College student with poor parents and 7 siblings asks /r/personalfinance for advice because he's in debt, behind on his rent, and overdrafted. Advice includes : ask your parents for money, make more money, go on welfare.

46  2017-02-17 by BannedFromImzy


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. This Post -,,,*

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This isn't about politics or social justice. Has someone hijacked your account?

I'm trying to diversify my sources of drama and avenues of trolling. I was in a loop these last days. But to be honest : social justice and politics were ripe fields these last months. But my next post will be Trump related I think.

Variety is the spice of life, I encourage you in this endeavor.

I still posted a Trump one but I think it's good. I'm working on something better though (there's something brewing between 3 subs of very unhinged people and I'm trying to fan the flames in every direction).

Do you have an estimate on when your next piece is going to be released? So I can set a reminder on my phone.

No idea. I'm waiting for things to get out of proportion and for everyone to sperg out (in the meantime, you can check /r/physical_removal, /r/weekendgunnit and /r/againsthatesubreddits).

I just tried it and my phone calendar doesn't have an input setting for "no idea", so this was less than helpful. If I miss this supposedly juicy drama I'm going to hold you personally responsible.

I refuse any responsibility for any of my words or actions, ever.

Damn, got me there...

Plus if anyone tries to hold me accountable, since I clearly do not consent to it, I'm pressing rape charges. Or at the very least yelling "rape" at the top of my lungs for 15 minutes.

My school made me pay for a dorm room I never saw the inside of.

I'm thinking this guy might not be college material.

It was a test. He didn't pass.

Not sure if you think it was or not, but that wasn't op, that was /u/acornsandcake who apparently doesn't know how to fill out forms or resolve issues on his own.

housing stayed off my bill even though waiver was denied.

You should pay attention next time a waiver is denied. It's very unlikely you didn't get a notification about it.

And like everyone else said, you should escalate your problem instead of just paying it and complaining on the internet if you don't think it was right.

Gonna start sending all my bills to that guy's address

Reeeeeeeeeeee everyone that says 700$ rent is waaaaaaay too pricey makes me fucking jelly

That's very emphatically not the reason Trump won. On the other hand, it sort of is.

In general? No. For a broke ass college kid from a poor family? Yeah. There are much cheaper options.

I mean after utilities I pay $500/month having one roommate, a walk-in closet and half-bath in my room, lots of counter space in my kitchen, a reasonably spacious bathroom, living room, and dining room. I live in Pittsburgh, though, which is pretty affordable.

well what else are they supposed to suggest? "have you considered selling organs on the black market?" "deal marijuana, make new friends and money at the same time!"

These could actually help him, so no way people over there would suggest that.

There was a whole process that happened when I saw your name, and I thought I'd share

  1. What the fuck is imzy?

  2. They want my email before i even see their site? That's fucking retarded. Suck a fake one.

  3. The Fempire is a default here? This should be rich.

0 comments, 0 comments, 1 comment, 0,0, 1, 1.

Sounds about right.

Imzy is a reddit alternative for special snowflakes. At one point, the "fempire" on reddit was encouraging everyone to go to Imzy.

They want to make it hard to participate in their website (to make bans stick). It used to be invite only. At some point they opened it to everyone.

So I started encouraging people to go to Imzy too (let's just say not in a fempire sub). I used the same account name on both reddit and Imzy on purpose. And saw my imzy account banned in less than 48 hours, while in the meantime never posting anything over there.

Then I wanted a new reddit account and being banned from Imzy was the last thing on my mind at the time.

Well, they have their safe space now. Their empty, empty safe space, where no one will ever disagree with them.

Oh no they manage to disagree. I remember someone having "gringo" in his username and someone turning it into a shitstorm about racism, cultural appropriation, and so on...

Last post was 5 months ago

Well that tells you how much action is going on over at Imzy.

I think there are others subs posting Imzy drama, but I can't remember their names. I tried /r/ImzyInAction at random and it fit the bill (but it's pretty inactive).

lol wut? There's a reverse voat?

That's what it boils down to. Just like voat it's barely active, and mostly complains about reddit.

Not paying $700 and living on your own is a more than reasonable suggestion.

If you're struggling that much then getting roommates or moving into a flatshare is the correct advice.

I like the kidney selling advice better.

No options like : win the lottery, find treasure, kill yourself (if white), marry old and rich person, etc. All of my advice is just as helpful if not moreso tbqh fam.

Prostitution is always the answer. Either become one, or beat one and make her give you money.

Yeah being a pimp seems more lucrative.

It's a different skillset. On the other hand that dude has 7 siblings, which would make a great starting stable for a pimp. It's a form of privilege.