Felix "PewDiePie" Kjelburg finally responds to the allegations that he is the reincarnated form of Hitler.

137  2017-02-16 by Cleverly_Clearly


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Also some good drama in the thread on /r/videos.

Thanks mate.

So he denies being the reincarnation of Hitler, but admits he's actually a clone.

It's just a joke guys. I didn't mean it.

It literally is though

There is "joking" ( see /pol/, r/T_D ) and joking, like he is.

If you want to tell jokes about killing jews do it in a comedy club or do it amongst friends in private. When Disney is paying you a fortune to market their shit to a wide audience maybe keep the "gas the kikes" jokes to yourself. His audience is fucking 12 year olds. If I go to a comedy club and see jokes about hitler I'm not going to complain but if my son's daycare is telling him oven jokes I'm going to be pissed. No matter which way you swing it you shouldn't be making these jokes to 12 year olds and anyone who does is slimy as fuck. They're not mature enough to differentiate what's appropriate.

I'm stealing that pasta

He plays hyper violent video games. He got big doing a lot of horror games. Like extreme gore and nudity and profanity. If your kids is watching his channel, and this is how you find out there is mature themes on his channel, then you're a failure as a parent and it's way to late to be flipping about him being the problem.

we can at least agree that if you're being paid a lot of money by a company that is family-friendly and has apocryphal ties to Antisemitism, it's pretty goddamn stupid to make jew jokes

true, but that's only a concern if he's dead set on keeping his contract with disney.

if you watch the video he seems more concerned with the media slander than with him losing his ties with disney. I don't think he even mentions disney tbh.

what's the point of buying your kid an ipad if you still have to do the hard work of raising them?

I just wish the internet could be scrubbed clean of offensive content so that I could go back to day drinking and ignoring my kids.

You're a genuinely shitty parent.

If you want to tell jokes about killing jews

not what he did, famalamadingdong

Well it wasn't a particularly funny joke if that's what you mean but I'm sure he still meant it as a joke.

I think he meant that the "Kill all the jews" joke was not the joke itself, but part of a video he made on some website where you pay people to say stuff, and the idea was "People will say anything for 5 dollars."

The idea itself was bad and got the guys who did it in trouble (they had no idea what they were saying.) he admitted it was bad, but the whole point was that it was something horrible to say and how dumb the website was.

what he actually did was offer $5 to say "kill all jews! subscribe to KEEMSTAR"

no it wasn't a joke about killing jews, ya dingaling

this is just ignorance to the circumstances. Disney doesnt sponsor him, pewdiepie doesnt advertise their products. Disney owns maker studious, a studio partnered with multiple youtube stars including idubbbz, someone who has no issue saying nigger, faggot, cunt, etc. The only reason they dropped pewdiepie was pressure from the media. Nobody was outraged when the video came out

his audience also isnt 12 year olds that come for the family friendly content. His channel isn't a network for kids, that's obvious. He's made edgy and generally R rated jokes for years now. Do 12 year olds watch filthy frank and idubbbz? Probably. Should they start censoring themselves ? Nope

so did you not actually read about why this happened or

Dude makes millions of dollars a month, he doesn't give a fuck, he'll do whatever he wants. Fag.

Hi you're a fucking idiot.

When Disney is paying you a fortune to market their shit to a wide audience maybe keep the "gas the kikes" jokes to yourself.

Disney wasn't paying him to market their shit? He was paying Disney 20% of his earnings in order to get the benefits of being in an MCN.

I thought /pol/ was more LARPing than joking.

joking implies being funny

That dig on those "journalists" was pretty good. Imagine being at WSJ and your job is to wade through a Youtubers channel to find things to take out of context.

Totally out of context, he was only post-ironically being the reincarnation of Hitler.

So he is actually a Nazi? I find that hard to believe. I also don't give a fuck, but the fact that WSJ did enough to make an article about it would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic.

He's not a nazi. Just your typical low effort edgy meme spouter. Given the scope and impact of his videos it doesn't seem pathetic to be covering them though I will admit I'd probably kill myself if I ever ended up in a career where watching tween YouTube was required.

I don't know. Seems pretty Nazi-ish looking in that thumbnail. And we all know you have to judge a book by it's cover.

If pewdiepie is edgy then that word has lost all meaning. Anthony Jeselnik is edgy, because his punch lines rely almost entirely on the fact that they're undeniably offensive and shocking. If you take away the edge they're literally no longer jokes. The youtube swede is just a guy who makes mediocre jokes, some of which happen to mention Hitler. In their proper context most of them are not even intended to be offensive or shocking.

Issue is PewDiePie has an audience who's average age is something like 10

You should kys either way

Kill Yourself, Simple, Stupid.

yeah you'd probably kill yourself after the first 17 million dollars year. and in your will you would donate everything to NAMBLA, you dog

The Nazi imagery was actually used to make fun of articles like that, in both the sense that he was using it to call them Nazis and poke fun at the fact that he had already been labeled a racist before. The kill all jews thing also included " subscribe to keemstar", which was making fun of the fact that keem had been caught saying some racist stuff on streams.

Anything look like Hitler = Hitler good

I'm smart

Imagine being at WSJ and your job is to wade through a Youtubers channel to find things to take out of context.

Beats the job of some guy in NSA who has to listen you your phone calls and read your emails.

I heard an interview with one of them saying no one could actually consider Felix to be an anti semite. Despite his actual article saying otherwise

He and Ethan from h3h3 are good friends, Ethan even made a video defending pewdiepie so I think it's pretty safe to say he is not an anti semite.

Oh I know he isn't. Just stating how dumb the wsj people are.

That sounds like the classic "I can't be racist because I have a black friend" argument

No it doesn't. It sounds like "I am not racist because my black friend is supporting me in what I do."

nice try im not about to start watching pewdiepie now

One day my mom was like, "You're on the internet. Who is this Pewdiepie? and I was like, "Fuck if know."

Didn't care then, don't care now. Dude cries about "main stream media" and is taking a cue from Donjald Trimp (alternative-Swedish for the word "President"). PDP also have stupid tattoos. I thought Swedes were good at design.

His name is also Felix. Coincidence? I think not.

Yeah Trump also thinks the Earth is round guess you're a flat-earther now

Yeah, there were people in KiA talking about how they are fans of his now. Between them and ghazi whoever manages to convince the other that breathing is SJW/Anti-SJW is going to win.

We need Milo to endorse oxygen and healthy eating.

I believe the meme-phrasing y'all are looking for is "wtf i love pewdiepie now".

man looks very aryan

A fine specimen.

but he's white

youtube comments

Anyone else notice how WSJ is a acronym for SJW?

truly the greatest minds our universe has to offer

Greentexting outside of 4chan?

Yeah. About that.

tbqhwyf, stop using your retirement home internets to complain about people not using decade-old 4-chan meme quotes.

lol brojob


Blonde hair

Blue eyes


Fucking over at least one Italian



This makes me violently angry.

What a whiny bitch: "boo hoo, the media is mean to me, they only care about the money, they don't recognize me for my genius of being able to talk in an annoying voice and play vidya poorly at the same time!"

, they don't recognize me for my genius of being able to talk in an annoying voice and play vidya poorly at the same time!

Funny how people always try to demean what Pewdiepie and other similar personalities do. I wonder what it is. Jealousy? Ignorance?

Yes, he does stupid shit. And he became very successful catering to his particular audience. It's stupid to think that he has no talent.

You might as well hate on toy companies for catering to children.

Yes, he does stupid shit. And he became very successful catering to his particular audience. It's stupid to think that he has no talent.

He appeals to the same people who comment on YouTube videos.

Need I repeat myself?

Not really sure what your point is? I didn't say you had to like what he did. Again, it's the same as people making toys for kids. They found a market, and are catering to it.

He knows he can get views if he acts like a fool and he takes advantage of that, and has managed to become one of the biggest internet personalities as a result.

He's happy making millions off his work, his audience is happy getting videos that they want, and for people that don't find his videos appealing, well, literally nothing is forcing them to watch his channel. I'm really not sure what the problem is.


No, but you could explain yourself.

Can he finish two sentences into a row without a cut? Or even half a sentence all the time?

I just wish him and his gf made a sextape since they both speak broken english and that would be interesting to listen to.

she probably screams like a fucking banshee. i hate her voice so much

His English counts as "broken"? ...fuck.

Huh? His English is almost perfect, I don't know about his girlfriend.

Disney doesn't give a shit about idubbbz just yet because that dude is far smaller. Pewdiepie was heavily promoted, when he moved to 'edgier' material it was just a matter of time before he took some hits. (also... hasn't he faded a bit from his peak view numbers?)

This could just be an excuse to dump an expensive talent at an opportune moment

After the hitpoints, his subscriber per day increased 10x.

hey youre telling me the media is hilariously shit and makes shit up about people being nazis/sexist/racist/whatever for clickbait because they have no morals whatsoever?

wow thats news to me!

sorry i cant help myself


No excuse for getting it this wrong.

people could have some real fun by turning pewds into a hate symbol like they did with ben garrison and pepe. you could essentially destroy his career with memes. he pretty looks like one of those people you see (totally not gay and brown) neo nazis posting for "white beauty" shit. some fake quotes and photoshop could go a long way.




the best part would be that he would probably quit if it gets bad enough. he's already starting to buckle under this pressure and i couldn't see him lasting under that shitstorm. or, hell, he could lose his fucking mind and play along with it. either way the resulting events would be very entertaining.

You're quite a sadistic individual if you believe watching a self made man getting wrongfully targeted is entertaining.

entertaining from their perspective

You are like Donald Trump, The media is against you

The comments on youtube are absolute shit.

The comments on youtube are absolutely correct.

The comments on youtube any media platform whatsoever are absolute shit.

Including this one.

Took me way too long to realize Drama was an offshoot of SRS.

Really? The prospect of the extermination of white people is the only thing holding this sub together.

mayocide now

I actually still don't know now. The comments were sometimes off putting. Like if there's drama on a subreddit I go to the comments are just saying everyone there is an overweight unfunny white child. And they're right.

Rly makes u think huh

Let me first start off by saying I see myself a liberal. I supported Clinton this past election. I knew the left was bad, but I thought you guys were so much worse. After Trump won, I saw how my fellow lefties act. I saw them verbally attack a Hispanic friend of mine who supports Trump, I saw them riot and lift the taboo on political violence. These people will not change. The smears on Pewdiepie was the last straw. These people are authoritarian. I may disagree with you all on many issues, but these people MUST lose. You've got my support.

I, for one, welcome our retarded gay Swedish YouTube mongoloid as our fascist overlord.

The smears on Pewdiepie was the last straw.


  • murder over 100 million people in the last century alone

  • openly declare their intent to murder even more when they take power

  • created the Beatles and abstract expressionist paintings using cultural marxism in order to destroy the nuclear family

  • openly declare their opposition to free speech, esp. in video games, esp. as it relates to boob size

  • regularly molest children in pizza shops

  • wants American families to adopt isis terrorists into their homes

  • thinks doctors should be forced at gunpoint to work for free because "everyone has a right to health care"

  • offered as an alternative to Trump first a known Jewish Communist, and then a career criminal and child sex trafficker

  • murder over 100 million people in the last century alone

  • openly declare their intent to murder even more when they take power

The smears on Pewdiepie was the last straw.


Who are "these people"? I swear to god i am getting tired of people talking about liberals (and conservatives) like they are some hive-mind entity and everyone is responsible for everyone's actions. Just stick to your own beliefs

Issa joke (i.e copypasta I found on T_D)

haha ok good

((((((((these people))))))))

can't tell if serious or not

You need to go back

[[[sharia blue]]]

Which free mind will the next victim of the LITERALLY HITLER smear campaign.


Personally I think he should lawyer up and sue WSJ for Libel Defamation of character. Especially if they have posted stuff out of context.

dawg a single fucking swede is battling one of the most respected newspapers in america (and doing a great fucking job). terrorists win.

Silly pewdiepie, you broke the (((one rule))) of entertainment.