Elizabeth Warren's boyfriend makes post to /r/relationships, drama just developing. Watch it live!

175  2017-02-14 by PhysicsIsMyMistress


It's so much easier to just fuck black dudes like everyone else who wants to piss off their racist dad.

I'm going to start a service like Uber but it only goes to the Penitentiary and back.

They have that already. It's called a prison bus

But this isn't for prisoners, this is for those who wish to visit prisoners.

Super easy to get a free ride to the prison if you wanna visit your buddy/baby daddy: just commit a murder

Super easy to get a free ride to the prison if you wanna visit your buddy/baby daddy: just commit a murder

Right but we're trying to facilitate white women and black cocks.

So doing a murder won't help us in that regard.

Fuck you're right

Just go look at porn, you don't need to create it.

Just go look at porn, you don't need to create it.

It's so much easier to just fuck black dudes

Apparently that wasn't enough

u/mygirlfriendiswhite be honest, the only reason you give a shit about your girlfriend being white so hard is because if she's cherokee you can't brag to the rest of the brothers that you scored a white girl, right?

Lol ;)

Since you're here, though, and the post is deleted and I can't see it, what's her deal with caring so much about it?

I mean, no offence, but it sounds to me like she's pretty racist if being considered a certain race matters that much to her.

Her problem is that she's dangerously insane and loves fuckin with people on Reddit. I made a post about myself, it was op who was the crazy girl along. :)

OK gotta say, I lost the thread here

Oh wow. You should stay here get to know the community!

I actually lurk here but I never thought one of my shitposts would get linked, it pleases meteehee

lol. So great to see you being pleasured.

Ya'll are great, I'll try to keep creating that sweet sweet drama :D! Lolfuckingwhitepeople


this guy gets it

This guy cucks

(ಥ ͜ʖಥ)

Holy shit, just as I began to think the mayocide was a hoax, I discover its prophet. Stay woke, my friend, and lead us to Black Israel.

Reported for white people nonsense.


/u/Dornishredviper's new account located!

Be still my beating heart

She's very aware of racial issues and is very outspoken with her support of minority folks. As a black man, I obviously would not be dating her otherwise.

Step 1 enable your girlfriend's racism
Step 2 act surprised when she develops self hatred

my face when calling her dad a racist and patting her on the head for being "outspoken with her support of minority folks" doesn't solve her white guilt

Also, the only people who say "[racial adjective] folks" are white hipsters in their early 20s. Not that I'm saying a post on r/relationships is fake. I'd never be so bold.

Yeah right, as if anyone would date Warren.

I dunno. I heard she's dynamite in the wigwam when you get enough firewater in her.

Post title is A+, OP

Identity politics is literally cancer. Trufax.

in america regular politics are literally cancer

flynn stepped down today because the administration is full of cucks

This is Trump's demographic. People claiming to be part Indian is more common by rednecks in the South than anywhere else.


Sean King

Rachel Dezolal or whatever the fuck name she has

Elizabeth Warren

Seems like the left have more prominent figures claiming something they are not

They both have them. The right has the "My great grandpappy was a fine Chickasaw squaw" type, the left has "The oppression of people of color is something I identify with so much I have become black" type.

yeh look at Steven Seagall that fat headed fuck

Why did you not capitalize his official Sioux name?

Far Headed Fuck

It is actually Sitting Large Leather Coat

Name a famous one?

Or semi-famous?

Or politician?

Famous...what? Native American? Grandfather?

Famous "right" person who has claimed to be an ethnicity they are not.

Someone posted Steven Seagal (which technically qualifies as famous).

But you've stated that "they both have them" and I'm asking for an example of one on the right (we've already got plenty of examples on the left).

Tom Cole.

Markwayne (lmao) Mullin.

Oral Roberts.

Kevin Costner.


Tim McGraw made a song about the trope.

So yeah, they both have them. Weird you didn't know that.

Are you saying these people claimed to be an ethnicity they are not?

I'm having trouble finding anything that corroborates that.

Ask for help if you're having trouble. I'm here for like another half an hour!

I just asked you an explanation.

All of the people you listed have legitimate claims to non-white ethnic groups and more over none of them ever claimed (that I can find) to be a non-white ethnicity.

Basically what I'd like to see is evidence that one of the people you listed (or some other "right") who has claimed to be an ethnicity they are not.

All of the people you listed have legitimate claims to non-white ethnic groups and more over none of them ever claimed (that I can find) to be a non-white ethnicity.

Well, if Chuck Norris says he's part Cherokee, who am I to say he's not. Same for Elizabeth Warren.

The issue isn't if he is or is not part Cherokee. The issue is "does he claim to be 100% Cherokee" or "does he claim to identify as Cherokee" even though he is obviously Mexican/White.

Are you following the concept of this thread?

Elizabeth Warren for example has no legitimate claim to any Native American groups (unlike Carlos/Chuck)

lmao no they have exactly the same claim. Are you even following the concept of this thread?

The guy pointed out hillbilly trashballs often claim to be part whatever (often Cherokee). Everyone laughed because yeah, worthless redneck dumbfucks often do. They never even lived in a real city lol how stupid of them. Then you got all uppity and I should've told you to shut the fuck up when you talk to me right away, but I let you go on with your weird country twang because I thing it's cute when you bend over people can see your ass crack.

Anyway, the point is both Chuckie Chuck and Lizzie Liz claim to have some far fling Native American ancestors. It's funny for them both or it's not.

Do I need to go get your some straw to chew on?

You're clearly not following the discussion of this thread. The original post you replied to claimed "the left does this" to which you responded "the right does this also".

I get involved at this point asking for an example of a famous person/politician who had done something similar to the examples provided (Rachael Dolizer, Elizabeth Warren, etc).

None of the people you listed have made claims like the previous examples. More over the people listed in your examples are legitimately some portion of a non-white ethnicity. Thus meaning that if they claimed to be "part-Indian" then its true.

Unlike Rachel Dolizer who is definitely not black (has no black linage) or Elizabeth Warren who definitely has no Indian linage.

You can get wound up about your own examples if you like, I'm just trying to find an example that compares.

People claiming to be part Indian is more common by rednecks in the South than anywhere else.

This was the quote, Cletus. Anyway, it's quitting time, later.

That is not the claim you replied to. You're welcome to duck out now.

It's probably for the best.

Not sure you can tell someone to leave after they said they were leaving...

I didn't tell him to leave, I simply affirmed that as the best course of action.

But nice try I guess.

...nice try?

I see you're on the defensive. Stand down, sir.

You can't tell me to stand down when I'm already sitting.

No, he zinged me real hard.

To which you replied* clears.

derp a fucking derp

chuck norris is a real cherokee

Please continue comparing Chuck Norris to Elizabeth Warren. Maybe throw some more derps and rednecks in there to prove your point.

Okay, you fucking idiot redneck. You asked what prominent righties are also "derp i'm an injun" and I gave you a list and now you're whining.


Elizabeth Warren who definitely has no Indian linage.

Duder, she says she has it because it's family lore that she does. That's exactly what Chuck Norris does. Why are you arguing about this?

One has evidence, one does not. Duder.

I'm asking for examples to back up the argument previously posted. That isn't arguing about it, its a question, duder.

No, they have exactly the same evidence. Family stories.

In the era of dirt cheap genetic testing, and all the flak she has gotten, Elizabeth Warren knows exactly what her ancestry is and has not shared it. If she were part injun she would have sent many smoke signals.








Chuck Norris is an actor, no one really cares, he didn't get a scholarship and job based on it as far as I know and he doesn't have the POTUS making fun of him for potentially lying. If that bitch could prove she was Cherokee she would have by now just to say "fuck you".

He has me making fun of him, which is much worse.

What about big MARKWAYNE

lol no

Prettay, prettay, prettay, prettay good

Why are people upvoting this random list of names that has nothing whatsoever to do with the question it's responding to?

He asked for the names of righties who say they're injun

Name just one grandfather, I fucking dare you.


I don't think they're proud of their transgender ancestors in the South.

My great grandpappy was a fine Chickasaw squaw, it's how I hunt so good

except the ones on the right are forcing good qualities on natives to the point where most think before whites came here the natives had fucking superpowers.

the ones on the left identify as natives to get opression points. the ones on the right identify as natives to give power points.

Seems like the left have more prominent figures claiming something they are not

Prominent figures, maybe. But having grown up in Texas it seems like everyone living in a trailer claims to be at least part Cherokee or Apache for some bullshit reason. And it is always Cherokee or Apache, Ive never met someone who claims to be Sioux or Cree or one of the other larger tribes.

Probably cause this song exists


Don't forget Ward Churchill

Can confirm: my family is backwoods rednecks and "great grandma" was Native American but can't "prove" it to the gubmint.

Naw rednecks wouldn't want their blood to be tainted by anything else.

That is an amazing title.

Occasionally I have a good thought.

If it were real I'd get her a 23andMe kit for valentines day. Problem solved either way.

When that genetic test came back "Honkey McHonkeyface" it would be a bad day.

Hey could be worse, after mine I needed to add ('s to my name.

Me too brudda

Mazel tov

Your parents added (((((s to your name the second you were born


What if 23andMe is a plot to make everyone think they are part Jewish? Lets tell /r/conspiracy.

I got the Ancestry one though. Perhaps they're in cahoots?

Its all part of their plan for global domination.

Oy vey!

I don't get it

I only ever get 23+1andme kits.

At least the extra chromosome is free.

I actually got one of those, apparently my great grandmother was a full blood cherokee, if I'm 1/8 I'm bout to RAKE in those native american benefits to fuel my alcoholism (<--MORE PROOF IM INDIAN)

Best. Title. Ever.

Best. Title. Ever.

/u/mygirlfriendiswhite, time to ditch crazy.

You grow up with white parents, with white skin, you're white. You can't just pick being native American because you're like 1/32 it.

There are scholarships and other entitlements for Native Hawaiians where the criteria is 1/16 native ancestry and even lower. Here's an article about a proposal to lower the requirement for Native Hawaiian homesteads from 1/4 to 1/32. The bloodlines for native peoples are often so diluted that it's hard to find people who qualify for 1/4 and 1/2 native ancestry.

The arguments in that thread sound like white people nonsense. Also, it's always been suspected, but that thread really confirms the SJW undercurrent of /r/relationships.

I mean, she is really supportive of PoC causes and I think she's a good ally. I would not be with her if that were not the case.

What a surprise. Someone who lives and breathes identity politics, where white people are constantly vilified simply for being white, develops self-loathing over their white ancestry.

I'd take it a step further and guess that he has never met her folks and she is exaggerating how racist they are.

OMG my dad is so racist. He doesn't even support BLM blocking roads!!!!

LOL! That is the EXACT conversation that made me abandon my old account and create this one.

You could have just deleted yourself saying that or did someone screenshot it? I understand the embarrassment though.

It wasn't that. I was talking about running through the roadblocks on I-70 in St. Louis and it became a heated debate, next thing you know I'm getting all of my posts/comments brigaded and a ton of PM's telling me I'm a racist, blah blah blah. Finally I said fuck it and shut that account down.

I was talking about running through the roadblocks on I-70 in St. Louis

How come every time I fantasize about running down black folks with my car, somebody's gotta call me a racist!?

Who said anything about running down anyone? I was just trying to get through without getting Reginald Denny'd.

quitters never win

I don't want to win at reddit.

congratulations: you definitely lose at it


Now kys faggot

I don't know how I feel about that either way.

I really can't think of anything that would make me want to cyber stalk someone.

Not even some great nudes?

Nah, it's (((current year))) you can see quality nudes anytime you want.

Oh wow I know who you are you piece of shit

Do you? PM me who you think I am and I'll confirm or deny.

I was kidding.

I was about to wonder if it was about time to trash another account.

Just make it a little more subtle next time.

Huh, TIL. I always took the username literally, as in "I keep my racist views quiet in real life".

I honestly don't think I'm a racist (YMMV), but I'm also not a fan of political correctness so people take that as being racist a lot on reddit.

No, I got it. I also understand where you're coming from re that other bullshit.

"How do we build goodwill and support for our protest movement?"

"I know."


"We block roads. Wave signs. Inconvenience people. Thousands of them. Scream in their faces. Act retarded. They'll take our cause to heart."


You dropped this: #

I doubt you're serious but in case you are, I think road blocks are counter productive for any movement wanting/needing broad popular support. Not just BLM. Pretty hard to win hearts and minds through antagonistic and belligerent disruptive protest.

Pretty hard to win hearts and minds when your "heroes" and "martyrs" are almost universally thugs and criminals too.

roadblocks on I-70

lol use google maps fgt

Is that your first thought when you are driving down the freeway and a bunch of people (mostly dressed in black mind you) are standing in the middle of the freeway stopping cars?

That doesn't happen to me because I check traffic reports lol

Dude, I had just landed and was trying to get to my hotel to go to sleep. I knew one route there from the Enterprise lot.

take the metro, can't get protested in if you don't take the roads

But then I would have to take taxis to my clients all week long. If I had been in NYC this would have been completely different.

relevant username.

Yep, just probably not in the way you mean.

id take it even FURTHER and say that she probably isnt even real

Well this is the internet.

Whoa now /u/baaaaby this is fucking /r/relationships we are talking about. Sure they are one of the top 3 subs that are easy to bamboozle, that doesn't mean it's always made up.

What am I saying? This whole story sounds fake as fuck.

she just goes to a different school, you wouldn't know her

You know what you get when you put sixty four white women in a room?

One Cherokee princess.

but that thread really confirms the SJW undercurrent of /r/relationships.

It really depends on the thread. r/realtionships is a stalking ground for a variety of the various cliques on Reddit. Threads with racism as part of the subject tend to attract SJW types, sure, but if you ever see a thread where child support is mentioned youd better be ready to read few pages of MRA tears if you go in the comments.

The one unifying theme of just about all r/relationships threads isnt some kind of political slant, however. Its that the commentators are completely incapable of providing constructive advice for anything more complex than some typical high school aged bullshit.

This. The MRA thing happens almost everywhere, and it is really draining. Someone posts a picture of kids playing or whatever, and suddenly the thread is full of comments about the family courts system, visitation rights, financial abortions and male suicide stats.

This is true, but the mods have been proactive in banning and "shadowbanning" most types of agendaposters, so all that remains for the most part are the benevolent sexism crazies.

Solving racism one racial purity test at a time

Yeah man, all these people in here are trying to be all politically correct, saying like, "dude she's like 1/32 native American, she can identify how she wants!!!" But no, she can't. You grow up with white parents, with white skin, you're white. You can't just pick being native American because you're like 1/32 it. If anything, that's real cultural appropriation

Shaun King on suicide watch!

I'm just waiting for him and Rachel Dolezal to get together.

They would kidnap black children from a maternity ward in Mississippi to keep the charade going.

Obvious troll

Why did you delete it then?

I certainly did not, /r/relationships mods are NAZI and always nuke my dank posts lol

Was it nuked prior or after you posted in /r/Drama?

That is, did they do it because they figured you out or because they're cunts?

Do we really need a reason to call mods cunts?

Anyone in the world can remove any relationships post. If you link it somewhere their automod locks and deletes the thread automatically. The mods there set it up like that.

You too have the power to delete any relationships post you want.

Someone please set up a bot to do this automatically to every post there.

If you post to the same subreddit (but not here obviously) they sometimes will whitelist it. It works best if you post to different random subs.

When this fact became very popular before and most of their submissions were getting removed, they stopped the automod for a little while and manually would remove linked posts it seemed. But then shortly after they put automod back to work.

So could you just create a new sub and link every thread there? I'm not actually going to do this myself, though, I just want to be entertained.

It's been done. They eventually whitelisted the sub so posts there wouldn't be removed, so posting to random small subs works best instead of putting the effort into making one main one.

/r/relationshipssucks (but that was the one that got whitelisted so it probably won't work in that subreddit any more)

No, they are just cunts. My post was number one on the front page and then out of nowhere, it just disappeared and it's not the first time this happened. R/relationships mods are literally Nazis.

Look at the sub you're in, chief.

As a native american I just wish white people would use the "I'm 1/32 native" thing instead of full on saying they're native. It's just annoying to us.

Dayum whitey has taken everything from your kind haven't they? Even being Native American is being co-opted by blue eyed blonde haired mayos.

You dick

The missing post:

I'm at a loss on this one. My girlfriend, Amber, is a beautiful white woman, but she refers to herself as a woman of color, claiming her grandparents were Native American and that she is just very light skinned. She swears she is the spitting image of her grandmother who she also swears was Choctaw. Don't get me wrong, I think it's fine to be proud of one's heritage, but... she's white. She was raised as white and that is how the rest of the world sees her.

I have met her parents and they are both super white. Her dad is even borderline a white supremacist and proudly displays the rebel flag in his home, so she definitely did not get this mindset from them. I know she resents her father for his racist attitude. She was raised in the Deep South and despises it for, among other things, the deeply ingrained racism of the area.

Her insistence that she isn't white is bordering on delusional at this point and I'm worried it's a symptom of bigger psychological problems.

TLDR Girlfriend claims to be Native American, both of her parents are white, her father is actually extremely racist, I don't know what to do, should I just let it go?

Thanks babe. x

I think growing up with her father and being in the Deep South in general as a person with a natural sense of equality and fairness really did a number on her head. I am seriously worried she's disturbed.

You would almost think his girlfriend got kidnapped by ISIS and tortured by the way this boyfriend describes the "horrors" of the deep south.

Sheltered ivy league fucks think that anywhere outside their city is some kind of wasteland where skinheads drive cars with machine guns mounted on them looking for jews and black people to kill. That's why they act the way they do. They believe the world to be in a post-apocalyptic state save for their bubble of safety.

You forgot to capitalize the . . . Deep South

w h a t

DNA is a social construct created by cishet white men. What matters is what you identify as.

that title 10/10 OP

this is an american thing right

its always about having that tiny bit of ancestry from another country or race and making that your entire identity, its kinda weird tbh

"wooo st pattys day im totally irish somehow"

Elizabeth Warren and Rachel Dolezal should make a hot inter-racial lesbian porn called Red on Black: Pussy Attack.

And it actually wouldn't be offensive at all, because they're both whiter than Mitt Romney's taint in a snow storm.


Anyone screencap the posted text?