Man in /r/funny says there are only two genders and gets 1300+ child comments for their trouble

85  2017-02-14 by [deleted]




Check it at the door, shitlord.

Only a cishet white male could show such a callous lack of humxnity.

Have you ever been so oppressed that you weren't even given an option between a dick and a pussy?

Holy fuck I love these threads

If you told me that 90% of comments on the default subs are chatbots who learned to talk after reading youtube comments, I honestly wouldn't be surprised. I mean, is that any less surprising than the fact that a thousand people are having a bitchfight over an issue that "affects" like .01% of the population?

It doesn't really effect only queer people or trans people tho. Everyone has a gender and so if shared notions of gender shift then everyone's gender shifts -- or more accurately what it means to have a gender in the first place shifts.

Like for example if you conceive of gender as primarily a kind of social performance or social role, and not a biological imperative, it doesn't just mean that trans and queer peoples gender's are a performance, it means that everyone's gender is a performance.

I can't recall the specifics of the argument, but I learned in my cultural marxist studies class at university that one of the main thrusts behind what they called queer theory was to show how gender as a whole was "queer" -- or perhaps rather that the distinction between queer and non-queer genders was a bit of a false dichotomy. So it makes sense that that sort of thinking would be controversial, since it's a premise about cis genders as much as it is about non-cis genders.

What? Am I supposed to read all this bullshit? Fuck you.

You don't have to read it if you don't want to.

I read it buddy :)

It affects quite a lot of people. Once it become accepted dogma you have to submit in employment, that means changing facilities , accommodation, training, recruitment , you have to pretend to be OK with it to even have certain jobs or foster /adopt

It's people like Sarah who are why I am pro trans rights.

Damn /u/binxly I had no idea trans people don't have rights. DAE we should start letting them vote?

Only if it counts slightly less than a man's vote, but more than a woman's.

I suggest a new 3/5 compromise.

Don't be so transmisandric

Oh wait that's not a thing

Carry on then

Oh wait that's not a thing

This cannot stand! We need /r/TransmisandryInAction

transatlantic is the accepted nomenclature.

Try walking around West Hollywood as a non passable transsexual versus someone wearing a MAGA hat and see who has more rights.


One is a sexual deviant, the other is subhuman, what did you think would happen?

Something magical?

The next big reality show

I'd watch it

They kind of had a talk show like that, The Jim J and Tammy Faye show.

All shitlords should be fucking hung.

the day of the rope is fast approaching for us all, bother


It was scheduled for 2017 but those lazy Mexicans pushed the date back.


Do you think in the future there will be shirts which say "there are more than 37 genders" and shitlords in the comments will argue about how the shirt is wrong and that there are really only 37 genders? And then even further into the future there will be shirts which say "there are more than 174 genders" but people in the comments will argue that only a deluded blue haired special snowflake could possibly believe in more than 174 genders?

And finally way off into the distant future there will be 856 recognized genders but no one will be able to keep track of them and the requisite 856 pronouns since it's just too many, and so to simplify things everyone will decide that its better to have only two genders (and maybe to be nice they will stipulate a catch-all "other" or "androgynous" category for everyone else).

And then one day somebody's gonna make a shirt that says "there are more than two genders."

This won't happen because eventually degenerates will be breeded out by the Nation of the Aryan Race.

I think you mean the Hebrew Israelites.

Everyone will be dead from space aids by then so who cares

It's almost like there is a word that describes individual characteristics shaped my social factors and the fact that having a personality is so foreign to these people they have to over-compensate through visual means.

Once again Im reminded of how unfunny r/funny truly is..

I love how people still don't understand the difference between sex and gender. Sex is being a male, gender is being a man. Not every male is a man, because the definition of manhood is defined by society. Being economically self-sufficient is one of the things it takes to be considered a man for example.

Not every male is a man

Retard alert.

Yeah, it's you.

Yes, silly me for thinking males are men.

Males can be men. Males can be boys too. They also can be 'not real men', you know the shit you see plastered all over social media about how real men does this and that? That is what i am talking about. You don't get accepted as a man by default because you are born with a dick, you have to perform the duties society gives to the man. You have to have a wife and a kid and a steady income and pay taxes and a whole lot of other shit to be a man.