[Developing Drama] /r/The_Donald user posts screenshot of chat proving Reddit is working with CTR shills. Admin /u/sodypop tries to Correct the Record in the comments.

95  2017-02-17 by BpshCo


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Is this gonna turn out fake like every other time they did this?

It doesn't really matter, they dont care if its fake or not.

The capital As kinda look like slices of pizza if you ask me. /u/sodypop confirmed pedo.

now now, only le sjws believe fake news. clearly you're just not red pilled yet

Are you ever funny or do you just bitch about nazis all day?

Real, fake, either way we're all gonna rub each others tiny little peckers over it.

There were other Slack leaks that were real (but didn't really contain anything massive). These ones are fake though.

i thought you love pushing fake shit on the ignorant masses though why call out this one when it confirms all of their wetdreams?

4D Jewish chess friendo, if I wanted to push something using fake evidence I'd get better fakes.

haha fair enough glad you have a standard of quality

How can you prove it fake or real in the first place?

"Sure, obviously this is fake. Whoever made this took screenshots of conversations out of context" - Sodapop

"...and inserted a bunch of bogus statements in order to stir up drama."

You know, in case you wanted the full sentence.

meta is fun.

Was it that difficult to select the entire line to copy paste? Especially the part that doesn't jive with the narrative you're pushing?


This is 110% real and heterosexual

Just like me!

We're at a point in history where real or fake doesn't matter.

Pizzagate confirmed! Looks like they ordered theirs with jalapenos.

So Mexican children?

What plebs, everyone knows ham and pineapple is the best topping choice

Omg it's so obvious, I can't believe we all fell for it. /s

this but unironically

/u/Stickrell, you absolute mongoloid

Oh look, the leftist drama sjw troll is here.

Hi reiman, I remember you, you got all butthurt and whiney over something I said a while back too.

you have an actual learning disorder

"wow look at how butthurt and whiney you are"


Why you gotta be so ableist, shitlord?

does your pa yell "roll tide" when you finish him?

Fucking LOL


u/sodypop, 3 questions, cuck:

NUMERO UNO.....At what point did you realize you were literally Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi???

NUMERO DUNO.....Whose dick tastes better, George Soros or David Brock's?????


/u/sodypop when are you gonna stop being a pussy and just delete their sub

/u/sodypop do it no balls

/u/sodypop, they only respect strength. Drop the ban hammer.

They clearly respect these kind of strong handed unilateral decisions /u/sodypop. I bet they'd give you mad respect if you did it.

woah, they also respect whining about people who don't know you personally insulting you (But only if you do it on twitter)

Cmon guys, that's not fair. You can't ban their sub. Where would the poor guys go? the fee fees of t_d might be hurt if they didn't have a safe space to coordinate their message from.

I mean it's not as bad as refugees that they want to ban, who are literally fighting for their lives, but you know.. Their feefees...

God those dumb rubes will happily believe anything posted by any sperg with a shred of photoshop skills as long as it proves those libruls are out to get them! Remember guys pizzagate is totally real too!



le donald makes me want to turn into a tankie/advocate eugenics tbbqhfam

Yeah, watching pedes makes me think that Hitler was right in some respects. Like, no bad tactics, only bad targets, but unironically.

Its sad what the internet does to you.



honestly if half the internet was just holocausted everything would be so much better

Only half?

The Halfocaust

/r/ hapas will finally realize they still can't get chicks, even with their white halves gassed

guess we'd be among the first to go though

It's not that, it's that turnabout is always fair play. It's not a good tactic, and it's not the target that makes it okay. It's that they used it first. And if you decide to play by some other, 'nicer' version of the rules than the one your opponent plays by, well, let me know how that works out for you. You people and your sandbox understanding of morality. You are children raised on the simplistic morality of saturday morning cartoons. You're not quite old enough to 'get' why life can't work that way. If someone tries to kill me, I'm trying to kill them right back, whether killing is wrong or not. And if someone wants to destroy my livelihood for my opinions, I will destroy them for theirs. It's not 'no bad tactics, just bad targets', it's Tit-for-tat, and that's an entirely different thing. It's the difference between self-defense and murder. They'll never stop until they get stung by this in a real way--until they are too terrified that they, too, might lose their jobs and careers to try to take any scalps of their own. That's how the world works. People don't do the right thing. They do what they think they can get away with. And if you sit there and take it like a fucking punk, they will never stop fucking you.

The internet in general is making be both a tankie and a nazi and a Pinochet an-cap libtard. The horseshoe theory is the only way forward in the current year.

memeshoe theory


Socially the horseshoe theory is true but not fiscally

Don't worry fam, I'll kill myself soon as that is how you get ahead in the current year.

The horseshoe theory is the only way forward in the current year.

But have you noticed that the people who swear by the horseshoe theory are generally more similar to the people who REEEEE at its very mention than they are to normal people.

Horseshoe within horseshoe? Shoeception!

i'm enjoying this extreme in fighting amongst you all. the race war just might turn out in our favor

Who is you all?

the eurasian alliance

i've seen many pixels in my time, so believe me when i declare this one to be:

  • shoop

  • troof

You're a fascist. You are on power trip and have nothing to offer the world. You came into this world a nobody and will leave it as nobody.

/u/littleriddle nothing like a delusional, right-wing fanatic throwing around a word that basically describes right-wing fanatical authoritarians.

Better than being a cuckold and raising your wife's kid. Enjoy your gene pool dying with you.

Nazis really do love their eugenics.

And fascism.

Suppressing speech with voilence and anyways possible is the fascist way. Look in the mirror. It's Trump supporters beating people and blocking access to events.

You're a moron

Explain. How am I a moron? Your three word sentence displays a large understanding of writing skills and wide array of vocabulary. /s


Grown ups use words. Sorry I didn't know you are a child.


use your brian moran

You can be more creative. Moron has been used once before

"I'm going to make more libel laws" "the entire media is fake news" "let's sue the wsj for calling pewdiepie an anti-semite" "this MEXICAN judge(who was born in Idaho) has no right to comment on trump university!"

Not to mention everyone who hasn't nimbly navigated a stick up their ass is instantly banned from that garbage subreddit.

So everyone of the people who voted for president Trump has a stick up their ass? I'm shocked you do not get along with more of them since Thor's hammer is stuck up yours.

Damn that some serious voter fraud. 150,000 subreddit members is trumps entire vote? That's more than 50 million illegal votes!

Closer to 400k but we all have our own cars and know how to do things without being bused in while having our handheld by our master.

"Unemployment is at 4.8% but nobody has any jobs!!!!!"

so what do you do for a living, whitewalker

Nah you guys just kill them. You know you're much more likely to commit terrorism than most other groups in America?

I'm sorry ya overheard that after I shagged yer nan m8. Didn't mean for ya to know yer nan regrets not drownin' ya as a baby in a pool m8. You must have had the basement door open, ya should close it when I come over, she gets loud m8.

The peaceful left wishing death to the ones who do not agree with them. How very sweet. Call me what you want. I choose to be faithful and in return I expect faithfulness. I did not force them to be with me and I won't force anyone to stay with me.

Retard, you're being trolled up and down this thread. Have an ounce of self awareness and do better next time.

Obviously. So I'm trolling back and not being triggered like the others.

lol your responses do not even remotely come off as trolling back

I'm getting them to say death to whitey. Hell one even went to use gas chamber on mayo alone people. I'm pretty sure that's the response I was looking for. What did they get from me that puts me in a bad light? Just someone talking about the species as a whole. Not dividing people into a group then wishing death to that group. All I have done is show the world your hate.

I'm getting them to say death to whitey. Hell one even went to use gas chamber on mayo skinned people. I'm pretty sure that's the response I was looking for.

Clever plan! Now you can parade this thread among mentally retarded people and they'll get angry.

Jfc dude you really are retarded, aren't you?

I'm not the one accepting a call for genocide as a joke. I'm not the one who thinks that it is ok to say something as horrific as using a gas chamber on a certain group is ok all in the name of joking. A) I do not know you so how do I know it is a joke? B) When does the joke become your reality? Insult and call me names all you want. In the end my words or my writing can not be used against me for wishing death to people. Everyone one of you will have defend your writing. Some may see it as a joke and others may just see the words and realize that a person that jokes like that may one day think that.

When does the joke become your reality?

Hey dipshit, reality is a joke already. Have you seen the President trying to talk words? At least Camacho can stay on topic for more than one sentence.

If you have a problem with any type of joke, you are a massive pussy.

you're a parrot

You're a faggot


eat shit

go suck a duck

Too late, I fucking love duck...

After Shaggin' yer nan m8

I'm getting them to say death to whitey.

Dude you could be talking about the weather and they'd be saying death to whitey. Nothing in this sub should ever be taken seriously.

By the way, it's finally getting above zero (on the commie scale) around here, and I'm pretty happy to see the ugly snow melting and gone.

Ya, over here in a place that doesn't suck so much, it's 74 and sunny.

I hate White snow so much tbh.

'Least it's not yellow snow tbqh

I'm getting them to say death to whitey.

yep that never happened here before today in this thread, it was all you

m8, yer blowup doll of Trump you shag every night does not have a choice.

you sound like you study the blade.

This is a white genocide sub. You're not welcome here, cumskin.

So you condone the death of a minority group? WOW that really tolerant of you. No wonder your side keeps on winning and growing. LOL

if they have white skin they need to kill themselves, dunno what you think is problematic about that

It's a little racist and hateful. What did I do to deserves death? What about the cancer researchers who want to save everyone no matter the skin color? What about the African couple in the U.K who gave birth to a blonde blue eye baby? What about the engineers working on space travel to truly free humans from being one disaster away from extinction? We are not doing things to save one race or gender. We work on these things to help advance the species.

If you can't see why you deserve death you're clearly a very ignorant person whitey

No more than any other person of any color. Why is ot that I deserve to die?

Being a paleface. Dude, this is simple stuff.

So just bc the color of my skin I deserve death? Why is that?

because of social justice what don't you get?

What injustice have I caused to need punishment?

Ugg boots.

Mayoskins get the gas

Hitler enjoyed the use of gas as well. Nice to see facist know their historically used tools.

You're using that word as if it's an insult lol.

Get out whitey

dude are you literally retarded

lol he reported you.

Imagine unironically calling someone a cuck.


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have you had sex before?

You're a fascist. You are on power trip and have nothing to offer the world. You came into this world a nobody and will leave it as nobody.

So much irony.

No one cares about all the neckbeards and fatlogics in The_Donald

Show the real screencap then bro 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 How the fuck can a screencap be real. Like what is he going to get it notarized? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Like notarized records mean anything to Trump supporters. Obama's birth records are horse shit but LOOK AT THIS 100% REAL SCREENCAP FROM LEGENDARY ANONYMOUS INTERNET SOURCE /u/FATCHODE420

I once truly thought SRS was a pathetic sub, but /r/The_Donald has clenched that mantle from the jaws of autism and poe.

Two things have come from this election:

A president that is worse than Hillary Clinton & a sub worse than SRS.

This is truly the best worst timeline

talking about censoring T_D for the sake of ad revenue

When it comes to ad revenue, even censoring T_D wouldn't help reddit, because no-one has ever heard of reddit.

they ripped him to pieces