PewDiePie half-heartedly apologizes, calls media “motherfuckers”

0  2017-02-17 by homepregnancykit


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Didn't read through the entire thread, but its a far more interesting link than the horseshit OP posted.


Sucks for him that they picked up on it but can't really feel bad. He's still rich, and if he wanted to keep his contracts with say Disney he would have been more careful. I mean did he really think companies like Disney wouldn't be pissed? Even their adult stars are known to be signed to some pretty strict contracts, they don't like controversy just dollars.

sign to company known for entertaining children with fun movies

act like a nazi

pull the 'lol I was just pretending to be retarded' card

get sympathy

step 2 never happened

Good luck convincing them they're wrong about anything at all.

I believe he actually had ties to a studio owned by Disney, not to the Disney brand itself. For context Disney owns a lot of shit, including ABC, ESPN, A&E and a bunch of other stuff. I believe they even own some of Vice Media.

Obviously the people associated with the above mentioned media outlets have a ton more freedom than the kids on the Disney channel.

Oh the irony. The motherfucker calls the media motherfuckers. There's a special place in hell for you, PewDiePie.

Can you point on the doll where Mr. Kjellberg touched you?

I need some rope first. That way I can tie both you and Felix Kjllyourself nooses.

Idk what the point of this account is, but I have to tell you, after looking through your one hour long post history, you're entertaining at least one person.

Granted that's like 50 million fewer people than PewDiePie, but it's a start.






PewDiePie crafted his own little insular personal bubble where he became became ingrown and infected. The bubble popped. He's an oversensitive crybaby

Pretty sure the oversensitive crybabies are the ones getting bent out of shape because he paid guys to hold up a sign saying kill all jews.

The joke wasn't even "haha I wish death upon all jews jk guys not really" it was "these guys will say anything for 5 dollars"

peep dis oversenitive crybaby fam

You white people are such fucking sissies.

mayocide NOW!

Yeah he doesn't have anything to apologize for honestly.

it was even less than that, it was "these guys will say anything for five dollars, also Keemstar's an antisemite"

I am yet to see someone give me a good reason to hate the guy that isnt irrational

I dont hate him. I just dont have sympathy for him, since he and his hubris are solely responsible for the problem he has now, and the over offended crybullies who are whinging and mewling now in his defense are pathetuc.

friend what is going on in your life for you to be this cold?

I'm pretty sure this guy is just dead on the inside.

I mean he's a literal clown. He acts wacky in order to entertain children. But unlike a normal clown he never turns it off. Not ever. Every emotion he expresses and every opinion that he has is crafted specifically so that a bunch of grade schoolers will give him their (parents') money. That has to wear on you.

its nice that you think only gradeschoolers watch him when actually his main audience is 16-25 years how would pewds say this: "try again motherfucker x)"

Of course, PewDiePie is famous now, which means he can never simply apologize for doing something wrong, so he continued his video by taking a page from another famous guy with a significant neo-Nazi following by attacking the media for reporting on the bad things that he did.

if Pewdiepie = Trump, because they both attack the media

and Trump = Hitler, because they're both fascists

then Pewdiepie = Hitler

but also, since Pewdiepie is a media figure himself

and AVClub attacked Pewdiepie

that means AVClub also attacked the media

and so AVClub = Trump

and Trump = Hitler

and thus AVClub = Hitler

In conclusion, we are all fascists on this blessed day. Which means Pewdiepie (secretly fascist) has actually won. I for one embrace our new Aryan Fuhrer.

Vinesauce is the primo tier best in streaming. Because all they do is stream trash and meme.