Michael Flynn was sacked to cover up for PizzaGate

0  2017-02-14 by IAmAN00bie


Right, but how does this relate back to George Soros?

If I'm remembering correctly Soros actually gave a large loan towards the construction of the trump tower in Chicago. But trumpets need bogeymen.

Fucking lol. I wonder how long they'll keep bring up a pizza shops imaginary trafficking ring to try to distract from the executive office train wreck.

You'd think /r/conspiracy would be all over pizza gate, but they're surprisingly pretty divided about it.

I read somewhere that Pizzagate is intentionally SO RETARDED that it can only be a Russian ploy to discredit the masterminds of /r/conspiracy. People who think that sounds reasonable still believe Pizzagate to be too over-the-top.

Not even two months?

2017 is just warming up…