Is liking lolis the same as pedophilia? /r/anime discusses

41  2017-02-15 by Kyom



Yes it is


( or it isnt but is still pathetic kys if u fap to that )

How the fuck can they say it's not pedophilia? It has little kids in it. God damn pedophiles

Nah man it's different because cartoons.

Dunno, ask Podesta and the comet pizza crew about their collection of pictures of half naked teenagers and kids. When I brought it up, I was told that's just high art that the rich collect. 😒

loli porn is the same as art

Photos of half naked teenagers is now art. TIL

Photos of half naked teenagers is now art. TIL

You're right, I forgot that they were just putting up dirty Polaroids of the neighborhood children during (((playtime))) and not expensive paintings bought at a gallery

TILthe legality of one's child porn pictures is determined by the selling price. If loli anime porn cost a lot more money, it would be considered high art then.

Who said anything about legality? Pretty sure both are legal fam

So if a loli drawing was hung in a gallery, it's now art and then ok to hang in your living room?

I sure as fuck wouldn't but high society types aren't gonna bat an eye at anything that would be considered expensive and artsy

It's true omg. When I was a teenager my step mom went into this weird store that sold like "potions" and witchy stuff and she had professionally done pictures of naked kids hanging up. But it was OK because it was "art".

So if loli porn gets put in a gallery it is, all of a sudden, okay to hang in my living room?

The elites live by different rules. Same as it ever was.

Considering it's legal in the U.S. (afaik) there's nothing stopping you from hanging it in your living room right now

There's a difference between "legal" and "not going to shock everyone who walks into my den"

Well yeah, there's a big difference between high society types who wouldn't bat an eye and your wife and her boyfriend

Steve probably wouldn't give a shit. He's a Muslim and they love their child wives

I don't think Muslims are into weeb stuff but who knows

I'm pretty anyone who walks into your den by mistake will be too distracted by the stench of moldy cum

No it doesn't. Drawings are not children.

They look like children Mr. Pedoman

Yeah. But they aren't.

Then why not jack off to soneone who looks older than 5?

Oh, I'm not arguing that people who are into loli are probably pedos. I'm arguing that loli isn't child porn.

Yeah its not hard to understand

See also

Fair point. I have a relevant reading that may also be of interest. See also

They're the gateway drug, it's still extremely gross and I say a good 99% of people who say the "It's not reeeeealll though" would actually rape a child if given the chance.

Have you considered working at a movie theater? You're an excellent projector.

So you have a N of "I think"? Nice scientific rigor

Found the pedo

But that's clearly a pipe. The guy who captioned it was probably blind or something.

Anime was a mistake.


so were white people

White people like anime, it's only natural for birds of a feather to fuck up together.

That bloody yakub, amirite?


japan was a mistake, clearly shouldn't have stopped at 2

I can understand on some very, <i>very</> fucked up level that lolis aren't real and there's "no harm in it", but it's really the thought behind being attracted to children, real or not that's the problem.

TL;DR ya'll niggas need Jesus.

It's ok, she's really a 10,000 year old dragon, she is just stuck in a nine year-old's body!

Wouldn't they technically be furries then?

Furries, loli, anime ....

Is all the same thing


Can we go back when degeneracy was drinking, doing drugs, fucking whores, banging dudes? that was a fun time. That was a fun degeneracy.

You can do both kinds of degeneracy though

They just say it as an excuse, I guarentee they would fuck a child if given the chance.

Just playing Devils advocate here, but what exactly about being attracted to children is the problem? Assuming a person never acts on those desires. (Im expecting a meta thread to be posted on this sub almost immediately)

I mean, just playing Devils advocate here, but what exactly is the problem with being attracted to children? Assuming the pedo doesn't act on his/her desires. (I'm expecting a meta thread to be made on the subreddit soon)

Doesn't even matter if it is pedophilia, anime is pure degeneracy.

Pedophiles are straight-up chads compared to people who jerk off to cartoons.

The post is gone. Too bad it wasn't snapshotted.

u/snapshillbot for shame fam


Firefox says ceddit fucked up their website and won't let it load. Weird.

I fear for what our virtual reality sex suits in the future will be used for.

jfc I never thought about that

The internet was a mistake

There was a fair bit of drama about it in SRD too, the thread got locked. I may have had something to do with it.

When are you going to commit suicide?

September 23rd this year, why do you ask?

BTW, kill all pedophiles

flair on point

Hurry up we need one less pedo alive

When people here tell you that you're funny, they're laughing at you, not with you, you know that, right?

You know that literally no one will miss you at your funeral right? The state will have to pay for it and the vicar will rush the words before hurrying up to get a warm meal from his wife. Have fun dying.

Gee, you sound really upset. Do you want to talk about it?

I don't talk to crippling alcoholics. You should be imbedded with a tracker so people can tell when you're driving just in case you've snuck a bottle in the car. Either that or dragged into a desert and shot. You know what they say: a leopard can't change it's spots


Why do you think anyone says he's funny?

is liking lolis the same a pedophilia?


But lolis don't smell like sticky

Is this English

All children smell like sticky and yick

Shoulda dropped more than two.

If by "liking," they mean "wanting to fuck them," then it is absolutely the same as pedophilia.

Hey, nothing shameful about admitting your problem. Just castrate yourself. I heard there is a surgery to cure pedophilia, just do everybody a favor and do it.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with fucking kids.


Oh dammit, I phrased that poorly. I didn't mean that as in the verb, like "having sex with kids is fine." I meant it as an adjective. Like "There's absolutely nothing wrong with fucking margarine. Butter fanatics are annoying." Or "My fucking car is a pile of shit."

Anyone who is into Asian chicks is a pedoiphile. They look like little boys. Real women have curves.

They look like little boys.

Shota4lyfe y'all


Ravioli ravioli don't lewd the dragon loli

Where the fuck is that from and is that seriously unedited?

Do you mean the kanna cop pic

/r/animemes has been in a civil war over lewding kanna the past few days

Brun yaoi isn't gay it's 2d I'm totally straight

i jerk off to traps but that doesnt mean im actually gay

therefore jerking to cartoon kids isnt wrong

Everyone of these "people" should be summarily executed