World's largest mangina commits epic felony virtue signaling on /r/TrollXChromosomes. Per usual for that sub, most sensical comment downvoted and argued with

39  2017-02-16 by DeepDickedHillybilly


Jews did this


  1. This Post -,*,,*

  2. Thread: DAE le men controlling wome... -,*,,*

  3. Poor soul stumbles into TrollX for ... -,*,,*

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This post really activated my protons

I am disappointed that txc has an abortion discussion 24 times a day and still has not reached a resolution that satisfies everyone.

It doesn't help that they don't even know what they're arguing with. They think that the only reason anyone wants to make abortion illegal is so they can exert control over women's bodies and laugh like a supervillain in their fortress of misogyny. That's never been the argument, so they're arguing with imaginary bad guys. They people they are arguing with do not exist. You're not gonna get a lot accomplished like that.

I'm surprised /u/CreampieQueen_69 isn't a porn account.

It is, arguing with feminists is how he gets off.

behold my querulous quim

Interesting flair.

I'm going to guess it's a dickheaded way to say inquisitive


I'm a 29 year old woman, but nice try I guess!

So how did you get into a love of cream pies?

I made the name on Twitch to troll a friend of mine in her chat & the name was so hilarious, it just stuck! :)

Wow. It's 2017. Women really are funny! XD

Why are you such a fascist and advocate fascist policies such as people not to be excluded from voting based on arbitrary characteristics they had no control over?

Honestly, I admit I'm wrong. I think we should also create registry of homosexuals. That fits in with restricting voting rights, right?.

We can call it the Gaydabase.

Can dirty Macedonian scum please not comment on this subreddit.


Macedonia is not Greek, smelly barbarian.

Happened about a year after we created the subreddit, sadly.

I don't remember it getting really bad until TwoX went default and the bitters invaded.

Remember when users sent themselves threats and hate mail to try and get it undefaulted? That was good drama.

This is one of my all time favourite dramas. Up there with the time that SRD regular got so mad in an argument with someone that he deleted his entire account. If someone can like me to that one I'll be so grateful

Which srd regular

I can't remember but they were well known at the time and featured here a few times. In the argument they kept saying they weren't mad even though it was obvious they were. They got downvoted and then just deleted their whole account. It was linked here and I'm pretty sure it was a regular here that was arguing with them. Happened about 2 years ago, maybe more

I, for one, am shocked that a sub where the epitome of humor is typing "PERIOD SHITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" did not evolve into a hub of intellectual feminism

I know! Right?! :P

I'm a 29 year old


That's some FOX NEWS/Brietbart level right there lmao

"Reactionary" used wrong, again.

Where's my vote on whether men can have vasectomies?

You can? If someone brought up an issue with vasectomies then everyone who can vote (or vote for their representatives) would be able to.

Ah, is that the crack of a whip I hear?

Giving women the vote was a mistake.

Isn't virtue signalling just what altreichers call "empathy"?

You got your scare quotes mixed. It should be

Isn't "virtue signalling" what altreichers call empathy?

Where's my vote on whether men can have vasectomies?

Go make a fucking petition about it, you idiot. Have you ever voted on anything?


The fact that she thinks abortion and vasectomies are equal suggests she's either twelve years old or has advanced down syndrome. She might have a point if tubal ligation was illegal or difficult to get, but hey, it's not.

She might have a point if tubal ligation was illegal or difficult to get, but hey, it's not.

It's actually required by law to be fully covered by insurance with no copay or deductable, unlike vasectomies which have been on the list of things they explicitly won't cover anything to do with on any plans I've looked at, and a lot of doctors refuse to even do vasectomies without written consent from the guy's wife, which isn't something I've ever heard of happening to women getting tubal ligations or abortions.

I'm still trying to figure out why anybody besides the person having it done gets a vote on it. We don't have a whole bunch of laws stopping people or forcing people to donate kidneys.

Uh, try getting $1000 in return for "donating" your kidney and see what happens..

/u/CreampieQueen_69, spitting some hot fire.

Tons and tons of dogshit analogies in that thread.

The solution to the abortion debate is for absolutely everyone to be sterilised, forever ending the need for abortion.


Dear people who use the LMAO HAHAHA bullshit when someone disagrees:

it makes your argument look weak and based on belligerence instead of reason. The linked comment is extremely reasonable, but they do a good job of hiding it.

bro, making fun of eight year olds is poor form