/r/surfing bans all user who have any wrongthink in their posting history

137  2017-02-17 by BannedFromImzy


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There's a difference between being someone I don't like and perpetuating beliefs that are truly disgusting.

"I'm not banning people I don't like. I'm banning people I really don't like." Seriously: There are no bright-line rules or even any examples provided; how on earth is someone supposed to avoid

participat[ing] in what we consider racism, sexism, xenophobia, or homophobia?

If CURRENT_YEAR has taught me anything, it's that the definition of all of those things is very much up for grabs. I'm pretty sure that conspicuous failure to <<<literally shake>>> at the mention of Donald Trump Voldemort's name now qualifies as at least 5 or 6 different -isms.


Fuckin' xenomorphs

Nuke it from orbit; only way to be sure?

Exterminatus is the only the way

Rods from God.




Those xenomorphs you know, I don't think less of them or anything, but it's against the sanctity of marriage to allow them to get married.

I was made a mod by violentacrez. Remember that guy?

That's the cp guy

I think he was more of a troll than a pedo, but that's beside the point.

Wait.. so does nuance have a place in that sub or not?


Only nuance about approved topics. Conveniently, the mod has decided not to post either a whitelist or blacklist (is they're OK with pedophilia apologia but not OK with Trump apologia).

Trumpfags hate cp. That means that we have to re-evaluate our stance on the issue.

pretty much sounds like a normal "we don't want nazis" post imo. i get that might be unfamiliar to r/drama faggots since they all suck off nazis and love their thick cocks, but most subreddits don't want to be a dumping ground for unironic cucks

Yeah this post is definitely leaning pretty heavily on the 'keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion' rule.

typical agendapost crutch smh


Against the wall, Nazi infiltrator.

love their thick cocks

who the fuck doesn't love thick cocks what are you a faggot

You talk about other men's cocks a lot....kys

wow could you be more homophobic

I could always hate fuck you...that would be pretty homophobic

For you.

I don't get why people here are sperging out about this. it's hilarious he's getting so many people to freak out and overreact to this just because of muh free speech. /u/dumbassthenes good job with this based response.

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u/dumbassthenes, u/noknockers, u/blackkettle, which one of you faggot, rug munching jews came up with this shit? And I say this as a bisexual jew.


which one of you faggot, rug munching jews came up with this shit? And I say this as a bisexual jew.

u/StuntBurrito, u/hedgebop, WAS IT YOU?!

It was me.

And I don't care what you do. You just can't do it in /r/surfing.

It's relevant to my identity as a bisexual, Jewish surfer on the North Queensland coast. Why are you trying to police my identity? Do you have a problem with my confidence as a bisexual Jew, for all the judgement that garners from my faith? I don't tell you to refrain from talking about how straight and white people are.

Should r/surfing not be the one place I am free and comfortable to be me?

If anyone should have been referred to as the alt-right it should have been the violent globalist Hilary supporters who nazily attacked Bernie supporters.

But then again I'm not retarded.




you should sell your surf board and buy a hug machine instead.

Do these come human sized.

Several therapy programs in the United States now use hug machines, effectively achieving general calming effects among both children and adults with autism.

seems so.

We should get one for our mod team!

You just can't do it in /r/surfing.

Clearly not because that post stated you'll ban people for what they say outside of r/surfing you literal idiot.

You're not a smart man...

Oh the drama! Too many fucktards in the water anyway. Time to thin out the line up.

Women shouldn't surf. Period blood attracts sharks.

Are you trolling ? You literally talk about how you call your dog a fag and that's okay but you'll ban people for shitposting in places you don't like

You should check out and review his podcast on iTunes.

What podcast?

How is life as a special snowflake?

You're retarded

you don't surf.

WRONG. U are banning people for their acts outside the sub. That's why everyone is attacking you. You are making a mistake. Just take back your bad idea and everything will go back to normal.

Careful kiddo, your edge isn't just showing, it's cutting everyone who reads your messages

You sound like a butt-hurt cry baby to be honest.

If I say that I am sexually atracted to aryan childs but not to black childs, I get a pass as a pedo but banned for racism?

Choke on your wifes strapon you pedo supporter cuck

To all the sad little losers who've decided to brigade this post: thank you for proving my point.

Cry harder, cry-baby. People are down-voting you because you're an insecure little cry baby, they aren't brigading you.

I hope you get eaten by a shark with a stomach full of box jellyfish that have aids.

The first half of your user name certainly applies!

Lol fuck you bitch

bisexual jew

Being a desperate sexless ugly loser who's willing to fuck anything that moves doesn't make you bisexual, fam.

it does make him a jew tho

He wrote "fuck", not "fuck over".

No, being a desperate sexless ugly loser who WANTS to fuck anything that moves does.

Stop. I'm getting hard.

Bby pls

Oh good, you finally got that viagra.

Oh good! You got that viagra you ordered! Now you and /u/dumbassthenes and /u/StuntBurrito can have that wild sexcapade you always wanted!

Oh good! You got that viagra you ordered! Now you and /u/dumbassthenes and /u/StuntBurrito can have that wild sexcapade you always wanted!

Oh lordy. 3edgy5me.

I like how he tries to make it sound "reasonable" but then everyone who literally only questioned "how does this belong here" was banned. What a tool.

Nazis get banned. Questioning the mods about what is a nazi means you're one.

"Let us show you how not-fascist we are by banning dissent and purging anyone guilty of wrong-think!"

Lol that is a very ableist thing to say.

if everybody had a surfboard

across the usa

then everybody'd be surfin

the donald's napalm waves

all over manhattan

to the san fran bay

cuz everybody's napalm surfin

surfin usa


Drama aside, the custom cursor for that sub is dope.

They got that right, even though it's a little 1997 to my taste.

The subreddit theme is itself pretty great too. I expected some more of the early 00's "X-treme" type of shit but the actual theme is great.

And so begins the downfall of another subreddit, once power-hungry SJW mods start using automoderator to secretly auto-censor and shadowban people from saying things they don't agree with or like, and use the little authority they have in their pathetic lives to try to control everyone in their pathetic subreddit and impose their delusional ideals.

Good. Fuck reddit.

Do you realize that before stormfront and pol made free speech on the internet a meme, almost all forums were strictly moderated, like even more strictly than the "SJWs" of today? You little chucklefucks who have reddit as babby's first forum don't realize how weird it is to see website admins let conservatards congregate on their site

Horseshit. There was strict banning for shitposting on forums like SA, but nothing close to the kind of political censorship you see today.

Conservative opinions themselves were considered shitposting (and rightfully so)

No sorry. I never hung out on DU like some kind of faggot.

that's the complete opposite of the truth.

I can only assume you're a kid who wasn't around before 2013.

Nope, you just have reddit as your babby's first forum. This "free speech platform" bullshit wasn't the norm, people just deleted even mild conservative viewpoints.

before the internet became all about social approval, marketing scams and video blogs, websites were dominated by left wing libertarians who loved open source and focussing on the content over the person. anonymity was the default, nobody wanted to know what fantastic gender you decided to be.

reddit's original claim to fame was it's voting and comment-tree system, far superior to linear BBS style forums.

the lack of censorship was a core principle from the beginning, but that was not what made reddit special. that was quite common at the time.

the whole echo chamber thing only became a big problem, when all the dumb people joined the internet, idiots who treat the online world as an extension of high school popularity contests.

what would there have been to delete anyway? there were almost no conservative views on reddit. under Bush (and early Obama) conservatives were mostly wrong. they were the stuck up religious fanatics, their weird obsession with sexuality, and censoring stuff because "moral decay" and "think of the children."

this is not true anymore.

now the political left are the weird ones, now they have the religion, now they have the weird obsession with sexuality, now they want to censor stuff because of the exact same bullshit reasons, only they use different buzzwords to say "moral decay" and "think of the children."

idiots who treat the online world as an extension of high school popularity contests.

How dare you besmirch the entire /r/drama mod team. POPULARITY IS LIFE!!!

Weren't BBSs tree-structured? Or was that a protocol extension whose introduction I don't remember?

if a forum had tree-structure, it was super slow to navigate.

... anything before the Internet and after the inception of offline clients was way faster than reddit.

You apparently had the wrong phone numbers...

Is this pasta

All shitlords should be fucking hung

I know I shouldn't be, but i'm surprised there's a surfing sub....you would think surfers would be too busy catching waves to waste their short, shark and skin cancer infested lives on Reddit.

I'd be surprised if more than 4% of that sub were actual surfers.

Shit me too and I'm a mod there.

What caused your sub to go fucking stupid? Just one mod or all the mods are wanna-be nazi's who have to ban people to get off?

Hey do your job! You have to ban everyone in this thread for thought crimes.

"I got the shark cancer bruh. Doc says I only got 420 minutes left to live. I'm going to spend it having autistic behavioral tics and spasms on the internet."

> u/dumbassthenes tries to jump the shark and lands in its mouth.

Hippies taking themselves too seriously.

His wife doms him so he doms the sub

He is also a pedo apologist. Sick mother fucker

What a vile cunt. Nothing worse than pedos and pedo apologists.

  • Someone makes a right wing post anyway or even criticizes him = banned

  • Pedo makes him mod = Lol he was just joking!

Ahh yes I don't know how one can joke about pedophilia...

I'm not even a Trump supporter and this continues to make me laugh

As an avid surfer, I'm glad you have shown up in this thread.

Should've promoted mayocide.

Every surfer I've met is a fucking idiot.

Well this totally doesn't enforce the "all surfers are retarded hippies" stereotype at all.......

He's got a great point, Sting.

this is where i must make a stand for the very survival of society depends on it

i, moderator of a shitty hobby subreddit am the last hope of humanity

Ask my wife, she'll vouch for that.

/u/dumbassthenes you say this like you own your wife and decide what she does and doesn't vouch for. This is v. problematic and misogynistic.

i'm reporting you for ableism and bullying


were you holding back tears while typing this or did you just let go?

/u/ferchomax seems calling you a retard hits close to home. How are things in special ed?

Better since i don't have to take care of such a problem child as you.

Ok real talk i just wanted to get the other dude banned and since they checked my post history i'm banned too for posting here or idk

I think everyone the mods notice, good or bad, gets banned from /r/surfing. Somebody is on their period or something.

I think you mean "surfing the crimson tide" bruh


Tears of laughter you mean im cool with the other dude it was a team effort for the ban

I hate to agree with limiting speech, but here we are, I'm doing it. This is why we can't have nice things. I think my friend put it best when he said, "GG Allin couldn't exist today, too many people would take it seriously. Real people would be arguing that murder should be legal and you needed to kill everything you fuck cause GG said so, those people would be fighting anyone who thought diffrent."

Whenever people try to push back against authoritarianism, just remember: WWPDIGGAWSAATTHLSASAMTLMETHMISWAANIDT (What Would People Do If GG Allin Was Still Alive And They Took His Lyrics Seriously And Started A Movement To Legalize Murder Even Though His Music Is Still Widely Available And Nobody Is Doing This).

I made a comment asking if being a member of GG was enough to get banned.

It was. rofl