Twitter drama when one guy asks if others would accept a gay son. After hitting on and being rejected by multiple women, the OP proceeds to destroy CURRENT YEAR users. ""it's 2017" is not an argument for anything" "sorry but I ain't accepting a son that's taking a dick up his ass"

26  2017-02-14 by LLAXIS


I would love him no matter what

Stop projecting


I agree. DM me.

In what universe would this have worked.

Yo wtf I'm blocked by Emily Sears? I didn't even know who she was until now reading your post. Smh fam

You didnt knew Emily Sears?

I would probably give a leg for one night with her 😔

Maybe I'm easy to please as long as my future kid gets an education including going to college so whatever they choose to do after they at a minimum have something to fall back on. And a job when their old enough. Idk how they choose to dress as long as they're meeting those other non negotiable expectations.

I just watched someone literally get their fucking head blown off in that tweet thread. If y'all don't wanna see that (or do, I'm not judging), it's the "sensitive material" tweet about 3/4ths the way down

Jesus that's brutal. But hey video evidence makes convicting a cake walk.

That's why its being recorded on a different phone. It's a cheap way to confuse and ruin metadata. Even if they trace it back to the person who uploaded the video, all they have to say is that they were outside of the 7-11 and a guy showed him the video and he recorded it to show someone else.

all they have to say is that they were outside of the 7-11 and a guy showed him the video and he recorded it to show someone else.

I'm sure the police would be like, "oh well, carry on, good sir."

No, they'd still investigate it, but it would make it harder to obtain a conviction. It's a redneck work around. They just want to get rid of the geotagging and other data that would directly link them to being at the scene of the crime.

They're just being edgy. The full size vid is on bestgore. I can't be arsed to find the name.

Jesus Christ, wish I'd read this comment before I clicked that shit. Usually, "sensitive material" is like some titties or a dick or something, not a fucking snuff film.

I was so shocked I watched it like three times because I wasn't sure if it was real

I'm pretty sure that was real

Did you cum all three times?

twitter is a wonderful place

bears > twinks. Dudes bang dudes all the time, it's cool. It's only weird when you have a dude like OP'd pic where he might as well be a tranny (pls no bully all about boipossy).




























..😂😂😂 😂........😂 😂........😂 😂........😂 ..😂😂😂

You dropped this

Remember: Only old white men are homophobic.

Proud, intelligent young POC embody every progressive ideal, comrade.