Drama like it's summer 2015! Is being fat something people can control? Some say yes, but they're just assholes

87  2017-02-14 by ImNotPayingFullPrice

Nobody chooses to be fat.

Drama rears it's ugly head when someone responds with "That is just not true for a lot of people." Especially with this response, where someone tells their unbelievable story of losing TWENTY POUNDS (that's a whole turkey you guys) over the course of a quarter of a fucking year. That's just a bridge too far for some SRD users.

One guy says he used to hate fat people, but now he's just sad for them. Empathy king /u/Billlington comes in to tell him he's still a piece of shit and he's sad for him.

It's still developing so they'll be lots more lessons in empathy as we go, I'm sure.


Nobody chooses to be fat, a lot of people just choose to eat an entire large pizza every night.

Frank Luntz approves.

SRDines feel threatened by fat hate. Probably hits too close to home.

About a year ago, I felt like I was getting chunky. I had been sedentary for awhile, was eating whatever, and drinking like 4-5 days a week. I'm 6'2 ish and was at 230 instead of my usual 210ish.

So I started counting calories, going to the gym every weekday, and drinking only on weekends. Three months later, I was back to 210.

This shit isn't that hard, and everyone who's fat acting like they have some thyroid problems only makes the people with real issues making them fat look even worse.

I think all those "triggered" jokes are lame as fuck, not because they're mean or whatever but because it's been played out for years now.

That said, I don't know of a more appropriate word here: how does this super innocuous story "trigger" enough people that I'm seeing -2 with a meme cross on it?

A guy says he lost 20 pounds in 12 weeks (I think that's slower that most diets even recommend?) and people are like "Fuck no, that's ableist!"

I remember my first forray into SRD, like a year ago, trying to explain that someone could be liberal without being into internet social justice/identity politics and people just couldn't believe it. I thought I had seen into the mouth of madness then, but this is a nice gentle reminder that it's maw is still blind, hungry, searching.

I think that's slower that most diets even recommend?

Pretty sure it's 2ish, at least from a grown man. He was even worse than expected and SRD still doesn't dig his pro-body shaming lifestyle.

The max safe limit is like 2 lbs a week. So he didn't do too bad

People in SRD absolutely hate being told that they have control over any aspect of their lives. Because if you have control, then you have responsibilty for your life and choices, and that's an uncomfortable thought for some people.

I've seen it on a lot of the really left-leaning subs. Suggesting someone has personal responsibility is borderline verboten. On srsdiscussion, I saw a user reference "the right-wing ideologies of personal responsibility and improvement" as if it was some horrible threat to society. I mean how do you even engage with that?

I mean how do you even engage with that?

"How are you ever going to take over the world if you can't even fucking improve yourself slightly?"

Then just get banned.

I got banned from LSC yesterday for siding with some kids boss at a restaurant. The boss put up a sign trying to motivate the employees to have good attitudes. The kids thought it was stupid and wished their boss was dead and gave them his money.

As they say in r/BE, r/LSC is such a low hanging fruit it's a potato.

I know this is kind of a dead horse to slap your dick on, but SRD used to be different; more like this sub in some ways.

One can probably fill a 1000 page essay on why it changed, but it did. Opinions vary on when, but most say it's somewhere in between Cpt Sisko (a popular poweruser) leaving, the SRS megathread (curbed SRS drama), the ban of david-me (a popular poweruser/shitposter) and the fattening (brought in many new users).

One can probably fill a 1000 page essay on why it changed

I would settle for 3-4 paragraphs.

It picked up a lot of subs when gamergate started because 4chan and other subs were banning anyone who talked about it. SRD was one of the few that didn't, so it was a major source of info and discussion. Large influxes of new users change the tone of a community, and even to this day I wouldn't be surprised if they were still making IT'S ABOUT ETHICS IN jokes.

someone could be liberal without being into internet social justice/identity politics and people just couldn't believe it

TBH I blame the democrat party for this shit. They have really been getting away from their labor and fiscal progressive roots and are trying to pass off identity pandering as real social progress.

It's no wonder high schoolers today think that's what American progressivism entails.


We have a couple dramanauts in high school or just barely out, right? I know there's only a few as opposed to the legions in SRD. Can we ping some and ask if this is true?

A couple lol

What the fuck? The democratic party is going, like, hard neoliberal.

I know, they're very much neoliberal, which is the part that's getting away from their roots. Then they just sprinkle some identity politics on top and pretend that's the same thing.

Get this! I lost 25 pounds in a couple of months and have kept it off! That's just unpossible!

I heard /r/SRD went into a restaurant and ate everything in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant.

Big if true




Let's say there is a child, whose parents had very poor educations and didn't value education at all. The child was never read to, and went to poorly funded schools resulting in the child had difficulty learning to read.

That is not even close to comparable. Reading becomes much harder to learn in your later years if not taught in your formative years.

as does maintaining a healthy weight

No you just eat a little less as your BMR goes down

lol /u/Allanon_2020, take a bow.

One of the most retarded analogies someone has tried for weight loss

What if my great grandmother was fat and dropped out of school? This makes me love pizza.

Ever since my early 20s I've stayed in the healthy BMI, with various degrees of weight / muscle mass / fat depending on my engagement or apathy for working out.

For most of my adult life, if I wasn't actively working out regularly, I would find that I would slide into bad eating and more importantly, drink more. I would hit a point where my clothes would start getting tight and I'd know I'd have to do something about it.

Ever since my late 30s, I really notice how quickly I can gain fat. It can be 3-4 weeks of bad lifestyle before my suit trousers are snug and I need to sort my life out again, where as in my 20s, it could take months. I can't booze as often as I used to unless I really up my walking and other exercise during the week.

So yeah, you don't need a degree in sports nutrition to know that as you get older, you have to keep on top of your weight and health more actively. And that you will put on weight more easily. It's one of the many reason that growing old sucks, but that doesn't mean you should use it as an excuse for obesity.

Holy shit yeah. Getting older is the worst.

Holy shit yeah. Getting older is the worst.

Dude is old and don't a give a fuck.

There's also the time and opportunity cost. It takes someone 5 minutes to make a frozen meal, but 30 to an hour to make a healthy one.

I'm always just too busy to cook. Especially during Shark Week.

Like it cheaper and faster to do a Batch cooking Like i'm lazy as fuck and also a cheap bastard that's why i do Batch cooking.

Aren't frozen meals pretty average or low-cal if you only eat the recommended serving, though? Even a lot of fast food meals are totally reasonable for a big meal. It's probably snacking and restaurant food that gets a lot of people.

Yes, people just can't tolerate the idea that they might be hungry for an hour or two before their next meal.

Lol wat, make a fucking salad. They're quick, easy, delicious and healthy if not drenched in ranch.

I have a progress post in my history. What's funny is that this is the second time in a month or two that someone has doxxed themselves to me just because I was making fun of them. Some people are just very sensitive.

I'm not sifting through all your postings on /r/drama

C'mon, it's some good shit. Anyway, I made a post because I was a skinny fuck in college at 135 lbs at 5'11". I was never proud of being skinny (because that's not something to be proud of), so I started lifting weights and I'm at 175 now. So now I make fun of skinnies that make fun of fats because skinnies are usually weak af.

I've publicly stated I'm a manlet, nothing new about that.

Just goofing

I'm trying lose weight right now

I wish you the best in your journey!

It kinda boggles my mind how I'm only like 6 inches taller than you but at one point you were literally almost 100 pounds lighter than what in at now

But yeah, it's surprising what getting a bit of tone and lean muscle mass does to your self confidence

And you just feel a lot better

good luck man!

Ditto, I've lost 53 pounds since the 20th of December.

I wish I had tried keto sooner but I thought it'd be a nightmare for someone who would eat potatos and pasta every chance they got.

Turns out after getting the carbs out of my system I started feeling better than I have in years and my constant headaches/indigestion disappeared.

Good on you buddy. I hope you went buckwild on the 19th.

Fat is the new no shower no shave hippy culture bullshit. No one chooses to smell bad.

They think its the law of thermodynamics but the stomach is not an engine. The acid breaks down food for nutrients, its not firing it for fuel. The law literally does not apply to the stomach or the rest of the digestion system. if it did, we wouldnt shit. we would dump ash.

CICO weight loss only works for some people because restricting nutrients makes them lose weight. Others? their insulin goes to shit, sugar cravings go throough the roof and their body would be able to suck glucose from a stone if they swallowed one. Cue fatigue, mind fog, depression, insulin resistance. And some FPH asshole on reddit will just tell them they're not trying hard enough.

Dietary science concerning obesity and diabetes is moving away from CICO to carb/protein/fat ratios for a reason.

LOL, STFU fatty.

It's pasta fam

Lay off the carbs!

Pasta is what got you into this message

into this mass


I like where the dude basically tells people who get off on being nice to go fuck themselves and that they're failures.

Harsh truths.

Place your bets, place your bets folks, who flaired this post? /u/Hahapointsatyou or the field?

Nope wasn't me. I don't do nearly as much around here as you little weasels seem to think. Happy to take credit for it though. (:

help SRD said something I disagree with

Mods white-knighting for srd again, smh.

Nobody chooses to be fat.

Everyone who is fat chose it. Everyone who is skinny chose it.

Will the thyroid problems away. The body has ways of shutting fat down. There's no such thing as legitimate obesity.

Thyroid problems almost never account for more than 100 calories per day.

They account for being so fucked in the head that they think it's a good idea.

this tbh my hypothyroidism is kinda severe (150+ micrograms of thyroxine) and im not remotely fat cause i have a minimum of self control

Not defending fatties but...That is about 11 pounds a year. Not an insignificant amount.

Its an hour or 2 of exercise a week or 1 less soda every other day.

Yep. Or it's none of that without doing anything. Just hashtag sayin.

I agree but I don't think that's a helpful way of putting it. As a former fat person who lost 70lbs and kept it off I can tell you that the power of denial is strong. u/polinvictusrisen put it well with "Nobody chooses to be fat, a lot of people just choose to eat an entire large pizza every night". It sounds ridiculous but that is the truth and people genuinely convince themselves that there is no connection between those two things.

I think it's because human beings are bad at long feedback loops. People couldn't ignore climate change if it increased 1 degree a day but because it's 1 degree a century there's room for denial. There are millions of smokers but no one who likes to put their hand on hot stoves even though the former is more lethal. And if eating that pizza immediately added an inch to your waist I don't think there would be nearly as many fat people

Everyone who is fat chose it.


Everyone who is skinny chose it.

Kinda, I have a family member who is a bit underweight and "skinny fat". No exercise at all, but no appetite either. Eats once a day and he's always been like that since he was a toddler.

So he chose it. Hes not fit, but he doesnt eat too much so hes not fat...

Didn't choose is utter lack of appetite.

He chooses to eat less. Not sure what you are missing.

His choice has no physical desire behind it, its like choosing not to hit yourself with a hammer. No actual thought goes into "I'm going to be skinny", he didn't choose to be skinny.

He could choose to eat more. He doesn't. He is choosing to be skinny despite what appears to be limited effort on his end.

But since we are being technical here, he is making no choice to be skinny, his natural physiology is what is driving him to not eat more and the side effect is being skinny.

I choose to be skinny because my appetite would put me close to 300 lbs, so I gotta do all that fun tracking to eat a healthy amount for my size. Thats a choice to be skinny.

No we aren't being technical - every day he chooses how much he eats. It just so happens to be near his maintenance level in regards to calories. Crediting natural physiology while saying he doesn't eat much is incorrect - he chooses to not eat near his maintenance level, so he chooses to be to skinny.

every day he chooses how much he eats.

There is no conscious thought in his choice, so he does not choose to be skinny.

He still chooses it - it just doesn't require much effort on his end compared to some.

He could choose to eat more. I don't see why you don't understand this.

He doesn't choose to be skinny, thats what you said, he's body psychology keeps him from eating, but no choice to be skinny is made. Skinny is not part of the equation. If he looked in the mirror and said "damn I'm too skinny, I should eat more" and then didn't eat, he was choosing to be skinny. I'm failing to see why this is hard to see myself.

body psychology? You mean made up shit for 500 alec.

Appetite. Let's not get all pedantic since you are wrong.

appetite is 100 a choice....

appetite is 100 a choice....

Meet leptin and ghrelin. Leptin makes you less hungry, ghrelin makes you hungry. You don't choose the leptin/ghrelin life, they choose you.

Being I'm rather healthy BF% and on a cut so that women younger than me want to fuck me next month, my leptin is telling me EAT MORE MOTHER FUCKER, so is my ghrelin. I'm choosing to ignore them, because they are bastards.

You damn right you are. Thats a choice. . . just like EVERYONE's 'appetite' or 'muh genetics' as fat people call them

wait so youre saying, shockingly, that if youre fucked up in the head you are more likely to be obese?

well no shit sherlock. feel free to blame the drugs instead of taking accountability

It's difficult to actually discern your point in the midst of all the sarcasm.

Psychosis => anti-psychotic medication => obesity

Are we clear on that? So unless you actually blame psychotics for their own psychosis, I can't see how obesity can legitimately be described as resulting from personal choice, in that particular situation.

i kinda do blame them for it...

How? It's neurochemical..

Honestly, unless you fucked yourself up with drugs or something, but even then there's a lot of evidence pointing to the psychosis causing the drugs which then exacerbate the psychosis.

Lel, that flair.

Of all the things that SRD takes personally and gets very upset about, its being 'mean' to fat people.

I'm assuming this is because the denizens of SRD are fucking death fat butter-golems, endlessly licking the Doritos dust of their fat fingers.

Feminism is still #1.

#2? Daring to suggest communist countries killed as many as Nazis.

Just follow mizmoose's comments. She is a morbidly obese middle aged woman that loves negareddit and runs multiple HAES subs. She pushes junk science ALL the time.

ah, these butthurt mods and their butthurt SRS flairs.

Unless you're still young and don't have any control over your life and your diet, you definetely choose to be fat.

unrealistic body ideals

not being obese

food deserts

still falling for this meme