this being a dystopian future to be avoided

sorry fam I'm just not seeing the celebration angle but to each his own I guess

I thought it was the nazis putting people in camps, not the other way round

Well, we put "sympathizers" into internment camps as well.

I wonder how he'll survive being the most popular Youtuber without someone cutting into his profits?

He lost Disney money. That's serious money.

Dude makes like, 7+ million off YouTube alone, he'll be fine.

But some GoT kiddo said it was serious.

He's audience is mainly children, they'll leave sooner or later. He better start making wise investments right about now.

so what you're saying is he should start to groom some new children

The onison strategy does seem to work.

If the children don't come to you, cum to the children?

implying new children dont come to youtube every day.

He got removed from their ad partners program. He's cooked.

Well that's retarded. RIP pewds.

It's just weird. What did they think he was gonna do? Get less offensive as time went on? Why would they think that?

Time to rant like a raging autist again.

Hearing that fact has actually made me somewhat furious. I'm just sitting here thinking about how people are trying to sanitize the internet, make it nice and clean for the normal people to come in and hang about. Oh you can't joke about nazis, that's unacceptable! The humor on your channel must be clean and up to YouTube's standards, so you can compete with the [GONE VIRAL] TOP 10 FUNNIEST ANIMAL CLIPS OF THE WEEK and whatever clips they have from Jimmy Kimmel or Saturday Night Live that they're pushing on your front page instead of the content you actually subscribed to.

It's especially aggravating that the r/news thread on this is filled with people jerking each other off and finishing in each other's mouths over "oh, he should've known better", "holocaust jokes are NOT comedy", "Virtue signal and outrage!". Fuck the sanitized internet these people want, give me the most racist, blasphamous, evil bullshit we have to offer. Fuck the corporations that hold a quasi-monopoly on social media, and fuck the people who cheer them on. In short:


Fuckin normies.

But it's not like they aren't still hosting his videos.


(YouTube hasn’t pulled ads from any of Kjellberg’s other videos, nor taken any of the videos down, though Kjellberg has himself.)

if edgy 13 year old mountain dew sippers want to hear retarded "death to all jews" jokes they can still watch it. they're not censoring anybody or removing content, they (a fucking Family Cartoon company) are just saying "yeah we're not gonna slap our logo and brand with your nazi jokes" anymore.

they're not even removing them from the ad program

Oh, okay, then disregard my post there, I suck dicks. Though my rant about r/news still remains because those dudes are faggots.

Of course you're an autist, raging about a hosting provider pulling ad revenue from a program they don't like.

Get used to it. That's how the real world works. When you piss off consumers, people don't buy your product anymore.


Really? Consumers were pissed?

Yep. That's how ad driven companies work.

Disney is a consumer? Wtf lol.

Yes, a consumer of Pewdipie's labor... Disney would be the purchaser of his time.

What part of this do you not comprehend?

The one that you are a dumb fuck?

Nice try, chief. How about you refute how someone purchasing a product (Labor) from supplier of product (labor) is not a consumer of said product?

U mad bro?

he got the ads removed from like, one video. N B D

No he just got removed from being a preferred ad partner.

Doesn't that mean his ad share goes way down and brands are less incentivized to work with him directly?

Doesn't that mean his ad share goes way down

The average without being partnered is around $1 per thousand views I believe. According to socialblade he gets around 9 million views per day (around 3-4 million from the video he uploads that day). That's still $9,000 per day if he drops to average levels.

brands are less incentivized to work with him directly?

I don't think he does much/any sponsored content. He could probably start though if needed. EEVBlog only has around 400k subscribers but Dave said that Audible is willing to pay him around $4k per sponsored video.

He also has a merchandise store which probably generates significant revenue.

Yeah his ad share goes way down, and who wants to advertise on a fascist neo-nazi stream? The MSM just declared him so.

Advertisers generally don't get to choose who they advertise to or don't. Plus I'd imagine one of the networks which don't care about antisemitism (like RoosterTeeth) will try to get him partnered with them after this dies down.

You absolutely can and companies do exclude particular content creators from the marketing efforts.

They most certainly can. Have you had a look at the Google Ad Partner Portal?

I exempt my ad campaigns from all sorts of types of content (Adult, for example).

You can't decide to not show ads on specific users though.

If that were true, people other than the usual SRS types would be saying it.

Said the right wing cliché

Well apparently Youtube is taking him out of their ad program as well so he won't be making much at all I imagine.

They're taking him out of the preferred ad program. So his CPM will go down slightly (although it'll also go up slightly due to not having to pay Disney anymore).

Entire article. If you use adblock it pops up some shit.

Disney has dropped PewDiePie, the world’s highest-earning YouTube star, after a series of videos that featured anti-Semitic messages, according to The Wall Street Journal.

PewDiePie, a 27 year old from Sweden named Felix Kjellberg, whose foul-mouthed gaming videos have netted him 53 million subscribers, made $15 million in 2016, according to Forbes. Some of that was a result of a joint venture with Maker Studios, the multi-channel network Disney bought for $675 million in 2014. That joint venture is finished in the wake of these videos, Disney confirmed to Business Insider.

“Although Felix has created a following by being provocative and irreverent, he clearly went too far in this case and the resulting videos are inappropriate," a spokeswoman for Maker Studios told Business Insider. "Maker Studios has made the decision to end our affiliation with him going forward.”

According to a Wall Street Journal review of Kjellberg’s channel, he posted nine videos since August that “include anti-Semitic jokes or Nazi imagery.”

One such video from January 11, since taken down, featured Kjellberg hiring two men to make a sign that read “Death to All Jews,” using the freelancer website Fiverr. Kjellberg later said that video was a joke that had gone too far, and YouTube pulled ads from the video. (YouTube hasn’t pulled ads from any of Kjellberg’s other videos, nor taken any of the videos down, though Kjellberg has himself.)

The situation is further complicated for YouTube, since beyond Kjellberg being its biggest star, he also has a show on YouTube’s $9.99-a-month premium service, YouTube Red, called “Scare PewDiePie.” YouTube declined to comment about Kjellberg to The Journal.

Business Insider has reached out to YouTube and PewDiePie for comment.

If you use adblock it pops up some shit.

Do you even Noscript? Or archive?


>working websites

pick one

He'll just have to wipe his tears with his billions of dollars, I guess.

In all honesty I'm a little surprised that Disney hasn't already got a full stable of teens/twenty-somethings churning out content. Just take the reject child actors and give 'em some webcams and green screens

Nah, they bought makers to do it for them

They do, but like Disney movie properties, they'd rather buy something that's already popular.

Star wars, Marvel, etc. They didn't invent. They bought.

One such video from January 11, since taken down, featured Kjellberg hiring two men to make a sign that read "Death to All Jews," using the freelancer website Fiverr. Kjellberg later said that video was a joke that had gone too far, and YouTube pulled ads from the video.

What a funny joker, always kidding around.

The funny thing about the video is that they pulled out the sign and said "Subscribe to Keemstar".

Its almost like the context is super important here.

that is funnier than i thought it would be

Amazing what context can do, isn't it?

Oh no, how ever will he live, making $10mil instead of $15mil. If you'd told me ten years ago that I could facefuck petite Italian girls and get paid millions of dollars for saying "fuck" and "pussy" over game footage, having no marketable skills and screaming like a fucking girl, I would have pissed in your cereal and called you a fucking liar.

I would have pissed in your cereal

There's your new YouTube channel. Kids will tune into that shit fo' sho'.

You also have to spend half your day editing videos and formating them, then keep doing that for a few years every single fucking day. Have fun !

Obviously, because PewDiePie made some racist jokes on a channel famous for offensive humor, we should drop him. Not like he's obviously displayed liberal and progressive viewpoints in the past and has donated millions to countless non-profit charities. Nah, he's clearly an evil bastard. Now where's that Onision guy, who emotionally abuses his wife and literally asks for kids to send him photos of them in their underwear? Or that Keemstar guy, who literally doxxes people and broke down on camera because a chinless 20-year old called him out?

He's donated his own money?

He donated a shit-ton of his own money.

Source? I generally don't believe it when a social media personality talks about how generous they are because they usually either donate other people's money, or take other people's donations for themselves.

No point in being liberal if you're a white men. All you're doing is handing rope to the folks who want to hang you.

Dude, you use /r/mensrights. Although I'm not against full gender equality for both men and women, as both men and women have a lot of advantages and disadvantages in society not offered to the other gender, /r/mensrights is a cancerous cesspool of incels, misogynists, and alt-rightists.

What if I think that escalating economic inequality and corporate domination are bigger issues than a white dude victim complex?

SRD please go.

What if I think that escalating economic inequality and corporate domination are bigger issues than a white dude victim complex?

It won't matter. Give power to people who hate you--even if you agree with them on some politicial issues--and it will always backfire against you, because they will never help you.

Also, liberalism isn't against corporate domination or escalating economic inequality, it just pretends to be. When was the last time a liberal politician actually did anything about those issues? Obama was President for 8 year, during which inequality escalated more sharply that in any other period we have figured on.

Liberals will only ever help minorities and feminists, no matter what they say. Like with the ACA, where they claimed to give people free healthcare, but only gave free checkups to women, and jacked up men's insurance rates to pay for it.

That's how liberalism always goes. No matter what they say, they hate white men, so white men will get nothing and be expected to pay for everything.

Inequality is on the rise and the current Democratic Party is corporate friendly, but the rest of your spiel is MRA bullshit. In case you didnt notice most of that rising inequality is because rich white men got richer, not because feminists and minorities took over the world. Weird right?

Are they all disney employees too or are you just being a whiny bitch?

Just being a whiny bitch. I'm a /r/drama user. That much should be expected.

Obviously, because PewDiePie made some (admittedly too over-the-top) racist jokes on a channel famous for offensive humor, we should drop him. Not like he's obviously displayed liberal and progressive viewpoints in the past and has donated millions to countless non-profit charities. Nah, he's clearly an evil bastard.

It's simpler than that. The people involved in this decision probably know that Pewdiepie doesn't actually wish death to the jews, but they know continuing to be associated with someone who's made these jokes could make them look bad too.I imagine Disney is especially sensitive to accusations of antisemitism because of what Walt was like.

What was he like? The only evidence people have that he was anti semitic was that he associated with anti semites. That hardly enough proof. Hell even one guy who "hated his guts" said he wasn't anti semitic.

You spergs will defend private companies from serving gays but when they don't want you saying nigger on their free services, THAT is a bridge too far!

pewdiepie sucks

game grumps master race

Both are shit. DSP is /our/ guy

DSP? The guy who accidentally jacked off on camera?

Yes and he is our guy you dumb bitch.

He didn't even wash his hands after. He's a degenerate.

DSP? The guy who accidentally jacked off on camera?


>actually watching any of that garbage

That's not how you spell Funhaus.

This is against everything Walt Disney stood for :\

It's funny Disney turns on pewdiepie for making harmless jokes when Walt Disney was a notorious anti-semite.

How so? Because Meryl Streep says so? Lol

Obviously. Meryl Streep is never wrong.

What would they expect from the guy who looks like a young Heinrich Himmler.

Business Insider has reached out to YouTube and PewDiePie for comment

What a world.

ITT: SRS/SRD jerking into the popcorn. As always.

Remember when this was a real drama sub?

Hey grandpa, tell us a story from the olden days!

I think PewDiePie just made a bad choice, but he is not seriously racist nor need to cause more alarm than necessary. I'm very much a liberal and don't like racists, but this is one of those times where I don't think it needs to be treated that drastically. They could have just fixed the mistake and talked to him about what was wrong.

Unfortunately, racist jokes have become the norm over the internet and modern times. You're considered prude if you don't like racist jokes. I have experienced this a LOT when I play Cards against Humanity online. I don't really like the racist jokes in that game, but it is not considered ok to say that in the chat rooms. I have been argued against endlessly, just for saying once that I simply don't really like the racist cards. Called a prude, etc.

In the internet's social environment, lately, racist jokes have become so much the norm - That I assume PewdiePie made a joke of it, out of habit But he probably didn't have a serious agenda to spread racism.

We should talk about how racist jokes have become the norm, and how that's not really ok. But I don't think we need to be excessive about it and blame a person more excessively than they need to be blamed.

Now, That would be different, if PewDiePie were to respond like the people I encountered in those CAH chat rooms: Trying to prude shame you for disliking a racist joke. THAT would deffinitely make a person an asshole racist.

I haven't watched PewDiePie much. The little I've seen of him, I've gathered that I like him better than some other youtubers for this reason, and I could be wrong but: he seems different from other youtubers who are trying to be jerks, in order to gain popularity. He seems sort of like this sweet, geeky type who is just there to try to be funny, Which I appreciate more than the "Look I'm so great because of what an asshole I am" types. Am I wrong or right? I don't know, I've only seen a couple of his videos.

Also, I don't know if this is PewDiePie's official tumblr blog, but I found this http://pewdie.tumblr.com/ where an explanation is written of what happened.

Someone needs another 10-20 years in the oven to reach mature adulthood.

Gas the jews

We should talk about how racist jokes have become the norm, and how that's not really ok.

Except that for many people racist jokes are OK. You really don't want to have the conversation because then you'll find out how many people disagree with you. I'm not giving up Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock cracking on white people just because you're a little queasy about Jew jokes. I'm not letting morons like you tell geniuses like Mel Brooks we can't play up their ethnicity for humor. The are really only two problems with jokes about race. The first problem are those who clearly make those kinds of joke in a mean-spirited and unproductive manner. The second problem is that even when the jokes aren't mean-spirited, and are even made in the context of a broader point meant to make people realize how alike we all really are, people like you get all fucking cringey because you're worried someone will think you're a bad person. The first problem is solved by booing idiots off the stage. The second problem is solved by you developing a backbone and giving up on being a little bitch.

I'm not letting morons like you tell geniuses like Mel Brooks they can't play up their ethnicity for humor.

Boy I have some really specific Mel Brooks Blazing Saddles Racism Drama for you (Open in new Tab)



What the fuck is this faggotry?

Oh look, I left the computer for just a few hours, and already some pushy trolls arrived, thinking that saying a bunch of loser stuff will make them impressive...

Bahhhh sheep.

You're "Not going to let" me tell Mel Brooks something or whatever? (btw I never said anything about Mel Brooks.) I think you have the wrong idea about whether you "let" me do things, as I'm not your property.

Holy shit end yourself

Oh my fucking god, go away you stupid trolls. Think it's funny to tell someone to "end themselves." or continuing to bitch about Mel Brooks, even though I already told you I wasn't talking about Mel Brooks.

I was obviously talking about white racism, not people of color using racism for themselves. I've never seen Mel Brooks, and don't care as far as this topic.

And voting yourselves up with your multiple accounts, thinking it will impress somebody. It doesn't. All I said was that I don't really like racism. but that PewdiePie isn't all that guilty.

Find something more important to get Overly pissed off about, you stupid little flies, who need to be swatted with a fly swatter.

this would never happen if Walter Disney was still around

Considering that Walt Disney himself was a Nazi, this seems very much like a stone-throwing contest in a glass house.

I like how PewDiePie is all out of fucks to give and just doing whatever he wants.

Reminder that this is a guy that read a bunch hyper degenerate gay porn involving popular child icons (including Disney's Frozen) to his predominately underage audience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYxtOfvkXeo

But if he so much as ironically squints at a jew it's curtains. Now I'm not saying it was the jews, but this is so obviously a case of the jews smacking him down.