The knuckle dragging apes of the_doofus reach new depths to their retardation after the real reason for Flynn's resignation is revealed, no it's not because he's in Russia's pocket, it's obviously *Pizzagate*

98  2017-02-14 by JumbledFun

here we have one inbred pointing out the obvious, the pedos made him resign

Here the top minds correctly point out that breitbart died for our sins and not from his obesity and cocaine habit

Mocking pizzagate?! They know they are going to get away with it! Couldn't be that they are just laughing at these embarrassments to humanity

Yah it's totally the fault of Mexicans that these worthless retards can't get jobs. White trash is by far the most deluded people on the planet. It's shocking they think they bring any value to the world


American exceptionalism truly is a joke

what exceptional country are you from heebie?

America you retard, the vast majority of you are worthless trash

blame white people

the best president of this century has been the black guy, clearly.

Bill Clinton was a p sweet president

Do you know what a century is? Or did you go to American schools?

Contemplate suicide.

Bush didn't assume office until 2001.

Do you know what a century is?

100 years

Bill Clinton was in office this century you fucking knob

You think he was a better President from Jan 1 to Jan 20 than Obama was his whole term?

I mean, he was white

I dunno, fam. One drop rule.

TIL I learned what the One Drop Rule is

Who said /r/drama isn't educational?

principle of "invisible blackness"

jesus christ

/>Implying Bill Clinton isn't a black guy

murca's first black president baby

literally everyone that is not from (((New York City))) is worthless trash in your opinion tho

Nah I like the west coast, New Orleans, parts of Colorado, Chicago and most of Minnesota as well! AZ is nice to look at but clearly all that sun has addled their brains.

For the east coast, NJ is a sty, Philly sucks, Boston isn't a real city, Vermont is a bunch of out of touch hippies and DC is as a disgusting swamp as Trump describes it

all of the south is better than most of those pussy ass places you mentioned.

the obvious exception being New Orleans. Oh, I guess that's because it's already in the south.

Atlanta is ok, Charleston is pretty but hilarious overpriced for what the food is. Florida is a redneck hellscape, MS/AL aren't real places they are a social experiment, Texas is a joke and the rest of those states are hilariously irrelevant. Well the outer banks in NC are ok I guess

Florida is a redneck hellscape

Hey, Miami exists too!

gross, Cubans and Puerto Ricans

the outer banks in NC are ok I guess

They aren't.

Texas is a joke

all of my hottest exes are Texan.

Also, fucking nuts

Jersey ain't that bad

Jerziboi till I die fam

Pork roll

Taylor ham

New Orleans

New Orleans literally smells like piss fam.

Sam Francisco, too.

Nah that's just Oakland stank wafting over

No, he's right. San Francisco smells like piss. It's probably for the same reason New Orleans smells like a truck stop urinal: homeless people pissing and shitting in the streets.

you say that like it's a bad thing

Not since 2005!

Vermont > Maine in every way

Wow this. Ooh good work Maine, pretty scenery, but you filled it with lumberjack hicks, Frenchies, and your stupid rich aunt who is into holistic healing and energy crystals and loves the chi of the coastline and makes """Indian""" bead art

Same. I'd take VT over ME any day

And nobody will fight you for it. You think Maine is bad? VT is the land of shattered hippy dreams and cold winters where there's nothing to do but drive to upstate NY for "" "fun""".

I'd say anything above MA is the "land of shattered hippy dreams", to be fair

maine has better cats

and they act like dogs too, perfect creatures

Have you ever owned Maine Coons? They are skittish as shit and weird as fuck. You'd think they'd be wilderness beasts but the ones I've owned and others I've interacted with have been shitty all around. A Bombay on the other hand, is a perfect cat in every way.

yeah i own a maine coon, she chill af

my friend's coon is pretty cool too

I was going to write a witty reply but I didn't, so I don't believe you.

they're widely reputed to be doglike, and mine is. follows me around, likes to be walked

mine is also really lazy, which is nice

likes New Orleans

well that says it all right there

"I like all the bougie white people parts! Oh, and I watched Treme so that means I am down with New Orleans."

nah I'm down with their great food and the no open container laws! That's real freedom!

Welcome to the Republican Party, son.

Cry moar, bitch.

You misspelled us

fucking lol are these real feelings or is this satire

at this rate youll be wearing a pink knitted hat and protesting in the street within a couple of weeks

Of course, that depends on what you mean by American exceptionalism. If you're using it internet colloquially, okay. If you're using it right, lol.

The doofus! HAHA ZING! Take that, enemies!

All I'm saying is we have no clear evidence that Flynn isn't a pedophile.

Sure, plenty of talk about his plausible connections to underdeveloped communist countries.

Why is no one talking about his plausible connections to underdeveloped communist cunts?

Some questions I guess people just want to remain unanswered.


how much pizza does he eat?


Fuck i want pizza now

clearly this is evidence of your pedophilia

What's on a Russian pizza? Potatoes and beets?


Putting it on the pizza would create a gooey mess. Also, heat destroys alcohol's properties.

Russians aren't known for good pizza for a reason

As an unrelated tangent, you can actually make marinara-vodka-sauce and it is phenomenal when put on a pizza.


Aw, I'm sorry dude - don't have one. It was just some gourmet pizza place I ordered from while in college. (Don't worry, children weren't on some secret part of the menu.)

Just put some vodka in there and see what happens

Raw turnip, whatever fish you can get, and salt from sadness. You only get 1/3 of the pizza anyways because you need to give away the other 2/3rds in bribes.

To be fair the seasoning they make from Soviet era paint chips is pretty tasty.

Sour cream and pickles

Real answer: probably topped with beef with stroganoff or chicken kiev. Can't find anything else that looks suitable for a pizza.

Your disparaging title is /u/the_reason_trump_won

Are you arguing that the denizens of /r/the_dingus are not sub-humanly intelligent?

To be fair that's true of all white people

Tru, white people aren't even humxn

I'm loving the new SRD.

/u/Ferenix2 was right

inb4 brain addled /u/Ferenix2 response

inb4 inevitable debate on his candor

I know, it's hard to imagine that I am completely serious, for someone who spends day after day on irc channels devoted to infiltrate and take international human rights away from other people and propagandizing and acting mindless and brutal psychological and physical violence against society and individuals and the destruction of language and rationality so only smarminess and being double-faced can reign supreme.

/u/pol_invictus_risen This is way worse than the new SRD, in accordance with the plan of the secret subreddit and irc channel this is the place for executing the most rabid "call-outs" and attack while SRD has to be more neutral and avoid infighting so they can continue to brigade without losing popularity from the most extremist of their base (now they have a valve), expand their brigading and infiltration/recruitment efforts to many other subs, presenting a clean face. Since this place had a culture of free speech is easier for them not to turn it in a place of infighting, because Sjw are convinced that there is free speech even when they dominate a sub 99% so they kinda "expect" that someone will disagree with them about so obscure communist author (so in their minds there is variety).

damn you really delivered

So the next time anti-psychotic meds come up, which shall I recommend avoiding? You're clearly on the crap ones.

I love being part of something so insidiously proficient and organised

The_Donald is Bane, and you are the cuck CIA agent that thought he was smarter than Bane.

Weak fam, tbqh.

You're a big guy.

No u

I'll need to verify your baneposting privileges.

I can't tell if that's a good analogy because Bane had zero character traits and no arch.

Finally, someone else points this out!

Im so fucking tired of literary kidies thinking that every character has to have a fucking arch to be good. What a retarded requirement.

It might have made the movie a bit less boring, at least.

The_Donald is Bane

So... evil and with a retarded plan that makes no sense?

I didn't know Bane was out to find the truth of a pizza parlor supposedly run by child sacrificing pedophiles!

Yea, trump won because there are a lot of knuckle dragging apes. It's unfortunate that the choice of high school dropouts won the election. We all agree.

You're right. Trump won because a bunch of dumbfucks sucked an oranges dick believing every shitty thing he made up on the spot.

Ah, the mods continue their endless quest to make this sub the new SRS/SRD.

I didn't even vote for Trump btw but you all are so delusional. You guys are in for a serious reality check when these people actually start getting busted which is only a matter of time. The evidence is plentiful and speaks for itself. You don't need to be a conspiracy theorist to see it. All across this country and the world over the last few weeks many pedo rings are getting busted. Everyone in govts all over the world know it to be true. If you are speaking out against pizzagate you either are a pedo yourself or you are ignorant and haven't even looked at all the evidence for yourself. My advice to you is to pay better attention of the world around you, educate yourself and maybe one day you will actually be able to bring something to the table instead of just being a narcissist that only pretends to care in order to feel good about yourself and to look good on social media. Now would be a perfect time for you all to reevaluate your lives. If you really do care about the world pull your head out of your own ass and spend a little more time looking into things instead of just reading and repeating headlines you saw on Facebook. If you libs/dems/whatever you people are want to be taken seriously you are going to have to put your big boy pants on, k?

10/10 effortpost


u ok buddy?

He's posting in /r/Drama, of course he isn't okay.

As ok as any other day.

Have you ever seen FuckURedditor post a lighthearted comment here? This is their natural state.

/u/FuckURedditor may be literally incapable of contemplating topics that aren't feminism or other topics those GOSHDARN LIBERALS are so wrong about

he may also have lost his sense of humor in an industrial triggering accident. please be sensitive to his needs

I'm sorry. I promise to be more sensitive from now on.

Do you think that 5 hail BRDs would be enough penance?

Do you think that 5 hail BRDs would be enough penance?

Yes and post video.

Then go start your own sub. Even if the mods are SJW/IDF shills, they don't owe you a goddam thing.

hahapointsatyou nearly shut the sub down because of all the mocking directed his way for moaning about agenda posts. I think the mods were getting really agitated over the shit flung liberals way.

No. We just dislike retards.

Btw are you guys seriously calling each other pedes now?




It all makes sense now.

What doesn't make sense is that they are using it themselves. I just can't wrap my head around it. It's some √2-dimensional tic-tac-toe.

i guess there's no point in hiding it among themselves

It goes deeper;

Centipedes can have between 15 and 177 pairs of legs. 15 clearly is the maximum age of the kids that the pedophiles will traffic and Podesta is 177 years old. Centipedes like living in damp and dark places, like the tunnels under Comet PingPong. A centipedes bite can also be a risk to children, just like a pedophile.

What day was this all posted on? February 14, 2017. February is the second month, which signifies the earliest age pizzagate gets kids at, 14 is the age they're usually always sold off by, and 2017 is (((current year))) which proves that the Jews and Soros are involved.

What does this all add up to? Proof that the_donald is the pedophile headquarters for the whole thing! They call themselves centipedes because they're the ones that stalk the tunnels looking for children to spirit cook!

Do you know what number lies in the middle of 15 and 177?


88 + 8

Heil Hitler and Hate.

5d chess.

This one post is more persuasive than all previous evidence presented by Pizzagate retards.


Despite it's impressive length, it's a nimble navigator, and some can be highly venomous. As quick as lightning, just like the tarantula it's killing, the centipede has two curved hollow fangs which inject paralyzing venom. Even crooked Hillarys aren't immune from an ambush.

This centipede is a predator...

This centipede is a predator...

Ya, ya, there's just a show for you pedes.

You can make fun of the_donald. This isn't your conservative safe space, you fucking faggot

It's not even safe for dirty Clintonite moderates :(

This is a Hillary support sub so watch your tongue, motherfucker

Islam is more dangerous than Nazism and it must be wiped out.

Well, I mean that opinion is gay, and yours so....


Why don't you like fun?

It's a white """people""" thing

user reports:
1: Mods are clearly making this subreddit the new /r/altright (so says SRD); ban this man for lies

But under SRD rules it's evil to hold the mentally handicapped fully accountable for their retarded actions. We're caught in a bind, fam.


But what is Moby's involvement in pizzagate? What is he hiding?

you can't trust bald little hipsters

Moby? He can get stomped by Obie.

Who is Moby and should I hate him?

Yes because I have it on good authority that nobody listens to techno. Now let's go.

Yes because I have it on good authority that nobody listens to techno. Now let's go.

Firstly; How dare you?

Secondly; KYS

Thirdly; I forgot about Eminem until now

to answer your questions

1) With surprising ease 2) I got dogs that depend on me so I can't sorry 3) Just as long as you're not acting like you forgot about Dre

hes a crazy person


Never thought I would live in the day and age where the right sympathized with Russia, Trump is president, the left killed via internal retardation, and idiots on both sides calling each other fascists and pedophiles.

Where the fuck is my hover car?

Yah the moronic trash of the world will collapse society before we get there. Putin already knows the writing is on the wall for his caveman nation so he wants to bring the rest of us down with him

The left has been sabotaging itself since the Paris Commune tbf

You forgot to mention how the left now see the CIA as /our guy/

Called it


get it right

The really sad thing in this whole thing is that the guy is being shit on for resigning, which is the ethical and moral thing to do while under investigation while in a position of power within a government, regardless of his guilt.

Are you really that stupid? The Justice Department informed the White House about this shit 2 weeks ago and, since then, they have defended him multiple times and denied this happened. He was forced to resign because he got caught and once again drew attention to the connections between Trump and muh Russia.

Hey, a government that is able to do something verifiable in just two weeks is outright impressive, even if the things done are horrible.

The guy immediately went to Twitter and said he was proud to be Trump's scapegoat. This is fucking hilarious.

Really? Link? Could use a laugh this morning.

Awesome. Thanks for the salt mine.

Heh that makes it even better.

That doesn't make any sense.

what a dumbass

Wow /u/jumbledfun what a dumbass.

Yah man catch up we established that years ago


parody account

trumps going to be president for the full term

If he wasn't so obviously outright retarded it wouldn't even occur to you to say this. Kek.

gotta reaffirm certain things when people start getting all crazy

it grounds them nah mean

people still think hes going to get impeached lol

It wouldn't surprise me if he does. Every time he endorses his daughter's business or whatever he's sailing very close to the wind. He says some fucking dumb things on Twitter, and it wouldn't be surprising at all if he ultimately trips over by saying something that's actually contrary to law.

just fyi though american media in no way reflects reality

if you exclusively read politics youd think it was disastrous when he hasnt even done anything bad

omg muslim bans!

omg russia!

its ridiculous

i get being critical of him but im inclined to side with him against all the ridiculous smear jobs the medias been engaged in

its the boy who cried wolf i swear, he could do something fucked up right now and nobody would believe it because the media blows everything out of proportion

The media is irrelevant. The shit he says on Twitter is dubious at best, borderline illegal at worst. That's why I wouldn't be surprised if he ultimately fucks himself. It's been a month and he's already damned close to self-destructing.

The media is irrelevant.

i feel comfortable in saying literally everyone whos angry at trump was influenced in some way by american media propaganda

if you think he "admits to sexual assault" thats the media lying

if you think hes "controlled by bannon" thats the media lying

if you think russia is secretly influencing him or "hacked the election" thats the media lying

if you think hes "racist" thats the media lying

basically every single one of thse "scandals" has nothing to it, hence the boy who cried wolf shit

no matter what he does theres going to be doubt now because the media demonstrably lies about him, its 100% on them

It's been a month and he's already damned close to self-destructing.

theres that media influence again, you might as well say he has a "dark vision for the future" or that theres "internal chaos"

what problems do you even think hes had so far

I'm telling you I don't give a fuck what the media says because Trump's stupidity speaks for itself, and you give me screeds of bullshit I don't care about for no reason. Kek

yeah it was a roundabout way of laughing at your assertion that youre not influenced by the media

because you clearly are, nobody else rages at trump

because Trump's stupidity speaks for itself

can you list some stupid things hes done, im genuinely interested in what youre basing this aggressive opposition on

because i can almost guarantee its just dumb shit the media lied about

The fuck are you talking about? Which media? I'm not American, I don't watch CNN or whatever boogie man you're wetting your pants over.

I'm not American

then why are you so worked up about it lol

even if hes the worst president ever its not going to affect us so why would you even care

I don't watch CNN

western media from around the world is basically copy pasting shitty american propaganda right now, youre not immune if you consume it or pay it any attention

the easiest way to find out if youre affected is to ask yourself: was i angry at donald trump before he ran for president? did i think he was a racist or a sexist back then?

I'm not worked up, you dunce. And I've thought Trump was a fuck-up the entire time. The Apprentice showed what a facile moron he actually is, if his string of failures didn't. His only publicly-listed company went bankrupt. Twice. Kek.

I'm not worked up, you dunce.

you seem to be pretty eager to defend some suspect af people for whatever reason

And I've thought Trump was a fuck-up the entire time. The Apprentice showed what a facile moron he actually is, if his string of failures didn't.

i dont believe that you came to this conclusion by yourself or that youve held the opinion for more than a year

I don't give a fuck what you think. Kek.

thats cool my dude its not that deep

stressing about politics isnt good for anyone

I'm telling you I don't give a fuck what the media says because Trump's stupidity speaks for itself, and you give me screeds of bullshit I don't care about for no reason. Kek

This is a man trying way too hard to hide is butthurt. ~30 posts of you chimping out over mean old Ronald Rump in this thread really isn't helping you out here tbh

Your reply is almost as long as his is. Why are all you dumbfucks so prolix?

Dude, ending every other post with kek and stuffing in as many swears as you can manage just comes off as you being way too worked up over this and trying to hide it. I really wish I had that one image of the angry dude at a PC spamming "u so mad lolol butthurt" etc as it applies perfectly here.

Where do you think you are, you fucking dork?

"Lying media" doesn't exactly change the fact you can look at his tweets for yourself, does it? What a ridiculous argument they're making.

You don't understand, when you think you're looking at Trump's twitter, there's a tiny Jew in your eyes rewriting shit to look dumb. Media did the same with several gamergate personalities. You should only read Breitbart for a week to banish the eye-Jew, if it doesn't help ask u/captainpriapism about more potent treatments.

nobody gets this invested because of his twitter lets be real

Media did the same with several gamergate personalities.

funny story, they didnt even actually bother quoting anything from gg social media because people are dumb enough to just believe "omg sexist!" apropos of nothing

the more you know

He's being shit on because he was caught m8, just like yer nan was caught given those 3 dollar handjobs behind Walmart.

Lol are you retarded? That's like saying "well the murderer is being shit on for going to prison, which is really the only moral thing to do when you've been sentenced to life in prison for murdering someone, regardless of guilt."

Flynn didn't make a fucking choice, he got shitcanned because he's under investigation, violated laws, and lied to the public. Nothing "moral" about it.

I like that false equivalency. Please, continue.

Flynn got caught lying red-handed. If you think "resigning" in this situation was a choice you are either 12 years old or retarded. He was FIRED.

Did you notice how he was crying about it on Twitter today? He's bitter as fuck because he GOT FIRED.

Its in this comment chain that the twitter account was apparently fake.

Personally, that whole twitter deal just made it funnier.

Did you find it honorable and a "change over business as usual" when Nixon was busted for Watergate and forced to resign?

Comical that you're taking a guy getting fired after being caught red-handed for lying and violating the law as a sign of "good character."

Lol pizzagate is trolling that succeeded far beyond anyone's dreams.

As for Flynn, insofar as I can tell, he hasnt been charged or convicted yet, but has admitted his error, so right now he is legally as guilty as either Clinton, or as guilty as Rumsfeld and Cheney for authorizing the use of torture, but has moral high ground on all of them.

Durrr what about Clinton?

Christ, Trumpists really are out of defenses for how shitty this administration has been. Will you still be saying "buh buh Clinton!" three years from now too?

Well, Bill was investigated and charged with lying (to congress, if memory serves), did eventually admit it, but never stepped down.
Hillary was investigated, but neither admitted error or stepped down from the campaign. Maybe you'd have a better president if she had. Also maybe all the rats wouldn't be doing it if she and the FBI hadn't set the precedent of allowing it. Neither Rumsfeld or Cheney were investigated, admitted to their crimes or stepped down.

So Flynn, is being investigated, admitted guilt(after everyone knew what he did, like with Bill, and lets be honest, pretty much every person in power ever,) but stepped down/was fired.

Buhhhh Clinton!

Anyway the Flynn investigation hasn't even started yet. He hasn't admitted guilt either. All he's done is gotten fired. You're a moron for applauding a guilty guy getting shitcanned.

Some days I wish Dr Yacub had never invented white people on that island

Only some days?

I just got back from there. They really have lost their fucking minds. The trump administration is already a raging garbage fire and they're convinced it's because a secret cabal of kiddy diddlers is pulling the strings. Amazing.

The biggest sign of idiocy is the lack of awareness of said idiocy. These people tend to think they can see the "secret truth" that everyone else is too stupid to see because they are desperate for some self validation. The painful reality that they are below average and generally are not special is too much for their feeble minds to bear

You sound really triggered.

Only leftist bitches can be triggered.

Oh oh, you mean in the same way that /r/der_oranges isn't a safe space because those are for lefties and they're totally stronk independent alties who can take them free speaches. :v

No need to get upset dude, it's going to be okay buddy.

^ wow not this

^ This but not ironically

2015 wants its tired and unoriginal comment back.

When you are soundly beaten on every front, it is very original to decide that the team that beat you is dumb.

You sound really triggered.

When you are soundly beaten on every front

Is that really what you think happened in that conversation? That you 'soundly beat' anyone?

You were soundly beaten on Nov. 8.

Sucks to get pwned by mouth-breathing hillbilly untermenschen, doesn't it? It hurts so bad.

I'm not American you mouthbreathing fuckwit.

Damn, that sucks.

Perspective is a funny thing.

implying the election of Trump isn't just one more step in Soros' master plan

These people tend to think they can see the "secret truth" that everyone else is too stupid to see because they are desperate for some self validation.

irony overload

I once wondered what kind of dumbfuck degenerate mongoloid could see a reference to "cheese pizza" in Podesta's leaked email and automatically assumes, for no obvious reason, that it means paedophilia?

But then /u/captainpriapism appears and I know.

yeah man thats why people think hes a pedo, not all the paintings of naked children in his house and his close friendships to convicted pedophiles and crazy faggots on instagram that run parties for the dnc

no no its all about him saying pizza

just lol dude

why do you even care about the podestas that youd defend them so aggressively and over nothing

surely if its just a conspiracy nothing will come of it like all the other million conspiracy theories you ignore and dont get heaps angry about

close friendships to convicted pedophiles

Like how Trump was best buds with Epstein and publicly joked about how he liked them young? :^)

and then banned him from mar a lago permanently when he saw him solicit an actually underage girl

i love this whole contradictory "nobody is a pedo thats ridiculous what a conspiracy" and "trump was in on the pedo stuff too!"

pedophilia is a huge problem in hollywood and dc, to deny that and act all glib about it because your fav politicians might be implicated is pretty fucked up

then banned him from mar a lago permanently when he saw him solicit an actually underage girl

So Trump knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was a criminal paedophile, and yet did literally nothing about it?

Great President. Lol.

yeah why didnt he just set up an impromptu show trial and hang him on the spot

he suspected things and when he saw something that crossed the line he took action

trump hates pedos thats why theres so much anti trump propaganda from people in high up places

why do you think the media hates him so much and are so eager to "debunk" the whole pedos thing

rich influential pedophiles makes big news and big ratings youd think theyd be all over that shit

when he saw him solicit an actually underage girl

he suspected things

Stop backtracking, fool.

theres always rumours about older rich dudes having a horde of twenty something girls hanging around looking for handouts

its when it turns into teenagers being solicited that it needs to be addressed and action taken

suspicion generally comes before realization

[Trump] banned him from mar a lago permanently when he saw him solicit an actually underage girl

You, half an hour ago. Ayyyyyy.

once his suspicions were confirmed he took action, before that he probably thought it was just a rumor like all the other rumors about hollywood types

i realise how youre trying to frame it but its a bit dishonest

Hahahaha. Nigga, he only banned Epstein from doing children on his own property. That's purely self-preservation. He gave exactly zero fucks about the children, or else he would have told the Police about Epstein. Nope. Pure fucking radio silence. Makes you wonder why, no?

he only banned Epstein from fucking children

pretty sure that falls under the jurisdiction of the regular law and isnt something he controls

or else he would have told the Police about Epstein

holy shit dude you think rich people get away with being pedos for years because nobody suspects them or reports them? lol thats what this whole shit is about

jimmy saville fucked cancer kids on their deathbeds and people knew about it and still employed him to work with kids, including the bbc

also dude was great pals with prince charles

but no something similar happening among americas most corrupt entertainers and politicians is impossible, why would you even entertain the idea!

you do realise it doesnt reflect on you even if its true right, theres not really any reason to outright deny the possibility given how fucked up some of the people involved are

"Should I report this blatant paedophilia to the Police? Nah, I don't control the Police and that's important for some reason."

How fucking dumb are you?

im saying that plenty of people report pedos to the cops and nothing happens, not that people dont report them

how do you think something like that becomes public knowledge

How fucking dumb are you?


Or because Trump helps them cover it up by not reporting it :)

lol yeah it all falls on trump for whatever reason, surely we can blame him somehow

Hahaha. You don't think Trump could get something done if he wanted? Jesus Christ.

if he could get the shit he wanted done as just some rich guy why would he bother running for president

its not like its done him any favours as far as business or popularity goes

so trump is cool with people raping kids as long as they don't do it on his property and maybe get him in legal trouble?

hail to the chief everyone

cmon man thats a bit of a stretch

powerful people arent subject to justice in the same way as everyone else, he did what he could given the circumstances

he def wouldnt have done that if he was in with the gang

he did what he could given the circumstances

He is a billionaire who has an almost unique ability to control the media's attention, but he couldn't have done anything about a high-profile businessman he saw trying to pick up an underage girl for sex?

He is a billionaire who has an almost unique ability to control the media's attention

if anything the last few months should have been enough to convince you that hes not really in with the clique that gets protection and their dirt hushed up

people with secrets really dont like him because they know hes brash enough to fuck them over out of spite, thats genuinely why there was so much media opposition and attempted "scandals"

people were pushing disproportionately hard against his election

also you guys are really interested in hypotheticals all of a sudden

you were the one that oddly brought it up dude

i just dont get this obsession people suddenly have with denying stuff they dont really know anything about

nobody thats read about some of these people would dismiss it outright, theyd at least say "well lets make sure its not the case"

its like walking past a door to an abandoned building and your friend says "sounds like someones abusing a child behind this door"

you wouldnt get angry at him and say "thats ridiculous you conspiracy theorist, im deliberately not going to look, also maybe youre abusing a child" because your favourite ice cream store used to be in the same building

youd just do a quick check to make sure because youre human and because people are fucked up sometimes

people react to pizzagate stuff in the first way and its weird af as far as im concerned, the only think im sure of or that i believe is that you shouldnt underestimate the depravity of rich and powerful people

You are a fucking idiot.

That's ridiculous. Everyone knows Breitbart was killed by Anthony Weiner for linking his dick pic to Opie and Anthony.

Sweet agendapost.

Why is it always the lowest-IQ, totally unimpressive whites like u/Jumbledone and Lena Dunham who trash the rest of their race to feel better about themselves?

Because when your mother decides to have a train run on her by fifty black dudes, she has the decency to do it in a private Denny's bathroom.

Someone sounds shirty today, did you get rejected by another sheep?

I'm not black enough for your mother. It hurts.

Is it a less than sunny day down at the shire? Did you stub your toe on a rock in your hobbit hole?

I'm not diverse enough fer yer nan m8. It hurts.




I'm pretty shirty today tbh, check out this boss shirt

Because when yer nan decides to have a train run on her by fifty diverse persons of varies non-binary genders, she has the decency to do it in a private Denny's bathroom m8.


/u/BasedLeaf were you diagnosed with schizophrenia or just plain retardation?

I don't speak autism, take that bad shitty tumblr gif shit back to tumblr.

I do speak to yer nan after I shag her though m8. use 'nan' and 'm8' in all of your're trying to hard. Just speak normally.

It turns yer nan on m8

doubling down! Shrewd move.

Like I double down in yer nan m8

You obviously don't have sex with women. Listen to yourself. Guys like you, don't get laid. That. is. fact.

Yer nan is a bit rough m8, but I wouldn't go as far as to say she is not a woman. Show some respect to yer nan m8.

This schtick is lame man. I hope you're not an adult, otherwise, this is really sad.

Yer nan always cries when she thinks of you m8, something about wishing she swallowed instead. Sorry m8.

Everytime you answer, you understand you're just reinforcing my point, right? I'm sorry you feel you need to rely on this pathetic gimmick but you're making a fool of yourself. Can you not see that?

All I see is yer nan gobblin' my horn m8

You sound upset

Not at all.

50 bucks says this was deflection so that Trump could pretend he thought pizzagate was fake. Dat 4D chess (I hope?!?!)

"daddy cares about us, right? ...right?"

he's going to arrest all the pizza pedos right after he makes anime real

Naw anime's becoming illegal fam

Cory in the House!

Michael Flynn‏ @GenMikeFlynn
While I accept full responsibility for my actions, I feel it is unfair that I have been made the sole scapegoat for what happened. (1/2)

Michael Flynn‏ @GenMikeFlynn
But if a scapegoat is what's needed for this Administration to continue to take this great nation forward, I am proud to do my duty


It blows my fucking mind career politicians in major jobs like this make announcements via Twitter.

I don't like this decade at all

You're ruining the drama. What's wrong with you?

Oh I see, you were only pretending to be retarded this whole time.

Where are we?

A haven of literal retards, subtle difference.

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Just following orders, fam.

And I'm not???

Call /u/riemann1413 a cuck!

standard demon behavior

I resent the implications that I'm only a standard demon.

Call /u/riemann1413 a cuck!

standard demon behavior

user reports:
1: mod abuse

I didn't even put on my robe and wizard hat.

Do gay retards fighting for their rights ever stop to consider the possibility that gay retardism is not meant to be a relevant force in the world?

Well, /r/The_Donny hasn't stopped yet!

I cum so hard whenever Trump's administration crumbles.


What's it like being so severely unintelligent and easily duped?

it's really fun. You know what they say, 'crazy in the head, crazy in bed.'

fucking lol at people in here legitimately angry at trump

you guys are too much sometimes

I will give you one smidge of credit. Your booty blasted spergout towards all of my posts wasn't as prolific as /u/yourgayopinion so you won the gold in this event of the special olympics

yeah dude thats a nice attempt at turning it around but your posts in this topic and on anything related to trump are getting a bit crazy ay

usually id dismiss it as the usual ironic bullshit but youre clearly worked up about something and its kinda weird

gotta breathe deeply and remember trumps presidency isnt actually going to affect you and propaganda isnt reality

I'm well aware Trump's presidency is not going to affect me too much unless the boorish idiot collapses the whole system, i'm well off and white duh. This is more from a level of amazement that all the simple white trash keep voting against their interests all because talk radio has convinced them the best use of their votes is "stickin it to dem libruls!" So really my cynicism is more of a reaction towards you and your kinds' complete lack of ability of seeing more than two inches in front of your nose

This is more from a level of amazement that all the simple white trash keep voting against their interests

why wont all those IDIOT WHITE TRASH FUCKS agree with me and do what i want! i hope they all die!

gee i wonder why that didnt convince them

it almost seems like that sort of attitude would lead people to vote against your candidate purely out of spite, but im sure thatd never happen right

talk radio has convinced them

just like cnn convinced you! its fun to be reductive!

No matter we're fucking up the environment

youve always done this

still screwing you on gov spending

lets be real this is going to happen under anyone, if you think hillary would have magically changed that despite her being bought and paid for then i dont know what to tell you

So really my cynicism is more of a reaction towards you and your kinds

what is "my kind", im interested to hear what you create in your head to justify shit

because you guys are retards, and mocking the less fortunate is all we can really do in these silly times

have fun losing the next election and learning absolutely nothing from your experiences i guess

all youre doing is proving their stereotypes right, they just think you guys are assholes that look down on everyone else and think youre really clever for writing a d on your ballot

i swear americans are fucking terrible at introspection

You do realize that most of us don't want to just vote straight D every election right? I mean you're dull as fuck so obviously not, but the only reason most of us vote for those corrupt as shit democrats is because the only alternative is to vote for an even more corrupt group of assholes who have absolutely 0 more fiber and appeal to the worst religious extremists that this country can provide. Do you realize how terrible most evangelicals are? Do you know that those rabid idiots actually think that an apocalyptic world war in Israel is a good thing because that means Jesus will come back? These fucks honestly think that the end times and return of Jesus is going to happen in their lifetime so they are happy to work towards that end. I'll be honest the only thing I want our government to spend money on is NASA and energy research, the rest of it is useless fluff to me as humanity is fucked until we get off this rock cause who knows when at any random instant starship earth can be annihilated by phenomena from space. However I still have a shred of compassion so no I don't think we should let the chaff of this world starve to death when we have the resources to prevent it, and no I don't think we should absolutely plunder our world to the point of calamity in the vain search of profit, so sorry the completely sold out politics of the GOP don't appeal to me. If you took a minute to pull your head out of your ass you would realize that while conservatism has some valid points the modern "conservative" parties are completely fucked cesspools of spineless worms chasing after the votes of the worst that the majority of each nation has to offer. They are a mob scene of superstitious frothing masses mixed among a few wealthy, selfish power brokers who are still under the delusion they can control these fanatic nutbags.

yes i understand how dumb it is to play politics like sports teams, thats kind of the point

I mean you're dull as fuck so obviously not

lol calm down

but the only reason most of us vote for those corrupt as shit democrats is because the only alternative is to vote for an even more corrupt group of assholes who have absolutely 0 more fiber

this is also why people voted for trump fyi, because thats how they felt about hillary

your parties fielded the worst possible candidates ever

Do you realize how terrible most evangelicals are?


Do you know that those rabid idiots actually think that an apocalyptic world war in Israel is a good thing because that means Jesus will come back?

sure but thats not going to actually happen, its just people believing things

all religions have some pretty stupid beliefs but people can believe what they like, thats the beauty of freedom of religion

If you took a minute to pull your head out of your ass you would realize that while conservatism has some valid points the modern "conservative" parties are completely fucked cesspools of spineless worms chasing after the votes of the worst that the majority of each nation has to offer.

im a left wing australian, in no way do i identify with conservatives or conservative politics

i kicked up a fucking stink about tony abbott for instance

but the dnc is corrupt to the core and right now is more dangerous than the gop, thats what people voted on

gay marriage

this is the type of feel good nothing politics that people are sick of tbh, nobody wants to argue about transexuals pissing when youre starting a fucking war in syria and funding people that are going to terrorism you in twenty years or so

shit is dumb, identity politics is cancerous and distracts from real issues

You do realize that gay marriage is not a big deal and letting your fellow members of society find happiness because you're not a spiteful fuck shouldn't be a big deal right? The only reason I brought that up is because Huckabee starting an evangelical party would be the best thing ever to happen for the soul of the GOP because they could actually return to their core tenets of the party rather than pandering to religious idiots over stupid shit like abortion and being spiteful and trying to ruin the happiness of gay people because "da gud book sez so." I agree identity politics are annoying. But guess what the only reason they are a thing is because we have a sack of regressive gruel sticking to the heals of society slowing it down. This causes shit like identity politics to be a thing, because those porridge people are stupid as fuck and just can't treat their fellow humans as fucking humans thus eliminating any need for identity politics.

thus eliminating any need for identity politics.


You do realize that gay marriage is not a big deal and letting your fellow members of society find happiness because you're not a spiteful fuck shouldn't be a big deal right?

yeah probably

its just not really important in the scheme of things, its the equivalent of the human interest stories on the news to distract you from how youre funding rebels in the middle east

the best thing ever

i feel like you just want a split in the party because you sense that the dnc is probably headed that way too

But guess what the only reason they are a thing is because we have a sack of regressive gruel sticking to the heals of society slowing it down.

no its because people have been taught that theyre more important than they are, and that they deserve to be catered to by society no matter what choices they make

its literally never worked that way and it never will, identity politics seeks to cripple society so its weakest members dont feel bad about being the weakest

instead of just being thankful for the social contract that lets them survive while being that ineffectual

its basically narcissism

the simple white trash keeps voting against their interests


If our President is assassinated... it's time to show the shadow government what the Second Amendment was created for

Dude, Trump dead and all the conspiratards get wiped out by TPTB? Sign me up for that coup

Amazing how quickly the vote totals here shifted when the SRD mods started organizing a brigade on their own post.

The world finds you retarded it's not a liberal conspiracy